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Everything posted by starky

  1. Ahhh Thai science. World leading, cutting edge, ground breaking. How well I remember their cure for aids, cure for cancer, on point home made covid vaccinations. Truly a wonder to behold. Having said that poy sian? Fxxxng miracle. In other news no a 40 year old vaccine may not be effective but there a monkeypox vaccine? The crossover between monkeypox and smallpox means that the prevention plan for them also matches up. According to the CDC, smallpox vaccines are up to 85% effective in preventing monkeypox.19 Aug 2022
  2. Yeah cherry picking data is always a go to on this forum. Generally within out reading all of the source material.
  3. starky

    Udon review

    The ducks always back for songkran
  4. Never had a flu vaccine in my life. Had 2 covids and forced to have a 3rd due to the nature of my industry. You wanna keep having covid vaccines every 6 months forever be my guest. I'll let my immune system have a crack. Cheers. And how was I moaning? Lol. You do think Pfizer, moderna et al have a vested interest in selling more vacs?
  5. Without going into it, many years ago I started the process and was told pr was not necessary though your point is certainly a valid one. I wonder further to that if at the time of the new legislation, if there are foreigners who weren't pr and had guns that had their licenses revoked. Had to turn in any firearms they possessed or if they got grandfathered in.
  6. And yet there are self delusional anonymous fools who think they have the ability to comment about people they know zero about.
  7. Except of course for the glaringly obvious fact that prior to yhe amendment you didnt need to be pr.
  8. Yes so as I said you basically need to be a Thai citizen. A foreigner can not register, purchase nor possess a firearm in Thailand. Example 1 applies to basically no one and is a very specific example not relating to the average foreigner living here. Example 2 applies mostly I assume to people bringing their own weapons into the country to compete. As for example 3 what percentage of foreigners in the Kingdom make PR or citizenship. So yeah you got me on the technicality but to say foreigners can get a gun license is guiding the lily. So for all intents and purposes I would state foreigners living in Thailand ain't able to get a gun license.
  9. Oh your a wag sparky. Clearly i meant twosomes threesomes et al. And i am offended that you would suggest i would accept anything less than 8. I am definitely not an any hole is a goal sort of guy. Quite the opposite ????.
  10. I would suggest a ladyboy bar. Might be a good start. Lots of Sukhumvit and Soi 6 in Pattaya would also be up there. All I do know from all the 2s and 3s I have done in Thailand is pick one and let them pick the rest. That is invariably lots more fun than picking 2 or more glamours and trying to force it. For you that means Either let the ladyboy pick the girl or the girl pick the lb. I'm assuming most probably the latter will be the only way to go most girls I'm thinking ain't gonna what to have much to do with a lb, could be wrong though. Often am lol.
  11. Here we go.....
  12. There are always ways and means after all TIT. Having said that it was my understanding that after the last (coup) sorry change of government that it was illegal for foreigners to register/posses firearms or hold a gun license if you have a link to the contrary I would love if you could post it. Cheers. As per: ban on the use of guns by foreigners. The amendment to The Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, Fireworks, and the Equivalent of Firearms Act 1947 specifies that only Thai nationals can register guns. Prior to this, any foreigner residing in Thailand could make an application, as long as they held a work permit, a house registration and underwent a criminal record check. Tourists were not permitted to buy firearms.
  13. Foreigners can no longer get gun licenses in Thailand.
  14. Like it's bad enough for teachers and bus drivers to forget. What about parents that do it? Here's one from today. https://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/screaming-in-anguish-mum-collapses-to-ground-after-toddler-dies-in-hot-car/news-story/25567fbc86f857181a8b1152104e2894?dc_data=12956509_samsung-carnival-australia-english&utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=taboola_news&ui=f8a1098b-e138-40ba-83d7-8af5624969be-tucta0b6a3e
  15. Yeah well it's probably the sauce then. Mixing alcohol and cbd can increase the sedative effect for the most part studies show its actually a good combination and I believe cbd is currently being used to help people with drinking problems. https://1883magazine.com/is-it-advisable-to-take-cbd-gummies-with-alcohol/
  16. Well my point was a lot of children get left on school buses. My s3cond point woild be 7 year olds also fall asleep. If in the autopsy there is some proof she was assaulted happy to issue an apology unfortunately the stats show this could be the same tragic thing that has before. So im not inclined to assume anything.
  17. Surprise surprise its not the 60s man and not everyone who smokes dope is cheech and chong. Who knew? Next you'll be telling me not all people that drink are abusive loud mouths with beer guts who flog their missus.
  18. Yes true about all edible thc except that is the US and I have yet to see anybody offering retail thc gummies at anyrhing above 0.2% as they are illegal in Thailand.
  19. Wow! Cool! Imagine how good the 10th one will be...that should cure everything
  20. The best! Well Vientiane only an hour from my place so I'm there quite frequently. At least once a year we head down through Mukdahan with the car and go yhrough that way.That might contribute to why I couldn't do months there? Haven't spent much time in Luang Prubang. On that suggestion sounds like I need another visit. For the most part I reckon about 2 weeks in Lao pulls me up. 100% agree about Siem Reap.
  21. Well illustrating the point that it happens quite frequently elsewhere in the world, a lot more than people realise, I don't find pointless at all its a fxxn tragedy. I have no problem at all. Nor with it being revealed nor discussed. I didn't say the thread was Thai bashing I said you are. And who is we? Are you non-binary? ???????????? Your words not mine "In Thailand it clearly makes no difference if you have what you suggest or not. It requires said Shotgun to be able to count, which is obviously asking too much." or were you suggesting that its not just in Thailand it clearly makes no difference? And that the ability to count is a problem elsewhere in the world? It's a problem everywhere whether you, or is it we?, consider it pointless or not.
  22. Yes it must be a conspiracy this NEVER happens https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/may/29/one-child-a-month-left-on-a-bus-across-australia-over-the-past-five-years#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=16620604794217&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com https://www.wrtv.com/news/call-6-investigators/at-least-221-students-have-been-left-on-indiana-school-buses-since-2009-but-2018-was-the-worst-year
  23. More needless Thai bashing...just a few of the multiple examples. https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/may/29/one-child-a-month-left-on-a-bus-across-australia-over-the-past-five-years#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=16620604794217&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com https://eu.delawareonline.com/story/news/2019/01/24/several-children-left-alone-u-s-school-buses-past-year/2666835002/ https://www.wrtv.com/news/call-6-investigators/at-least-221-students-have-been-left-on-indiana-school-buses-since-2009-but-2018-was-the-worst-year
  24. Yes cos that never happens https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/may/29/one-child-a-month-left-on-a-bus-across-australia-over-the-past-five-years#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=16620604794217&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com https://www.wrtv.com/news/call-6-investigators/at-least-221-students-have-been-left-on-indiana-school-buses-since-2009-but-2018-was-the-worst-year
  25. Has happened tragically too often in many countries. Drivers and teachers should 100% be held accountable. In Australia for example the average is 1 a month for the past 5 years... . https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/may/29/one-child-a-month-left-on-a-bus-across-australia-over-the-past-five-years#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=16620604794217&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com
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