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Everything posted by starky

  1. Unlikely anyone could possibly be ingnorant when it has been on constant rotation on every single news outlet 24/ for the best part of 2 years including not only death rates but the number of people infected. Sorry to hear about your wife but when people get saturated with that much information it tends to have a numbing effect. People wish to move on with their lives.
  2. One would think that is the logical conclusion. Now can we get rid if the mask wearing? Funnily enough the silly Aussies (of which I'm one) have only just agreed to no mask wearing in airports but you still have to wear it on the plane. Go figure. Lol
  3. Im sure a man as wise as yourself could understand the multitude of reasons why marriage to a porn star would only be a short term deal not to mention the mental state of someone willing to enter into that preposterous notion in the first place. A fairer question may be what percentage of porn stars ever have a successful relationship little lone get married.
  4. So read a story in the news today about a Russian woman who died in Patong. Investigations are ongoing but most interestingly 1 man was charged with.. Police found a small amount of dried cannabis in the room, 1.10 grammes. They were charged with colluding in possessing a category 5 narcotic with intent to use. 1 GRAM of dried cannabis? Lol be lucky to roll a spliff with that ao to those that thought (which probably isn't many) that any laws regarding the use of cannabis have been relaxed. I would just say be very careful.
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