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Everything posted by starky

  1. What weak baht? Did it dip a few satang in the last couple days? Damn must have misse it
  2. Google it, that's what the pretend pseudo intellectual asean now experts generally do.
  3. Even worse what do you do with 700 baht for 6 months?
  4. No I have never had a flu jab I rely on my bodies immune system. Yes I had my hep b and c vaccines that's 3 in my entire life. It's been 6 months and I've already had 3 covid vaccines with some claiming once or twice yearly or even every 3 months being a possibility . See the difference? And of course let's not forget it was my choice as a human whether I wanted to have a flu, hepatitis or any other vaccine I have had in my life unlike covid where I had zero choice. See the difference? I could also add that many of those other vaccines have been around for many many years are thoroughly tested over many generations and havent been just rushed through in paid for trials then released early on the grounds they were for emergency use only.
  5. There's only one bucket for the plates not 2 and the the discourteous karnt who already returned his plate hasn't placed hos cutlery in the correct receptical either.
  6. Who da fxxx is buying a second hand TV for 13000 baht lol
  7. You've got to be joking...????????????????????
  8. Or maybe juat a karnt that smashed someone with a dumbbell ...not sure if they have blackbelts in that. It is pattaya though In other news his face isnt that <deleted> up tbh honest definitely not "butchered" and isnt this just another variation on the ive got no insurance sook?
  9. Morning. Failing that a nice bloody mary as hair of the dog.
  10. starky

    Farm budgeting

    Wasted breath. Old mate wants to start a farm from scratch and run it remotely so his missus can start a crop up country. What could possibly go wrong? You on the other hand are asking reasonable, common sense questions regarding the information you should know before even contemplating any sort of farming project.
  11. Well you mostly answered your question. For men in Thailand with money your never too old (that applies worldwide). For women in the "industry" its when you can no longer find customer. Thats generally whem the get put out to pasture or end up working day shift in a run down beer bar.
  12. And... so i cant comment? Lol. Ive done 11 lots of the full 2 week quarantine in multiple countries funnily enough Thailand was the only place where it becomes 16 because they dont count the first and last day. So more difficult. Never had to do any extraneous paperwork in any other country just went into quarantine. So less difficult. Done 6 TP's and test and go's not saying it was difficult for me but for some going by their accounts it definitely was. The early TPs were plagued with problems and complaints. Thats fact. So more difficult. Regardless how off topic you want to go the fact remains if Thailand really wants more tourists and hey they may not, the easiest way to facilitate that would be to make it easier for them to enter. You want to argue that Thailand doesnt want foreigners in a country whose income from tourists was over 20% of total GDP in the 4 years prior to covid (thats 62 BILLION...USD not baht in 2019 alone) go ahead thats your right. The stats dont back your claims though.
  13. Dont know where to start with that one. Im not saying they should but if its open slather what is the point of the Thailand pass then? If the pandemic is over and as you say it matters not your vaccination status then what is the purpose of the tp? Because the tp's i have applied for (and theres been many) are primarily about your vaccination status and where you will be doing your asq or test and go. If one no longer matters and the other is no longer required whats the <deleted> point? If you had read the whole thread you would realise i live here, i work offshore and as such i have left and re entered practically every month since the tp was introduced. As such i have done far more asq and tp applications than most. I assume you must have applied once, at least, because no way you could say its easy to get if you never got one, right? Because that would be ridiculous. My point being as i clearly stated it seems to be a sticking point for many people and many other tourist destinations have no such requirement. So if Thailand is so keen to get tourists back, i imagine that the way to do that is to make entry as simple as possible for tourists. One way you could obviously do that is to drop the tp. Me? Im coming regardless cos im not a tourist. Cheers.
  14. How is that a rant? Yes the collective you. As in if Thailand wants real tourist arrivals they should consider dropping the Thailand pass. I've come in and out every month since the the TP was introduced. I would have done far more asq and TP than most. Im not a tourist . I'm coming regardless. No rant necessary. Lol.
  15. What if your a person like me who has significant international medical insurance who is in and out of Thailand all the time? Guess I will be getting stung an extra 300 baht every month despite having a million dollar US medical coverage. Great.
  16. Well I'm not desperate to get tourists back I live here. Couldnt give af tbh. I think tat might disagree with you in that regard, or why would they be releasing statements every 5 minutes about how many millions are chomping at the bit to come to Thailand? I would also say there are plenty of Thais connected to the tourist industry that would love to see the joint swarming again as well. Sure the junta, sorry, elected government probably aren't bothered but that aren't bothered about anything but making more filthy lucre and I'll gotten gains.
  17. Not worried about the unvaccinated at all where did ya get that idea from? I said if ya gonna let everybody in why worry about the TP? It's totally redundant.
  18. Absolute madness. Happy to let unvaccinated people enter unfettered but still make people apply for a pointless document. Unbeli3vable Thailand deserves what it gets. If you want real tourist arrivals get rid of the Thailand pass!
  19. Up Udon but not paint jobs its those silly wraps and mind you those Vellfires that everyone with a kid in my little gated community have, they start at 3.8 million baht. And no one has the base model lol
  20. In your example there is how he experienced it how she experienced and what happened. There is no real "truth" as everything is subjective in such a situation. If you were there you would have your version of events. People today like to talk about "their truth" which is the biggest pile of steaming horse <deleted> ive ever heard. Science and maths have things that can be quantified and proven independantely these things are true. Any thing else is subject to your thoughts, feelings, bias, upbringing and countless other factors before you even delve into the rabbit holes of mass media, youtube and other internet sources as you have described. My problem with it all it seems now reasonable debate has gone. This was best seen in the Trump era. My opinion can and could differ to yours. That doesnt make me right or wrong, good or bad this dichotomy now where if you dont agree your the "enemy" seems so senseless and counter productive.
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