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Everything posted by starky

  1. Stall, stall, deflect, distract as long as boss never gets prosecuted or held accountable mission accomplished.
  2. Well your whole OP quoting me was moot in my view as it really had nothing to do with what I was saying.
  3. Yes mate but you add nicknames to accounts you have already confirmed or pay into frequently. You dont go and transfer money into an account of a person of whom you dont even know their real name. And its not just the average person "here" happens everywhere some people just have more dollars than sense.
  4. Congratulations, you were smart enough to ask his name before you transferred the money. I would suggest regardless of the country that if you dont know someones full name they you avoid depositing money into their bank account, and if you only know their nickname you definitely wouldnt do it. But hey, thats just me. In an unrelated topic i have a nigerian friend who has millions just waiting to be released. I only know his nickname but if you would just transfer 1000 bucks into his account we could share the wealth!
  5. Cant open a bank account with a nickname. As clearly stated when transferring money before confirmation the account holders name must be confirmed.
  6. Like others normal day to day is shorts, t shirt and slides nothing to prove. Out the village we have a modest home obviously compared to some/most in the village we would be considered wealthy. In town where we live in our little gated community no matter how much I attempted to flex it would be redundant. Suffice to say no need to conceal my wealth, it would be fair to say my Thai neighbours are far wealthier than me going by the sheer number of luxury cars in the joint. Some I could afford but would never purchase here, some that are light years put of my league (lambo anyone?) Meanwhile I'm still rolling in my hilux, again nothing to prove, and nothing to conceal. Bit of a bizarre concept tbh.
  7. Don't know where you live champ but in the provinces it's rigidly enforced it's the tourist areas where the rules have been the most relaxed.
  8. Well I can see a couple of things that would point to her popularity but it's not just her big ideas that are selling the Durian. I get the feeling she would be extremely popular with male clientele as well
  9. The ban on alcohol sales that is still in effect in many provinces perhaps? You know the night time curfews, the inability for restaurants and most enclosed bars to be able to sell alcohol between 11-1400 the bans that haven't been lifted throughout most of the country. Those bans?
  10. My wife and I have both had 3 shots. I didn't want the 3rd but my occupation and the place I need to travel to work demand it, so a mandate without a mandate if you will. We have daughters 6 and 8 and neither of us have seen anything compelling enough to subject our daughters to what we consider at this stage to be an experimental vaccine. It's different for us as adults to do it. Just because something has suddenly been "approved" for use (now I wonder why pharmaceutical companies would be all for younger and younger people to "need" this vaccine?) Means it is necessary for my children. Others may disagree and that's your choice for your children.
  11. Yeah righto mate now i know your extracting the urine doesnt happen anywhere else in Asia only Thailand. Right? Because no one in Cambodia would ever do it https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimage1.masterfile.com%2FgetImage%2F700-00086624em-man-with-six-children-on-motorcycle-phnom-penh-cambodia-stock-photo.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.masterfile.com%2Fimage%2Fen%2F700-00086624&docid=4KLDjA69FWs5-M&tbnid=rv732KxCiTh9XM&vet=1&w=450&h=300&hl=en-AU&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim Certainly wouldnt ever happen in Vietnam https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.gettyimages.com%2Fphotos%2Fvietnamese-mother-with-children-riding-a-motorbike-south-vietnam-picture-id860876858%3Fs%3D2048x2048&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gettyimages.com.au%2Fdetail%2Fphoto%2Fvietnamese-mother-with-children-riding-a-motorbike-royalty-free-image%2F860876858&docid=SU4Fv9Q3wQNYxM&tbnid=jvHqQeO7KZKvmM&vet=1&w=2048&h=2048&hl=en-AU&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim And never ever ever in Myanmar its only those reckless Thais https://images.app.goo.gl/9ymYNJLQg736HesY9.
  12. People in isaan arent as poor as i think? Well one of us is talking rubbish. My wifes daughter has a car so there is no poor people in Isaan? What a logical and well thought out argument. You may have just won the award for the worlds largest non sequitor. Congratulations! Poverty in Thailand is a rural phenomenon that occurs most drastically in the northeast—the most populated region in the country. The ‘rural poor’ make up 7.3 million people,
  13. Dont need an article mate. Know all about bush tomato horticulture. Wondering why your talking about smokjng weed in a thread about commercial low thc cannabis for pharmaceutical use then? Back pedal much?
  14. Car seats or no the children riding in cars or on buses are infinitely safer than the children I see standing, sitting or riding about on motorbikes. Thats not a judgement call either. When you are poor you do the best with what you have. If I was broke living in Isaan I'm pretty sure I would be riding around with kids on a motorcycle too.
  15. Drop in the ocean compared to the billions China has pledged on top of the billions already invested through belt and road projects throughout Asia. However I'm sure the Asean nations will smile and nod and take the paltry US donation as well. So they should. Actually what they should do is tell the US to take that insulting offer and jam it where it belongs. ....let's see 150 million divided by 10 how much infrastructure does that buy? How much security? Think the horse might have bolted on pandemic preparedness.
  16. Half asssed pseudo knowledge. Commercial hemp has a low thc level due to the strain of cannabis it is. You could grow it hydroponically under perfect conditions and nwver let if get cross pollinated the thc levels would be exactly the same.
  17. This "explanantion" is as totally contradictory as the last one. If "cannabis" has been dropped from the list of controlled drugs then thc levels are irrelevant. They want everyone to grow cannabis but only to sell as restricted to medical use with a thc content of 0.2% ....which is it? Also medical marijuana is a highly controlled industry this assumption that the 2 plants people grow in their back yard would be even considered for sale to the pharmacuetical industry is ludicrous. The only people seeing any profit from this will be the usual suspects super rich Thai families who will have a monopoly over the commercial growing and supply of these plants to industry. The rest is just smoke and mirrors.
  18. Love is a Hollywood/Disney myth. "True" love is a bigger falsehood. Marriage is a commitment between to people in a real traditional sense to start and raise a family. It's certainly not love that keeps people together for a lifetime. It's duty, honour and respect. The only real love is unrequited and most passionately expressed in the love you have for your children or your parents had for you.
  19. I have seen very few, if any average Thais with a 30k baht phone. Stop talking rubbish.
  20. Good quality car seats here are prohibitively expensive the cheapest I saw were above 15000 baht for a reputable one. All well and good for the smug to suggest everyone should just pop out and get one. I would say they are miles out of reach for a lot of people and cheap car seats aren't worth <deleted>.
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