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Everything posted by starky

  1. Never would be my guess, and I am gonna go out a limb and say bet he loves a drink but. Now lets talk about dangerous. Ive only used Australia but rates would be comprable if not greater globally. Tobacco related deaths annually : 24 000 Responsible for 1 in 8 deaths leading cause of premature death. Alcohol related deaths annually : 5 500 157 000 hospitalisations and a cost to government of 14 billion annually. Deaths that could be attributed to marijuana use 2000 - 2018: 559 http://connections.edu.au/publicationhighlight/rates-characteristics-and-manner-cannabis-related-deaths-australia-2000-2018 Yes please dont unleash this horrible weed on us much safer with the pints and the darts.
  2. Very very disingenious title. Anyone with kids here would know thats pretty much par for the course. I dont agree with it per se but hardly something new. And on a side note when i was a young bloke i would have loved the army uniform over the school uniform. So it would sports uniform 2 days a week and fatigues 3 days for me ????
  3. Its Thailand they wont have to lose them. Zero oversight forgotten tomorrow and then will redistrubuted accordingly.
  4. Well considering the OP suggests 1.6 billion baht then the second article says 725 million, looks like there have been some fingers in the pie before the rort has even begun. 911 bitcoin? No no no we miscount only 500.
  5. Probably. People tend to get reflective as they get old, lol. Not going to answer all your questions as it's just a variation on the age old kids these days are no good. Im pretty sure the youth running around the planet in the prime of their lives would not care nor agree with any of your statements. Me? Too busy living life to ponder that nonsense. If you don't like the media turn off the box.
  6. Do your homework. It's not genetically modified at all it's just a strain of cannabis that has been around for a very long time that has a very low thc level naturally. So many people on this thread commenting about things they have no clue about. Even a 2 second search on industrial hemp will greatly improve your limited knowledge.
  7. Now your talking ???? although watching it go liquid and melt into a cone was quite delightful as well.
  8. Mate your celibate. As tony montana would say " she not for you" https://youtu.be/XybrZWZKhYg
  9. This thread cant last long....
  10. Bwahahahahah its industrial hemp for pharmacuetical companies mate. So despite your ridiculous "gateway drug" fallacy the most you would get out of industrial hemp is 0.2% as clearly stated in the OP. Even if a person had never smoked in their life they could smoke kilos of that a day and never get stoned
  11. Your right all except for your first sentence marijuana is cannabis as is hemp. What they will be growing here is industrial hemp. So if i was gonna be a narc, lol, marijuana is illegal in Thailand ????
  12. That aint Marijuana its hemp. Both cannabis one is marijuana. people that know, know those that dont write ops like these.
  13. Been pinged plenty of times with people not wearing a seatbelt in Thailand its definitely against the law regardless of what seat your sat in. Thankfully people with brains will do the common sense thing regardless of punishment. I dont wear a seatbelt because im scared i might get a fine. Dont know why people get so upset about what every other random dumb Thai is doing. As long as my missus and kids understand why you need to wear a seatbelt or proper protective gear when riding a motorcycle (not just a helmet) thats all that concerns me.
  14. I spent the first 8 years with my wife full proper Isaan jungle and whilst we were building the house that included hardly any electric, bucket showers and squat toilets. Certainly it was nothing i would have considered nor entertained prior to meeting my wif. Now many years later we have a holiday condo, a much nicer house in town and still our old house in the jungle. Where we go most weekends time permitting. In life you have no comprehension of something you have never done. Without hesitation even if i was not with my wife i would live in all those places without her, but without her i would never of had the opportunity to do the things i have done. They are mutually exclusive So to answer your question yes i could but without my wife i never would have.
  15. Is Rocky an action movie? Cos i love the film . I put first blood as mine and im not even sure that is an action film tbh. Lol
  16. Bacon, lettuce, avocado and tomato on fresh baked white bread, cracked black, no butter. Failing that a well made banh mi Compromising photos None/Many. I am sure a lot could be scary if coming at you for real Oranges No You die. You werent aware of the billions of years before your existence so why would have any of the years after. First Blood. (Many close seconds) Aisle Fresh brewed coffee Cigarette smoke Obviously worth it Flat Whatsapp Redemption song Irrelevant but 3 obviously Learn something new every day
  17. Famously stolen from the questions asked by James Lipton over many years on Inside the Actors Studio. Just another rehack of a classic http://www.wowzone.com/pivot.htm
  18. Your beneficiaries if you trust them should be able to nut this out. It's in Thai and English write your bit in English and they write what you want in Thai get a translator to check if your not sure that will cost 200 baht instead of 10000 last_will_Thai.docx
  19. Better manipulate it then....cos that never been done before.
  20. At least you could order the milk teas through food panda or grab. That's a bonus
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