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Everything posted by starky

  1. Not the way it works with my insurance company and i wouldnt use one that stipulated such. What a ridiculous concept.
  2. Like others feel sorry for the bloke but this happens all the time. Get yourself insured be careful on motorcycles if you must ride them here at all.
  3. Compared and contrasted to what exactly? I have no clue of arrival figures pre pandemic, or even when test and go was operating but 120 flights between to major airports to me doesnt sound impressive. And as others have stated less than 300 a flight?
  4. I would say some very high ranking or untouchables were given the option to resign (possibly even keeping all their benefits) before being sacked. Thats how i read it but hard to say. Being Thailand i would say im probably not far off the mark.
  5. Unfortunately I don't have a photo but one I always liked was a tennis ball drawn on both sides of the cubicle with the inscription "look left" and "look right" so you could watch a game of toilet tennis.
  6. I had always thought it went here i sit all broken hearted came to <deleted> but only farted.
  7. TAT announced with the reintroduction of the motoGP Thailand expects to see 35 million tourists and 3 million high value millionaires to attend the event all spending an average of 1 million baht each during their stay.
  8. Yep totally agree we are far too aware and self conscious but if we werent we would be breeding more not less. Its a contradictory statement lets not be self aware by not reproducing, ridiculous, sorry. The more animal we were the more animal our instincts. Your quote ia basically saying lets deny our intellect by using our intellect. And if everybody is nobody that includes every form of life. If self destruction or extinction is something you admire thats great you are well on your way by choosing not to have children.
  9. Yes kids arent necessary. Oh except for survival of the species of course. There is that.
  10. Unless you failed to notice one of the primary reasons for any animal to exist is procreation and thus survival of the species. Doesnt matter about your personal thoughts on children but if you fail to procreate you have missed one of the most important parts of your meagre existence. Beyond that its impossible to explain what joy and meaning children bring to your life to someone that has never had them.
  11. You would need the country to not be ruled by a paranoid military for any chance of turning the clock back.
  12. Ah yes, drunken festivals, drug fueled full moon parties and bike shows just the sort of events that will have the upper classes and millionaires flooding to Thailand in their droves ????
  13. Chink? Slope? No they are English words that foreigners have no right complaining about. I need nothing explained to me. You said that foreigners have no right complaining about words not of their native tongue. See the point you don't understand is you don't get to tell people what they find offensive. Im saying context, speech and inflection matter and sometimes the word falang is used pejoratively. Not hard to understand. I dont find it offensive in a general sense but others do. But as you seem to be one of those frustrated warriors who is never wrong and your interpretation of the world is the only one i will let you have the last word as you wont be able to help yourself. Cheers.
  14. Such a boring cliche isnt it. Forget rational discussion or your opinion just throw the toys out the pram pout and say "well if you dont like it leave".
  15. So being English I can use any word in the English language in regards to a person from another country a "foreigner" if you will and they can't say it's offensive? Do you know how stupid you sound? Spick Chink <deleted> Slope... all totally non offensive English words right? Zero other connotation and no reason why any "foreigner" could tell me they were offensive?
  16. Exactly. I know Thailand is a bit backward, but falang i would put in the same box as chocalate man. Probably innocuous but run round calling every fellow you see with darker skin chocalate man im guessing ya gonna <deleted> at least a few off.
  17. Like can't its a word that depends more on how said, by whom and the situation. There are good cant's, bad cant's and shizz cant's. Sometimes being called a can't is a good thing and sometimes it is so obviously not. Much like falang.
  18. Feel free not to read nor contribute if the thread is not to your liking. Nothing studly about p4. Is what it is mate. Don't see much self congratulations either just a few people having a laugh. You however seem rather put off by it. ????
  19. ???????????????????? made me laugh. One of the older boys who had been in Thailand since the 70s and showed me the ropes used to take a polaroid of every girl he slept with. He had shoeboxes full of these pictures going back literally decades. It was a sight to behold. Creepy as <deleted>, but there ya go
  20. Is this legit? On a Thai forum? lol are you kidding. First trip was 98' when I was in my mid 20's living in pattaya 6 months a year and having one or 2 short times a day plus an overnighter most nights, did that till 2007. By the end it was just a blur of small brown bodies, some of them I wouldn't have even asked their name to remember it lol. It was around then i started slowing down a bit. You do the maths... Unless of course the ones you pay for don't count but even then I couldn't name them all.
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