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Everything posted by starky

  1. Shooting oneself in the anus. Now that aint gonna be pretty .
  2. Damn, i had put a little red cross on the calender for endemic day. Guess ill have to wait. Damn all these people still getting sick and dying. Party poopers.
  3. He was very popular down the local with the publican. Profits went through the roof!
  4. The pub of course. Where else would ya go after that sort of weekend?
  5. Apologies didnt read that way. Happens to me quite often. Humour, sarcasm or irony doesnt always translate well in text bereft of context or inflection as im sure you would understand. Some posters here are so enthusiatically serious about every topic that your post as written could well have been taken as such. Now that i have gleaned the breadth of your comic genius i shall evermore regard all your posts in such light. You sir in retrospect are clearly a Ricky Gervais or George Carlin of the Thaivisa forum. (Thats sarcasm????)
  6. Ok. Number 1 Eminem is hardly pop music. 2 that song was done with rick rubin as a homage to the old 80s 90s rap rhat a lot of people loved. All the samples and cuts were at least 20 years old only the lyrics were new so hardly a modern song 3 every generation endlessly moans about how THEIR music, movies, lifestyle was the best and everything since is <deleted> obviously forgetting those experiences were in the prime of their lives and therefore looked back upon more fondly. Also blatantly ignoring the fact they are for all intents and purposes ancient and have zero connection to what the youth connect to. So in 50 years from now when your long buried some other old fart will post on here saying how their music was the best and i dont understand what the <deleted> these kids are listening to these days.
  7. Whar you think people are only going to start knocking up home brew since this announcement? Dont think it has been going on for generations already? Same as the growing of kratom or marijuana? Do you think this is a novel concept only just considered since Prayut announced it? Lol
  8. Some countries and occupations. Including mine require you to have had a third shot/booster whatever you want to call it. So its a mandate without being mandated. Im goinf back to work next month in Oz i can fly into Sydney double vaxxed no problem but to travel to WA and work i need to have had a third shot.
  9. Just ask ya missus she will know the rules. If ya don't have a missus then doesn't really matter what rules ya follow. This is Thailand the very basics is about as complicated as it gets. Dont quote me but i reckon it varies from village to village and province to province. Thus no hard and fast rules. As long as ya not taking food from other peoples spirit houses. On a side note how hard up are you that you want to eat food from spirit houses?
  10. In udon can get pfizer or moderna boosters at wattana, bangkok hospital etc. Not 100% sure on walk ins however give them a ring
  11. Same for me i left last week joint was deserted also stayed i 2 hotels almost completely empty.
  12. Well she may not win the comp. But i wouldnt kick her out of bed if she farted either.
  13. Spot on. I would hazard a guess maybe all the traffic congestion serves in actually slowing people down a bit. Whole thing is a farce same amoi t of drunk drivers on the roads everyday songkran on no.
  14. Beer in a restaurant? No <deleted>n way. Overloaded train and bus carriages all over the country? No plob plem
  15. I like the one i got for free when i bought my car tbh. Just show the stupidity/vanity of the rich who actually gives a <deleted> what your license plate number is?
  16. Putrid. Disgusting displays of wealth where the vast majority of its citizens are living on less than 300 baht a day.
  17. If ya going to run a simulation, you have to explore all outcomes. No room for emotion in science. I remember cutting up rabbits and frogs in biology in school, we butcher millions of animals daily anyone give a rats you think? Look at all the experimentation we do on other species so we can have medicines, or even rubbish <deleted> like skin products or make up for women. It's all perspective and anything is possible. So potentially be concerned about your dumplings but not so much about your wine. Perhaps? Maybe I'm not in tune enough to understand the intelligence and feelings of a grape... Right I'm off to have some peyote
  18. Mate as I keep saying I wish you well but within the parameters your providing you should have come here 30 years ago. I wish you all the best and you will probably jag what you desire but this false premise that there is all these young university aged, and let's be honest here girls, looking for 20 plus year older falangs to breed with is mental. I'd be more concerned as why your chasing school girls tbh. Im near 50 and I can think of nothing worse than trying to start a relationship with a 20 year old. I would certainly fxxk one cos there is nothing like the exuberance of youth but it sounds fairly close to grooming to me.
  19. Is it so absurd for me to suggest that in 2022, in the boundaries of the OP as written, that a 20-25 year old university educated Thai girl (as opposed to your off topic suggestions) is probably NOT looking for a 40-45 year old falang as a life partner in the first instance? Probably the reason I stay out of the pub thread for the most part as it definitiely panders to a certain type of dinosaur. Keeping in mind we arent talking about short times or sugar daddies or flings but in the context of this op that this is the sort of person they would be looking for in terms of marriage and children.
  20. Jesus. I know humour doesnt translate well in text but this forum takes the cake. I am well aware of goings on overseas, thanks. How it correleates to Thailand having the highest inflation in 13 years in just over a month, when they are discussing year on year figures could potentially be open to debate though I posit.
  21. ???????????????? I know this isnt the most high brow forum far from it for the most part. But seriously? But to answer your question no I have not beem to the Ukraine recently. Have you? Please let me know if you have and if anything may be happening there. Cheers.
  22. Im not stressed champ this is hilarious stop projecting. Now get out there and get them young fillies hos. Sure youll be swimming in them. Cheers.
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