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Everything posted by starky

  1. No i think i stated quite clearly that a university educated Thai girl of that age probably isnt looking for some git 20 years her senior as a life partner.
  2. Triggered lol righto hahaha. Yes mate your exactly right and it will turn out exactly as you expect. There better now? I dont believe i was negative once. Being with a falang for the most part is not any sort of status upgrade. People have lived here many years and still dont underatand the many intricacies of Thai culture (ive been here 22 and i dont get all of it) and yes, surprise surprise the vast majority of Thai women would prefer to be withThai men. If any of that sounds negative thats on you.
  3. You are talking about young university educated single right? I stand by my statement and learning about culture is quite different than being born in it. Dream on champ ...your delusional. You think a university aged Thai woman will be happier with a farang 20 years plus her senior than with a Thai....?
  4. The whole problem i seem to find with this thread is old men talking about an age that is nearly gone in Thailand except for the most desperate. Anyone that has been here long enough knows that the industry is changing "long times" are not a preferred option, girls have far more options and choices and the sheer arrogance of thinking that most 50-60-70 year olds are gonna roll in here and find a life partner who is 20-30- however many decades their junior is riduculous to me. Just have fun and remember youll never lose your girl only your turn.
  5. Dont know how much you know about Thailand or their family structure but the girl you described, young, childless, well educated being with a farang is 1 million per cent definitely not a boost in social status. Quite the frickin opposite in fact. You are aware their are plenty of young, attractive, wealthy Thai men that wpild actually understand her culture, status and even be able to hold a proper conversation with her in her mother tongue. Jesus
  6. Yes and moat of those in the position to make the most money are? Drumroll please, Raytheon, Grumman, lockheed martin et al. Now where have i heard those names before? https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/03/11/these-members-of-congress-could-make-profit-us-arms-shipments-ukraine.html
  7. Australia as much as they hate to admit it is now and always has been a part of asia. Geograpically at the very least
  8. Yep it's one of the very few land borders currently open.
  9. Now what other influential political figure claims to be a close personal friend of Putin amd thinks he is a genius? It was someone recent. Never mind im sure it will come to me.
  10. So the whole reopening of Thailand is being put on hold for a couple million old people in Isaan? Naaaah not buying. Since when does anyone come before money on Thailand. What a ridiculous oped piece.
  11. ......and crickets from the woke peanut gallery of course.
  12. Indeed I do . I also agree in essence. But what your talking about has zero to do with this thread. All the best. ????
  13. None so blind as those that can not see. I will reiterate again. In the province i live in. Unlike Phuket, or Pattaya or Bangko or Koh Chang or a few other places where you can get on the <deleted> all day every day. The goverment has decided you can not have an alcholic beverage in a proper restaurant with a meal. Not a bar, not a gogo, not an irish pub a restaurant. I agree with you sitting shoulder to shoulder in such an establishment with someone that has been on the <deleted> all day may be far more conducive to the spread of covid (though not sure that is proven) but back to the question i originally asked, from which you have moved so far off topic from in your anti bar rant. And ignoring the fact that your presumption is most people are roaring drunks that cant stop at one drink and spray spittle everywhere. Which also i refute. How does anyone having 1 or 2 or even 3 alcholic drinks for that matter. Not that I imagine many would certainly not the people i associate with. Obviously your experience is different. Who goes to sit in a restaurant at lunchtime to get smashed? (remebering alcohol sales are 1100 to 1400) cause more chance of spreading covid than a person having 3 soft drinks?
  14. Still talking about bars mate? Lol.
  15. Lighten up champ, are you going out today to give food and alms to the poor or just berate people? You got a sense of humour bout as good as will Smith. It's a developing nation mate millions starving like all the other developing nations don't need tick tock or whatever the <deleted> it's called to tell me that or did you just realise today? What are you going to do for all the families living on a bowl of noodles a day hero?
  16. Doeant need to be a friend nor relative they are only witnessing the signature. A teacher, pharmacist, doctor, copper anyone with any sort of community standing will do.
  17. As somoene else said most laminators only stick the plastic together outside the paper with a low range heat. My missus did it with our marriage certificate lol and it was soundly rejected. Quick trim with some scissors get a little air in there and it should come out no dramas
  18. If you have a smasung phone its easy as with smart switch takes literally a minute. If you got an iphone <deleted> off you pretentious <deleted> lol. Only joking.
  19. Spot in mate that little girl looks like pretty much every kid in every village in Thailand. And it was obviously a set up. Hows the noodle lady out the front waiting with her hands behind her back like the fat cook out of oliver. Moooooore? You want more?
  20. Full disclosure as a seafarer (read drunken sailor) i spent much of my youth working through as many as the above as i could. And though quite a few may have been diamonds in the rough with hearts of gold. it could also be said many were definitely high quality. I dont think it is the high quality as expressed by the context of this OP.
  21. Soi buakow markets 800-1500 baht dependent on negotiating ability. ????
  22. Which im sure is great if you live in Malayasia or Singapore and omly intend on travel between the 2. Great news.
  23. Youve got to be kidding lol.
  24. Whoa this one went off the rails quick Im off to fashion myself a quick tin foil hat.
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