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Everything posted by starky

  1. Probably at least as many that would find anyone on here, myself included, as people of any signicance ????
  2. No one is talkjng about bars jesus
  3. Well someone clearly doesnt understand but its not me mate. Why do you keep carrying on about drunks?
  4. Im talking about a restaurant at 11 mate what is it about that you cant comprehend?. Whatever your hangup is about pissheads and bars has nothing to do with this thread. You think a restaurant is going to serve you yaeger bombs amd neck beers all afternoon? Your a peanut.
  5. Why does everyone keep going on about 2-5 it was 11. I must have posted it 4 times already in this thread.
  6. Well i looked it up and apparently this rule is still being enforced in 68 provinces. So maybe your just lucky i poked my head in a few other joints as well and they vehemently stated no alcohol service. Just to be clear it was a well known seafood restaurant at 11:15 i am well versed in the 2-5 law. Thanks. Just to be clear im not some pisshead whingeing about not being able to get on the turps all day. Im asking what not consuming an alcholic beverage as opposed to any other beverage can in any way prevent the spread of covid?
  7. Theres one in every crowd. Seeing as you are so knowledgeable and wise and leaving me out of the equation. Please explain how somebody/ anybody having a wine or a beer with their lunch, (and not a beer bar posing as a restaurant) an actual restaurant prevents the spread of covid? Why should any fluids or even food for that matter be allowed to be consumed then genius?
  8. It was 11 mate. Lived her more than 2 decades very well aware of tje 2-5 law. Cheers. ????
  9. Tbh obviously doesnt really bother me but i did find it absurd/ridiculous/hilarious. Especially as i played dumb for a bit it was fun watching them get flustered. So this is a restaurant? So it is after 11? So i can get a beer? ....confused looks...rinse repeat for 5 minutes. Yes im easily amused.
  10. According to young youtubers floating around atm the only condition for a man to be "high quality" is that he earns more than a 100k a year. A "high quality" woman apparently is pretty much anyone who is not a slut, a stripper or a hooker. Apparently.
  11. So took the daughter to see a movie today in Central plaza had plenty of time so we went to get some lunch first. Was checking the menu and saw henieken there. Thought why not? No sir, can not! Now I know this has been done to death but could somebody please explain how me not having 1 beer with lunch is stopping the spread of covid? Why can i drink a sprite then? Its honestly madness and is indicative of nothing except government policy gone mad.
  12. I've been having a ball with my missus calling everything lotusess's's's Es es sssss as well. Then I got a headache trying to explain why the apostrophe indicates possession. Then it got longer defining plural possessives.
  13. No mate i thought it was funny and took it as it was intended. Cheers.
  14. Oh i could Rob but i tend to speak only when i have something to say ????
  15. Yes but what you are doing in effect, in case you havent realised, is talking to yourself. You put up topics then reply to yourself. Its mental mate. At least have the respect if your going to put up these hundreds of posts ad nauseum is to let people speak before you respond. Clearly your old lonely and celibate and want to get out as much as you can before you punch out and hopefully it is a form of therapy for you. I would say however your meandering ramblings are getting ever more confusing and the point of a forum is not for you to have discussions with yourself. And your straw man argument about www having billions of comments is true but I am talking about one sub forum on an already relatively small forum which is being spammed by one person who seems to have no other outlet. If you wish to speak of consideration maybe you too should consider others and maybe be slightly less prolific.
  16. If so many want the joint to open up with zero restrictions, zero testing, zero anything in regards to covid does it matter what the numbers are?
  17. Mate you need to get some professional help. The first 7 responses to your OP are yours. You seriously need to find another outlet please. I know I could just not choose to open any of your ridiculous posts but you are spamming the whole pub thread.
  18. This is like the yanks whingeing because thier embassy wouldnt immediately airlift doses of mrna vaccines ro vaccinate them during early covid days. Heres the bottom line. If you want all the benefits of living wherever your home country happens to be. Dont become an expat. Not hard. Once you never longer live in your home country obviously you forfeit any benefits that come along with that.
  19. Jaysus mate ever feel like taking a few days off... no really can ya?
  20. Australian red cross has a terrible reputation witheld millions of bushfire donations and underpaid staff for over a decade resulting in them having to pay 25 million in costs. To name just a couple.
  21. Why do these bozos keep grouping tje Ukrainians and Russians together? Its the Ukrainians that have been invaded that need help and refuge. There is zero conflict on Russian soil and zero stopping them returning home.
  22. Also dont disagree but being super healthy eating all the right food and listening to respected doctors may or may not have some determination in when your number gets punched. Unfortunately some dont even stick around long enough to ask or understand a respected doctors opinion https://www.globalissues.org/article/715/today-21000-children-died-around-the-world
  23. Horses for courses mate. Some of the fittest people on Earth die in or before their 30s some of the unhealthiest people live to 90 plus. Children have strokes and heart attacks. Its all the genes. FOX03A.
  24. I thought this was a labyboy thread. Clearly the most dangerous sausage in Thailand.
  25. Have you changed your forum name JT?
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