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Everything posted by starky

  1. If you can't afford shopping maybe you should fxxk off....oh but wait if you can't afford to live in the what used to be the third world/developing nation that you thought your meagre allowance would let you live forever than you would be a deadset broke in whatever first world nation your originally from. What a pathetic topic.
  2. Well I guess that would apply if Thailand was in ANY way considered a righteous nation . In fact of you were doing a word association and asked what are your thoughts on Thailand you would need infinite monkeys with infinite typewriters to come up with righteous I would imagine.
  3. Weak as <deleted> as usual. Thailand forever fearful to pick a side during conflict. Thousands of years of splinters from sitting on the fence.
  4. Yes but SML is light in calories (ie low carb) not light beer.
  5. ???????????????????? this is the isaan forum mate in case you missed it. Who was comparing Udon to Pattaya? ????????????
  6. If your asymptomatic or mild why in Christ's name would you need a bloody ACUTE respiratory infection clinic? Sorry for shouting lol. Most people don't know they are asymptomatic until tested isn't that the definition? These are doctors putting forward this nonsense? a·symp·to·mat·ic /ˌāsim(p)təˈmadik/ Learn to pronounce adjective MEDICINE (of a condition or a person) producing or showing no symptoms. "infection is usually asymptomatic" Feedback Definition of acute1a(1) : characterized by sharpness or severity of sudden onset acute pain. (2) : having a sudden onset, sharp rise, and short course acute illness. (3) : being, providing, or requiring short-term medical care (as for serious illness or traumatic injury) acute hospitals an acute patient.
  7. Not much going on in Nong Khai tbh. Better off in Udon or KK if ya up that way.
  8. Thailand has zero involvement and very little interest in world politics outside of how it effects them. I would say war would effect them in the way every conflict has effected them throughout history including "world wars" that is to say not at all. Some regional conflict would not even be a blip on the radar .
  9. What a ridiculous statement. Are you still in preschool? Someone says it can be done so they need to be able to do it? I can play basketball but I ain't <deleted> king Michael Jordan.
  10. Some would argue there are a lot of things that are not impossible given time, dedication, ability and intelligence. I would say the young lad has chosen a rather obscure thing to be exceptionally good at....looking at his old man in the audience though maybe he didn't have much choice.
  11. I looked up bbc and it keeps sending me to porn sites.....
  12. Point taken, but I mean in the context of the story how many Thai coppers look like that? That is what we are talking about right? I didn't overlook the fact that there are many beautiful women in Thailand.
  13. Most Thais are miles away from practising Buddhists are mostly animist tbh don't follow the 7 fold path and only practise in so far as it may bring them luck or a lottery number so I don't think having a lazy beer on a so called buddha day is hardly going to make a massive impact on Thai culture.
  14. I used to call it trannynoia any of these peanuts that are only a kiss away from getting tabled by a ladyboy automatically think that any Thai girl that is above average has to be a ladyboy. Mostly due to the fact that the only Thai birds they interact with are 5 foot tall, black shielas from isaan
  15. Yeah righto mate please feel free to post any of your top shelf birds that clearly outshine her.
  16. Despite all the posts that will invariably be about how she looks like a ladyboy or how your flat footed missus in isaan puts her to shame this girl is an absolute glamour. Even more so than all the hi-so half Chinese models that most of the posters here have shacked up with.
  17. He didn't bottle her he poured a drink on her head. I'm talking from someone that's been charged with certain things and if you face a judge and it comes out you follow someone down the street assaulting them back where I'm from thats not self defense . Further to that if it's proved your a trained fighter that is also considered in regards to sentencing. She wasn't in any way trying to restrain him but hey I wasn't talking about Thailand.
  18. Depends on the beak on the day ya front court mate. Don't know what experience you have regarding that but if you front a court and your a known fighter that was to follow someone down the street. It is a serious offence and you will be in a fair amount of trouble. Depending on how much you spend on your defense and who the judge is that may mean a suspended sentence or a bit of boob. Or even worse hit the unt wrong and drop him if he falls wrong or cracks his melon now your looking at wrongful death or manslaughter. Don't know how many courts you been in but things get pleaded down all time doesn't mean your not in a fair bit of trouble. Just cos your not locked up don't mean ya not in a bit of bother peanut.
  19. Hot as back in her day. Still wouldn't mind bumping her now...in any respect
  20. Oh come on are you not overly concerned about what some bloke called meat pie might say about you? ????☹️☹️☹️
  21. And in this modern world of equal opportunity of course if a woman had caused such an "assault" than a bloke that has had 50 fights shoukd be able to kick the <deleted> out of her right?
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