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Everything posted by starky

  1. HIV was the great reset unfortunately wasn't available for everyone lol. Only killed a couple thousand the first year now well over 35 million with an ongoing 1 million a year (these aren't exact numbers some sources say maybe 70 million dead and i think only @800 000 died last year but its still way up there). That's one they still haven't cured only controlled funny how virus' only really matter when you have fully been impacted by them.
  2. Whatever I say will get me banned for a week at least so I'm out on this one.
  3. All I know is I've had my gold status extended for third time out till Dec 2023 so it's all apples for me. ????. Still flying so enjoying all the bonuses that come with retaining my status without having to put in the big miles. Thanks Thai Airways!
  4. Well obviously not. Lol but as it was posted on a Thai centric forum by what looked like a Thai tik toker I made an assumption that was incorrect. Oh well.
  5. Who do? Lol had a lot of conversations with Thais over the years never remember that particular phrase coming up.
  6. Love a Thailand all in. Fun for the whole family. And the bloke refrained from chopping in to any of the shielas so pretty fair fight for here tbh.
  7. Correct. You'll find most of the people whingeing the hardest haven't done it, don't intend to and just love having a crack at Thailand.
  8. I might be getting mixed up with the terminology here but are sha+ not test and go hotels as well technically?
  9. Not sure where about in Isaan you are but there are SHA + hotels there. I'm in Udon and there are some there. Also not ideal but you don't have to stay in BKK you could travel back if BKK is that expensive for you
  10. Normally love your posts but suggesting that a 60 years old isn't a barrier to learning to fight (as clearly separate from studying a martial art) is some of the most reckless and dangerous advice I have heard on this forum
  11. No you can't learn to <deleted> fight in your 50s . Jesus . You could study any martial art you choose including Muay Thai that late in life but fundamentally you won't be strong, flexible nor fit enough to train at a high level as far as learning to fight goes. You learn to fight by getting hit repeatedly about the head and body with Muay Thai that includes getting belted with shins, knees and elbows so no ya cant. Mate if your 60 and can't hold your hands up and even if you were 60 and like me had spent the best part of your life training muay thai and fighting I would suggest you just walk away do not confront people like most 60 year olds do. I know some real staunch old <deleted> that can blue and they ain't looking for fights. Seriously what your talking about could get yourself killed.
  12. Having a test on the 5th day after being free to roam the country and thus pick up the virus anywhere is complete insanity. I love the joint but a test on day 5 is surreal particularly in a country where testing positive basically is akin to incarceration
  13. Did you read my response before replying at least? Your required to travel to the hotel take your pcr test and then stay in your room till you get your result from the hospital. I can't speak for every test and go hotel but the Novotel and Suvarnabhumi where I stayed guarantees your result within 6 hours and has 24 hr testing facility. So dependent on when you arrive you will be out within 6-8 hours after that depending on how many people from your flight are also staying at the novotel you do not have to stay overnight. Not sure where people get this from. Some hotels may have slower or faster hospitals working for them but you only have to stay in the room until you get your test back. Don't really understand your response tbh you were prepared to do 15 nights but now wouldn't consider a few hours?
  14. Well that wasn't the question you asked and you were wrong so just keep hating. Lol.
  15. Agreed. Never said otherwise. My issue is with people blowing up about something they have zero intention on doing anyway and using it as some sort of club. Test and go wasn't even "quarantine free" but for me it was bloody close.
  16. Used to think you were half pie alright now your preaching at the members about what "they should do" how they should live or what will make their life better is a joke. Everyone's Thailand's experience is different and totally subjective and the absolute worst thing is some pillock trying to tell you how if you do what they say your life in Thailand will be better. Give it a rest mate go back to your non sensical ramblings about yourself and don't concern yourself with other people's reality. And 100% learning a language completely as you get older is much harder anyone that says otherwise is a fool. In truth the ability declines significantly in your 20s . https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/at-what-age-does-our-ability-to-learn-a-new-language-like-a-native-speaker-disappear/
  17. Agree 100% not sure how you or the 7/11 girl are smiling at each other though because we are all masked up atm, right? ????
  18. Have fun. And once you get there enjoy your time don't be like others who have left and waste your precious days whingeing on a forum where you no longer stay or visit. Seems like a massive waste of time. Hope Mexico is everything Thailand is not for you.
  19. Again it's not 2 nights it's basically confined to quarters until you results come back and yeah the day 5 thing is new and something that makes no sense but if I was looking to get back for example I would do the few hours at the novotel like I did before and then have to do it again up home on day 5. Its not ideal and sure it's a bit of a money grab bit most of the people commenting have zero experience with any quarantine at all and just love a whinge. I've done the full 2 weeks multiple times in multiple countries so if it is what it is personally I can cop a few hours in a hotel on non consecutive days if required. Calling it no quarantine is of course ridiculous but your hardly sloughed up either so you will or you won't I guess.
  20. Yes he would do much worse than the bloke that calls the joint thighland lol
  21. Again I don't know where you get 2 nights from. It's when you get your test result back. There is no requirement to stay after that. No need to get snarly but my experience was I didn't have an issue I thought the idea of a 5th day test is ridiculous but if I was a person who really wanted to come here 2, 2 thousand baht pcr tests wouldn't be a hurdle for me. Also I'm not a holiday maker I live here so my interpretation is based on that for when i leave again and have to get back. Results may very. Love how argumentative people get over other people's opinions. Lol. My advice would be to people who actually want to come here and my experience with test and go. Others opinions may vary and I wish them luck. Hopefully it does only go back to the day one test as the current idea makes no sense at all which I already stated. Cheers.
  22. No your wrong. And i dont get where you think your banged up. Novotel at Suvarnabhumi guarantees your test back within 6 hours with a dedicated 24hour testing booth at yhe hotel. I arrived at 2200 and was out the door before 0600. People are overacting as usual sure it's an inconvenience and I don't see the point of the day 5 nonsense but if you really want to come to Thailand it's a doddle. Generally I stay a night there before travelling hone in any case and with access to full room service and everything else the hotel has to offer it was hardly an inconvenience.
  23. Happened to a bloke I flew in with from Oz. Flew his missus down to suvarnabhumi put her up in a room in the novotel had the fridge stocked the works. Knowing Thailand I said mate little chance they will let you stay together. Basically the shq rooms are in a separate wing so he had to pay again and to add insult to injury his missus wasn't allowed into the shq wing to stay with him but 6 hours later he was allowed to go to the non shq wing to be with her ...amazing Thailand.
  24. Beat me to it and all that really needs to be said about the reinstatement. Anything after your first night especially if you are free to traipse all over Thailand is totally redundant.
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