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Everything posted by starky

  1. Corpse mushrooms, delicious! ????
  2. So which is it ? Good fertiliser or bio hazard? Can't be both. Don't see many farms on top of cemeteries either to be honest.
  3. My point being....I'm fairly callous in that humans weren't designed to be locked up in boxes. Prison is a perfect example of that. I wouldn't care how many covid killed myself included if that's what it takes. I'm not precious about my ego nor my existence and as governments have done basically <deleted>! all for 2 years and their will always be new variants and breakthrough cases why delay the inevitable? The strong shall survive the weak will die. The world needs a freshen up. Only IMHO of course. Lol. Others views may vary.
  4. Non extint species lol. How did we get here if not for those that came before? That's what evolution is all about. Homo habilis was 2.8 million years ago using tools... That'll do me as an example.
  5. I wish you all the best but surely you see the ridiculousness of that if the government is truly concerned about omicron? Lol . How many weeks in advance are people still to be grandfathered in for example? This worldwide mixed messaging and the playing of this tired old lockdown tune is extremely boring. If vaccination rates aren't where they need to be it might be time to just let things run their course and go back to the old survival of the species model which seems to have served humanity well for a couple million years.
  6. The OP must have done a fairly rudimentary search if he thinks this question has never been asked. It has been asked almost since the movie was first released. Of course IMO it's a classic chrissy movie others may not agree. But for the most part it's a feel good movie where the protagonist gets redemption on Christmas morning don't get more Chrissier than that! ????????????????
  7. Well actually no. Bruce Willis is only a hired actor. Steven De Souza who wrote it (see what I'm doing there) categorically says it IS a Christmas movie and even compares it to White Christmas lol.
  8. Well actually no. Bruce Willis is only a hired actor. Steven De Souza who wrote it (see what I'm doing there) categorically says it IS a Christmas movie and even compares it to White Christmas lol.
  9. Like all things Google if you ask the question the right way you will get the answer you are looking for. Is Die Hard a Christmas movie? Yes Is Die Hard not a Christmas movie? Yes.
  10. Get double vaccinated they said. No more lockdowns they said. No more restrictions they said. We have to learn to live with it they said.
  11. Pretty sure not even medicinal cannabis is fully up and running yet little lone legally being able to have having a few Oscars at home and smashing the old hubbly bubbly smoke machine. I look forward to it though. ????
  12. Sounds great how long is the delivery time to bkk?
  13. Pretty much current medical advice is saying Pfizer or Moderna will be best a booster sort of contradicts your opinion. What is your epidemiological background?
  14. Well I generally agree but I doubt high value tourists anywhere spend most of their "vacation" in bars.
  15. Yeah well that was the point of the OP right? Love how the modern world is ask a question then try and belittle someone that doesn't share the same opinion. ????????????????
  16. Who would want to sit in swampy for 5-7 hours before check in to get a pcr test back? No thanks.
  17. Probably need to get the whole population vaccinated first before giving any serious thought or priority to "boosters" unless your connected of course as the riff raff lives are worthless
  18. Cost me 200 AUD all in and you need a pass not a COE anymore you did try ever so hard to make it sound expensive though and drama filled which it certainly is not.
  19. Pretty much every nation on Earth women will make more on their back, as strippers in massage parlours as escorts you ever been to a brothel or a strip club in the west? It's mostly the underdeveloped nations IMO where there is so little choice that it becomes an option for those that would rather not do. In developed nations it is clearly a choice for many who would rather make massive bank with their bodies than work a normal "honest" job.
  20. Until the faux coup is over and the "elected" government is ousted (read never) the party line will be a combination of 3 and 4.
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