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Everything posted by starky

  1. It's slightly more than 3/5ths of 5/8ths of **** all. That isn't a precise figure though ????
  2. I wasn't saying people that have difficulties with Thailand pass were muppets. I was saying people who have any issue getting a rapid pcr test within a day were and anyone who thinks a 72 hour Window for a covid test "stressful" ill throw in as well. ????. I also clearly stated it's my belief like when people where complaining about quarantine or the test and go procedure had never actually done it so had no real experience so therefore shouldn't comment. How was the test and go experience for you? Maybe you could share your experience?
  3. Wow ! Little late for me this time. I didn't even see that. Thanks for posting. At the international terminal? And was accepted at swampy obviously?
  4. So 2000 baht then? ????????????????????????????
  5. Rubbish. Anywhere in Australia a pcr test for travel is a minimum 150 aud (3800 baht up). My one in Sydney I just did cost me 160 at a walk in clinic with results in 24 hours. Same day will cost you 300 up. Only free pcr tests are the ones in hotspots and they only sms you the results not suitable for airlines. And the pcr test I got here at the Novotel Suvarnabhumi cost me less than my test in Australia with results in less than 6 hours. Geez people on this site talk some bs.
  6. With one of the world's highest vaccination rates. That was the point right? Everyone gets double vaxxed and we can start living again. Or you a forever lockdown advocate?
  7. So many things I could say, mostly involving swearing and a long suspension so instead I will just say, yeah right.
  8. Don't know about 12000 but Novotel Suvarnabhumi which is one if the most expensive I saw and I booked is 4700 all inclusive. 24 hour testing guaranteed results in under 5 hours then your free to walk. I don't find that exorbitant.
  9. Fantastic more reasons to never leave the house, wear masks forever and spend more time with doctors. Great!
  10. They have had 2 years to build hospitals. Even rich states like Western Australia built on billions of resource dollars and who have stuck to basically covid zero strategy have had 2 years to do something, anything in that regard. Nada.
  11. You could do your test and go at novotel swampy then fly thai smile out of swampy to udon. That's what i do.
  12. My view. Had all my ducks in a row. Took screen shots of the pdf files so they were jpg. files opened a Gmail account as had read that it worked best with the server. Uploaded documents total application time 5 minutes. Received a message instantly saying my pass had been received and given a code number so i could check progress. Was told it could take 3-7 working days. Received my Thailand pass 4 hours later. As with most things related to the world under the pandemic ie quarantine, restrictions, imaginary " hurdles" the people doing all the whingeing mostly have not, will not and do not try and do it themselves. They are crying about something they have no experience in As for RT-PCR tests. Anyone who can not have a test and have it directly emailed to them within 24 hours is an absolute Muppet. Total cost 130 AUD for my RT-PCR test in Australia. 205 AUD for my test and go package at Novotel Suvarnabhumi, with 24 hour hour testing regardless of when your flight arrives and results within 6 hours after which your are free to go. Zero stress, zero hurdles, zero drama and reasonable pricing. Not ideal for a family travelling I will admit but for the normal person the additional cost is sweet f.a.. So if you do your research, have the organisational skills of a 6 year old can read English and can afford a couple hundred dollars the test and go system is a breeze.
  13. I know its selfish but I plan to be back before Christmas hope nothing changes before then. Or at all tbh over the hype the msm seems to be wilfully creating around omicron.
  14. Yes hurdles many hurdles need to worry about the hurdles. I would say itz mostly to give the unvaccinated in Sydney the option of getting to the "sandbox" no more no less. They have to start somewhere and surprisingly a lot of people give far less of a <deleted> about the hurdles than you would imagine. Mostly they just want to get out of "fortress Australia"
  15. What the Perth that will be locked off to every state in Australia this week when Qld and Tassie open their borders? the Perth that has international arrivals capped at 265 people a week for the whole world? The Perth whos Thai Consulate has been in effect closed for nearly 2 years? That Perth? ???????????????? yeah right. People whinge about the hurdles to getting into Thailand what about Perth? A pcr test before you fly. 14 days mandatory quarantine at 3000 AUD and 5 (count em 5?) Pcr tests In the first 21 days of your arrival. https://www.mediastatements.wa.gov.au/Pages/McGowan/2021/11/Western-Australia-to-safely-welcome-more-international-arrivals.aspx
  16. 4 replies 3 of them yours. You need a break from TV champ you've lost it. Your doing a print version of an overly verbose version of talking to yourself. Time for a bex and a little lie down.
  17. Or as it is most commonly quoted si vis pacem para bellum...(you want peace, prepare war) Hardly a famous quote (you also provided the most obscure form lol) and certainly not in my opinion a famous person but a very oft seen tattoo on service men and women. General Vegetius Renatus. excuse spelling ancient history class was long ago. ???? boom boom.
  18. Don't know if it's changed mate but I have flown Bangkok Sydney and Bangkok Brisbane I didn't require anything special nor showed any paperwork. When you disembark the plane you are given a wristband and taken to a quarantined waiting area till you board your next flight there are plenty of food and refreshment options and if your flying business class the beers are free! Lol don't know what everyone else is rabbiting on about or if they have even done it to be able to comment about it
  19. What about sharknado or snakes on a plane? Truly cinematic greats of our time. Reminiscent of the golden years of Hollywood Watch several times and really soak up the angst.........
  20. Unless they are trying to figure out which spanners to bring to get the nuts off the window guards. Boom boom
  21. Once again proving that some people at best fleetingly read the title almost zero of the OP content and use every thread possible as an excuse not to discuss the topic but just rabbit on about themselves ad nauseum. Oh and comedy, irony and or sarcasm rarely translate well ????
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