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Everything posted by starky

  1. In a public or private hospital? And why should tourists be required to cover the health care needs of someone that chooses to live here?
  2. And how would you police people being able to pay for their own medical costs? I'm interested to know people on this forum blow up about having a few hundred thousand baht in a bank account as a visa requirement what would you suggest would be a reasonable amount to have stashed to cover "medical costs"? How would it be proven and how would it be enforced and would that amount be more or less than having basic medical coverage?
  3. I have a million USD international health insurance for myself and my family. It doesn't just cover Thailand but most countries. Have had that since my children were born. Sure insurance is betting against yourself but medical insurance is a must surely? I come from Australia where we obviously have universal health care but even there I have private coverage separate from the international coverage I have for my family. It is my opinion that people living in a foreign country should certainly have private cover so as not to be a burden on the system and I am slightly amused by people who live here, choose to live here and yet think they "deserve" certain things. Who would want to be treated in the public hospital system here anyway? I understand it must be difficult for those who are not eligible for any sort of insurance at all and it would be fair to make allowances for those who have already been here. However for new applicants I think it is only fair that they have some basic health insurance for me it is a no brainer.
  4. Yeah mate understood what I'm saying is you won't get motorcycle insurance if your not a licensed motorcycle rider. There are plans that cover the hiring of motorcycles of course.
  5. You might want to read the fine print there is hardly any travel insurance that would cover you riding a motorcycle. Further to that I would posit that a lot (maybe most?) people hiring bikes and scooters here probably don't even have a motorcycle license in their own country therefore there is no way any sort of insurance would cover them. Same happens in many countries where idiots want to hire bikes they don't know how to ride. And jet skis and other dangerous things people want to do on holidays but if they were barred from participating in those things they would whinge about that as well.
  6. Yes people should definitely be responsible for their own health insurance and if you are "living" or retired in a foreign country you should have far more than a basic travel insurance policy. Not even sure why a government would need to mandate this it should be common sense. And the government is completely correct in asking people staying here long term having some form of health cover.
  7. You would think finding cases is exactly the reason you would not drop quarantine or insurance requirements surely.
  8. Just about every motorcycle shop will carry at least a few second hand/ traded in motocys. Might get away with it with a scooter but I would never buy a second hand motorcycle especially when the prices for new ones are ridiculously cheap. Buy what works for you then you won't be disappointed by riding bikes other people like.
  9. Ill run with the first law, and it's a law not a theory of physics in regards to thermodynamics . They teach it in primary https://www.nationalgeographic.org/article/conservation-matter-during-physical-and-chemical-changes/6th-grade/ turns out that in Einstein’s theory of general relativity, regions of space with positive energy actually push space outward. As space expands, it releases stored up gravitational potential energy, which converts into the intrinsic energy that fills the newly created volume. So even the expansion of the universe is controlled by the law of energy conservation.
  10. Well matter apparently can't be destroyed nor created so some of those atoms will be hanging around. ????
  11. No fear but the older I get the more I think about it and what it means. Everything you are were or will be all the individual things that are you cease to exist. Not afraid but it's certainly a lot for a chimp brain to rap its head around. I believe it was Ricky Gervais who said something like you don't remember the millions of years before you were born and the same happens when you die. It's those that left behind who suffer somewhat with grief or sadness. I have told my family not to be sad at my passing. I am truly blessed couldn't have asked for a better life I don't want to push on any time soon but you ya gotta make room for all the buggers coming up behind.
  12. Soooo..does that mean no pcr test required for the vaccinated entering Thailand? And what about airlines I think most of them will still require it
  13. Congratulations! Thanks for posting.
  14. Nope still 1 cos they are biologically men no matter what the woke world would have you believe. Lol. Identity doesn't trump biology nor genetics And they aren't chick's with dix they are men with tits . ????????????
  15. Well vaccines are at the moment. Your condescending tone is quite offensive. Actually my concern for the vast majority of people in underdeveloped nations has nothing to do with a "fixation" on vaccines. And until such time as your miracle anti- virals are tested, approved and produced on such a scale that they are available "everywhere" by every pharmacy then they will continue to suffer. And if and when these anti-virals are commercially available who is to say they will be cheap and accessible to everyone? That was supposed to be the case for vaccine right? And clearly that is not true. Don't be so fixated solely on your point of view.
  16. How does that relate to most of the undeveloped world having close to zero vaccine? Please elaborate
  17. Yes Israel is pushing ahead with boosters whilst the vast majority on the undeveloped world has vaccination rates of less than 2%. So what's the real conspiracy? So rich nations thrive So the poor can die? If so all humanity deserves to be blanked
  18. Ah there's the rub...I have many many friends throughout Sydney and Victoria who are fully vaxxed and yet are sloughed up and enjoy no more freedoms than the unvaccinated. This is not a reason not to be vaccinated of course but there must benefit, reward for those you are doing the right thing or whats the point? If there is no benefit freedom wise, and I'm playing devils advocate here many will continue to be hesitant...I would posit that many people care more about their ability to move freely than the possible harmful effects of catching covid. We are risk/reward monkeys who whilst for the most part can tend towards generosity and sympathy not many are truly conscious of something unless they have personally experienced it, especially for the youth and the reckless.
  19. Well how do we get to the high 90 percentile if everyone or even a lot of people think like that? So the choice is get vaxxed or don't. We are a point now where No one cares about the particular reason certain individuals choose no jab. It maybe reasonable it may be full blown tin foil hat. If people choose however to go the no jab route they should be prepared to be potentially severely restricted in their movements in the post pandemic world for many years to come or potentially forever. No one is forcing the jab on anyone directly but indirectly it is crystal clear what the consequences will be.
  20. So....you don't read the thread before posting ? Only the OP right?
  21. He doesn't want to do that . No drivers license ????
  22. Yes because he would of paid for it outright no one here buys cars or motorbikes on finance with a minimal deposit and measly monthly repayments for years and years. No one ever buys anything they can't really afford on credit.
  23. We are allies with the Japanese https://www.dfat.gov.au/geo/japan/australia-japan-bilateral-relationship The Americans will help us if it is thier own self interest for sure but why doesn't New Zealand, who has a much longer military history with Australia than the US also need the protection of the almighty USA? Australia should act independently as NZ does. China has been our number 1 trading partner for many years. Australia is technically a part of Asia if all goes to <deleted> the Americans won't suddenly become our number one trading partner. Australia didn't need America in WWII. Your understanding of military is also lacking China would easily dominate the airspace over Australia even with the help of the good ol US of A. No way America would get air superiority in this region.
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