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Everything posted by starky

  1. Like anyone cares what Thailand thinks about AUKUS or anything to do with anything on the world stage really.
  2. They have drugs that reduce severity of infection and substantially lower deaths they are called vaccines
  3. Yep mate came to visit me in Udon by taxi meter from Pattaya cost him 5000 baht but he knew the driver
  4. Possibly mate bur that's the option I chose. Some public hospitals may do them but in Thailand I think there is not a lot of difference in price tbh. I think AEK udon may be @2500 baht mark if that helps.
  5. All hospitals in Udon provide this as a same day (dependent on the time you arrive) service. And by all I mean private Bangkok, AEK et al. Your looking at @3000 baht
  6. How do you plan to take "a lot" of luggage, appliances on a bus? You need to be more specific about where you wish to go and how much you intend to transport if you want some solid advice. And if you know already train and bus services aren't as normal how would you be hoping for one? If it is urgent as you say surely a few thousand baht would be a small price to pay. Failing that many places in Udon will hire a hilux, ranger or similar on short term rental.
  7. Well thats the problem they don't supply them the police have to buy them. Just as they bought their original service pistol ....now what could I sell to buy a new sig now I don't need my old S&W .38 hmmmmmm.
  8. Oh yeah I can read between the lines alright. I can read so well that I can see a greedy developed first world hoarding all the vaccine and discussing "boosters" whilst most of the undeveloped nations have seen nothing and will remain fully unvaccinated far into the foreseeable future. Ahhh humans what a wonderful sympathetic sharing bunch we are.
  9. Booster shots? So is this to imply that there is some confidence that the whole population will be vaccinated sometime next year? Lol or do they mean booster shots for those poor people that had no choice but accept the sub par sinovac that was offered? Like my wife who understands that some vaccine is better than none so has taken a jab of sinovac whilst we still wait for the moderna we paid for 2 months ago to arrive.
  10. Well if we must discuss linguistic usage disputes what about parody or satire? This page has deliberately been left blank.
  11. One thing Thailand certainly does not have is a lack of human resources. What Thailand does have is an elite class who have zero interest in providing a well rounded, complete education to serfs for whom they would have enormous problem if not only could they tink too mutt, they hopefully would be able to engage in high quality critical debate on socio-economic, political and general discussion about what would be best for the people not the few in charge. I would love to see a drastic change in Thailand's education system the youth deserve it and not just this archaic Thailand-centric rubbish
  12. Or maybe there are multiple posters who have English as a second language who in their own country or mother tongue would be far more savvy and street smart than you. Or perhaps come from countries where sarcasm as seen as a low form of humour. Maybe they are responding sarcastically to a sarcastic comment and are executing it with such subtlety that even you as the epitome of street smarts and wisdom hasn't picked up on it. All I know is very easy to pigeon-hole groups of people you don't know or have very little understanding of. They even have words for it.
  13. Ill I read was blah blah blah de blah blah blah. The rest didn't make much sense ????
  14. Rading comprehension lacking. 10 days for those arriving by air unvaccinated halving of the current 14 days for those fully vaccinated <deleted> at least read the OP first. Having said that my money is on 12 and 9.
  15. So 16 days has been reduced to 12 days.? Massive. Slashed to the bone. And if it's "halved" for the vaccinated does that mean 9....and the 0 for the vaccinated in the sandbox might as well be 14 as there is not much to do and no more to go with lots of things closed. Huge effort.
  16. Who said anyone is accepting it lol. Actually you should get out there in the streets and protest your displeasure at the Thai government, demand change, be a force for good. Otherwise your doing exactly as mush as everyone else is about it. don't bridge up like your some mad activist. Your applause is doing exactly sweet fa.
  17. Good. Can we finally drop the COE then? It's a pain in the arris. Totally unnecessary and something that can be checked by airlines etc and confirmed before departure.
  18. No ...not in a Class based Monarchy such as this. Lesser people are worth less. Where you been? Well actually the rule applies in most countries a Trump or a Clinton will have far more pull and consideration from law compared to others in the west but here the gap is glaringly obvious, legally enforced and part of the culture.
  19. Well thats it then. Case closed! Few months in the naughty corner of an inactive post then back to the car collection.
  20. I was with you right to the last sentence. The land and property I have bought in my wife's name though technically not mine will be for the term of my life and then will pass to my wife and children the future of my family is secure regardless of who holds the property title. And why is it your "thai" family...surely it's just your family? That's a bizarre thing to say
  21. But but but why would working girls be so important to Pattaya reopening. Going by a lot of posters Pattaya is not about the workers at all. It's all about the fine dining, wonderful shopping and beautiful beaches. Are you trying to say that Pattaya is somehow reliant on the sex industry? Pattaya? No way.
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