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Everything posted by starky

  1. Oh thank you almighty genius. You think the page structure, lesson format and year appropriate content might not also be obvious?
  2. My daughter got exactly that question in her online learning. Tbh it was ridiculous I have 2 daughters and I really don't want them learning that sort of bias. I'm not some mad SJW but we are living in a time where girls should be encouraged to achieve whatever they would like to achieve with a gender bias. I would love to post the lesson here as it was pages of absolute rubbish about boys do this and girls do that but unfortunately the well known private catholic school logo is on the headers and I would hate to risk defamation claims.
  3. Particularly on this forum in regards to certain people or topics are completely censored.
  4. Especially when he coveting my missus. That's a word you don't hear enough anymore. Bring back the covet I say.
  5. Theoretically no. Practically it has some issues ???????????? socialism also has a lot of merit ...in theory
  6. 100% . I think social media has a lot to do with it. Like Google what ever side of a question you punch in Google will agree with you. Man landed on the moon? Yes. Man didn't land on the moon? Yes. And so like flat earthers people now instead of listening to other opinions and engaging in healthy debate mostly associate with people who think exactly the same as them. Which eventually leads to them being "right" and everyone else being "wrong". The art of the debate for the multitude for most of the population is gone which is a great shame as so many good things come from peoples ability to think critically but also accept criticism.
  7. Well as the starky that was quoted in the OP. I don't really expect much of the Thai government at all to be brutally honest. And if me spending over a million baht a year, year in year out for 20 years doesn't seem to be that much in the grand scheme of things, I can cop that on the chin as well certainly not shouting from the roof tops. But as many here do know people with vastly more wealth are very unlikely to be attracted to Thailand and this preposterous notion they will be holds as much water as all the other statements released by tat, the government, the medical community and all the other fallacious nonsense that we are subjected to day after day ad nauseum.
  8. See ya played into it. So it's ok to be racist as long as your not nasty? Therein lies the rub. Subtle, accepted racism is probably worse. I'm not judging just saying and yeah we are fair ...racist but fair. Tbh in truth we are all racist all tribal all prefer to hang with our own survival of the species or "tribe" depended on it for millions of years.
  9. Ill think you'll find it's older people generally who find it hardest to change their mindset. My old man is a Vietnam vet still hates "gooks". Disowned me for a couple of years when I married my missus now is proud to proclaim never met an Asian that was any good but xxxx is ok. So we making progress lol. And just for the record Australians, of which I'm one, are without a doubt some of the most racist people on the planet being jokey about racism doesn't make it not racist. All I heard growing is up was gook, spic, <deleted>, slaphead, bubble and squeak, lebbo, slant eyes and a million other derogatory terms to numerous to mention followed up by its alright mate only joking.
  10. Na just stirring the pot and hardly a young 'un there grandad lol ???? im ageing quite gracefully thanks very much and totally enjoying the ride not pretending I could still compete with me in my 20s. And speaking of the alternative who wants to be 100? Well the bloke who is 99 for one. There's a dad joke you can have.
  11. Delusional. Stallone is probably one of the fittest men for his age. But he is old and so are you. If your within x number of years or OLDER than the average life expectancy of course your old. What do you consider yourself to be? Young? ????????????????????. I remember my pop telling me the problem is your mind never really ages and for some it gets stuck in some place in your life when you were killing it. Ask a 20 or 30 or even a fixing 40 year old f f s if 63 is old, that's if you can accept the truth. Your confusing reality with perception of course you can feel good and be a fully functional near athlete at 63 but your still old. Im creeping up on 50 champ and I'm super fit super active and still work 12 hour days in heavy industry I do however have no delusions about being young.
  12. Jesus another dads army OP has all the lockdowns made you decrepit old <deleted> nostalgic or something.
  13. Got news for you 63 is ooooooold. Sugar coat it however you want come up with whatever makes you feel good bit 63 is fxxxng ancient . Sorry.
  14. Im loathe to bring it up again but what about those that live already and spend over a million baht a year? I also notice in a very sneaky change of wording that the Thailand elite visa is now selling itself as a way to get "residence" in Thailand which of course it does not.
  15. I grasped that none of your generalisations hold any water. You seem to be the one hung up on it you know wheelchairs and incontinence bags lol.
  16. Over 60's ? You talking about yourself I presume? Don't assume everyone posting on this forum is a retiree. I also love the assumption that "everyone" of her generation would like this twaddle. So every teenager in the world would like this song you think? Maybe in Thailand and parts of Asia a lot of kids love commercial crappy kpop sure. Outside of there? unfortunately your sadly mistaken. Your telling me, oh I don't know Billie Eilish fans for example would like this woman just repeating her name for 3 and a half minutes? Keep persisting with your generalisations though.
  17. Im assuming ozforex will let you trade both ways no commission on trades over 10k and rates are locked once selected. You may have to check with them though
  18. Okay 2 comments. I think you got number 9 <deleted> about perhaps? Or are you saying Coral is better than your missus' lips? 2 I love how you generally are the first one to post on your own topics. You write the world's longest ops and still don't manage to get it all in.
  19. Bet George Michael wishes he did
  20. I mean good luck to the girl and I wish her all the best but that, is the lowest song, if you could call it that, I have ever heard.
  21. Well no it seems old mate came sorted out the cleaning etc and charged the 300 but probably didn't fix the problem . Was that message correctly conveyed? Regardless you got 300 baht worth of work when your missus rang him he said it would be up to 1200 baht to fix which is what your regular guy would charge. Which to me says that's about what it would have cost to fix. So not really sure how you got taken beyond you didn't get exactly what you wanted which can happen with many tradesmen. Did you ever say stop I don't want it cleaned etc. I only want the drip fixed?
  22. True that. Honestly I think gamma is slightly long winded and probably trolling for the most part. He posts frequently and is overly verbose. But whom am I to judge? Like many debates these days it's im right, your wrong and no consideration for others opinions. If you don't want to read posts don't read them. Try and avoid the pile on but tbh everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that opinion should be able to be debated without being disrespectful or an eggplant. Something lacking these days seems to be the ability to have a healthy argument.
  23. Well yes they may but someone would need immensely deep pockets to claim that little thoroughfare. I have no doubt they know what they are doing in regards to that land far more than me or you lol.
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