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Everything posted by starky

  1. Ever since it became Asean now it's absolutely <deleted> house imho. I really don't see how a Thailand centric forum now has any contributions from all these other Asian countries maybe I wrong. Doesn't matter I still check in every few days and post occasionally but tbh it's boring as bat <deleted> and the forum has gone to the dogs.
  2. Of course you would need to have Pfizer vaccines for that to happen. And all the most vulnerable would have to be vaccinated. And there would have to be a decent vaccine roll out and you would need a government that was responsible for its actions and engaging in sourcing more reputable vaccines and.....oh fxxxk it whats the use.
  3. The family that owns Patpong will never lose regardless of the circumstance.
  4. When ya talking about a country where coppers have 400 million baht in assets on a 40k a month salary there is zero risk involved. It's just washing dirty money
  5. That's the new catch cry for sure hearing it 1000 times a day. This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Lol
  6. Someone will certainly cash in. Normally the ultra rich who thrive in an environment where people are forced to sell during hard times. The rich get richer an all that....
  7. Well no one dodges that bullet in my understanding https://www.medindia.net/patients/calculators/world-death-clock.asp Numbers ticking over pretty quickly on that beetch. 1 every second or so man woman and child forever.....or until we reach terminal velocity ????????????????????
  8. You start to get that when you have stayed in Thailand too long . You start second guessing every half pie good looking Thai shiela. I call it trannynoia
  9. True but still having to pay school fees for unoriginal content while my missus bears the brunt of being 24 hour caretaker plus teacher of multiple subjects, when that is not even expected of teachers in a school environment is extracting the urine in my opinion
  10. Further and further off topic and further and further down the rabbit hole.... This is a discussion about how and when the world may be open up no one is discrediting doctors or being anti vaxx or anti mask or anti social distancing.
  11. I agree the online learning is pathetic with an emphasis on children learning "answers" than any pretense of garnering any knowledge from the subject they are meant to be learning. Sent in by teachers who also do not understand the subject with liberal dollops of cut and pasted lessons they have clearly "borrowed" from other online learnings in other countries.
  12. It's you misquoting me that's the issue mate. As is again trying to state im not in favour of social distancing, mask wearing or vaccination. Is English comprehension an issue for you? Maybe you could also list for us all the experts you personally know and liase with so we could more broadly understand your position. The issue is you assuming you have a perfect understanding of all epidemiological aspects of covid and no one else's opinion is of merit . Your singularly huge ego is affecting your perception.
  13. 2 year old protocols regarding lockdowns even many experts are distancing themselves from now . If you going to cherry pick my quotes at least try and be accurate. Never once did I show any disdain toward the use of masks, getting vaccinated or social distancing quite the opposite in fact. Go and try and score your points off another poster. Your inaccurate representation of my post tries to paint me as something I most definitely am not. We are all going to get sick and and old and die if not from covid from something else. In Australia suicide, self harming, domestic abuse numbers are through the roof. Children no longer are able to socialise, congregrate, play, go to school. If there is no hope and no future for our children whats the point? https://www.aihw.gov.au/suicide-self-harm-monitoring/data/populations-age-groups/intentional-self-harm-hospitalisations-among-young We are a social animal we didn't develop through millions of years to live in isolation https://www.psycom.net/covid-19-suicide-rates
  14. Yep Melbourne copped it the worst for sure. I've done 8 rounds of hotel quarantine multiple self isos and coincidentally I work at sea lol. I was lucky I got back to Thailand but had to come back to Oz for work. Thankfully for Sydney and Melbourne there is a light at the end of the tunnel same probably can't be said for Qld or WA however McGowan will never open up .... Pretty hard to look for a nice Australian girl from your loungeroom in lockdown I would imagine .....
  15. I thought you wanted to get back to rowing lol ....tbh I'm not anti lockdown and in no way am I suggesting that Thailand is ready to fully open up. The mindset however must change from "covid zero" to a new strategy. I know people will mention Israel here but once populations hit certain vaccination targets it's time to open up we won't eradicate this. There will be breakthrough cases there will be other variants and just like before we must move forward. Im an Aussie we have some of the lowest death rates in the world yet every morning we concentrate on this 70 year old died or this 40 year old died from covid. It is naturally shocking as so many fear death but if they wish to do that then the government should be realising the figures of EVERY 70 year old that died EVERY 40 year old that died not just from covid. If we wish to focus on death let's focus on all deaths. If the thought of that football match scares you that is your choice it looks amazing to me. Stay inside don't go out. Not much of a life though is it?
  16. Have to learn to live with it. That is the new normal. College football Florida yesterday. 4000 cases a day 66000 at the footy bring it on! End the lockdowns.....or let those that love lockdowns just remain in their homes forever some of us want to get back to living.
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