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Everything posted by starky

  1. The secret to happiness on this forum? I just had epiphany mostly it's just ignoring your faux intellectual, overly verbose, trolling threads. Ahhhhhh there happiness.
  2. Rooster? ???????????????? The word count is certainly on par, as is the general writing ability.
  3. Do you know how many people worldwide haven't seen family members for nearly 2 years? If she was running low on cash maybe she should have considered her options. Should she have flown to a country where case numbers are hitting 20000 a day? Could she have got one of those 300 pound flights that would have got her home but would have taken a bit longer? should she have travelled in August knowing full well she had a position to start in September. Maybe her dad could sling her some cash to pay for her quarantine. No one here is being overly harsh people no longer seem to be held responsible for their decisions nor their actions..Every decision she made in coming here was her own as are the consequences of those decisions. what she chose to do was reckless, senseless and no one else's fault. there were options available which she chose not to pursue. I have travelled here twice to see family members for a few weeks in a country I normally live . I have seen my children for less than 90 days in over 2 years and I'm one of the lucky ones some have not had that opportunity at all.. I have had to pay and do quarantine in Thailand twice Australia three times (plus numerous self isolations), labuan once and kl once every time knowing that I would have to pay for and allow for the time and monetary hardship that would bring. Many people are in similar or worse situations. Do I feel sorry for her? Not one jot.
  4. 2500 quid will bankrupt her? She should be working then not traipsing round the world during a pandemic. When the cases hit 2000 a day then 5000 then 10000 at any point did these flips think "oh I wonder ifThailand will get put on a red list?" Idiots.
  5. Exactly ???? seems people in this thread are confusing goals with some convoluted idea of what "success" should be.
  6. Ahhhh deflection the gambit of the defeated .
  7. Are they mutually exclusive ? Goals and a varied and interesting life? <deleted>
  8. So no goals but the goal of living in Thailand lol.
  9. Buying a Harley is a goal. Not doing what your friends were doing is a goal. Choosing not to have the classic 9-5 and 2 1/4 children is maybe not a goal but it's certainly something you aspired to. Having goals doesn't make you a square head or locked into some boring existence. The most adventurous people in the world had goals to go places, do things and see sights that no one had ever experienced before. The David Goggins, Jocko Wilinks and their ilk done more kickin and screaming then you will ever pretend to do
  10. Over 300 Pfizer shots delivered to expats at Udon Rajahabat University hospital. Big turn out plenty of happy faces. Go Udon!
  11. I got hundreds mate im not trying to change the world. My goals are based around my family and I and personally I have no real interest in revealing my hopes, dreams or goals to some random on a forum but here's a couple simple ones as it seems like your struggling for guidance. Train harder today than yesterday Teach my children something useful today Make my kids really laugh today. I have bigger goals and things I want to achieve but my life is my own . I run hills every day so hopefully one day I can run mountains. All I know is that if you have nothing to strive for you achieve nothing.
  12. If you don't have goals your basically trading who you could be for who you are. "Supposed" to be an ever evolving species those that can't think of what to do or get stuck in the past are denying themselves of so many possibilities. Ahhh <deleted> rather just sit on the couch and sink <deleted>
  13. Patrice said it best.... women define themselves as a series of holes ???????????????? https://youtu.be/28gvMM8KXm4
  14. Oh I'm definitely gonna remember it. .
  15. I guess once you hit a certain age apparently there is no point in setting any goals if that's true you might as well just curl up and die. Of course you must have goals. Drive, determination, success, just basic meaning all revolve around having realistic achievable goals. Even small things you can achieve daily bring fulfilment, even in a pandemic. The people that will come out of this the best will be the ones that have used their time productively. Those that sat on their arris generally just Schlum through life wondering what it's all about. Lol.
  16. I have done the same but at wattana Udon Thani their advice was don't expect anything before the end of the year....
  17. Did you read that article? Lol. Nepal, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan et al. Not exactly places high on anyone's travel destination list.
  18. Surely your not implying that Pattaya could be considered as a high end tourist destination ????????????????
  19. They would better striving hard to getting their population vaccinated and stop worrying about money for a change.
  20. New South Wales now up to 200k tests a day...1 state in 1 day. How many Thailand doing again?
  21. At least they are half pie now admitting sinovac is rubbish. That's the only good thing in this debacle.
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