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Everything posted by starky

  1. As far as thai smile goes everything back to normal with food and drink service to UTH. Masks are still the norm.
  2. starky

    Beer lao Dark

    Heaps in udon but not everywhere definitely not all 7/11s . Bars is a lucky dip. If you want cases go to the bigger Thai style "bottle shops" they will sell by the case.
  3. Bloom sells gummies but they are only the official ones ie .02% https://bloom.express/products/i-love-jelly/
  4. It started off at thc .02% as well ????????????????
  5. Bongparty is better. And cheaper and has a much wider range.
  6. All the other threads? This is the only one in the first 3 pages of this forum. None of them mention the Thais who were hurt at all and mostly concern Sia B. Don't extract the urine mate. As I said feel free to go through all these "multiple" threads and name just one of the Thai nationals that got stuck at Sirikit.
  7. Used to be horse races at Udon every week not sure if it has restarted since covid. More ponies than horses but a fun day out.
  8. Yes you speak of nong Kim like you have some massive connection. You should tear a pocket. The only reason nong Kim has a massive hospital bill is because her friend moved her from Sirikit to a PRIVATE hospital.
  9. Yep done that I'm saying where is your concern for the Thais that didn't get the luxury of being moved to a private hospital? There will be another news story next week and this bird will matter just as much to you as she does to me. I love all this false concern. Why don't you pull some money out your bank and cover her bill if you care so much. Be a white knight get her removed from a hospital and take her under your wing. Or better yet pay for one of the Thais that had to stay in Sirikit get a better level of health care. By next week you and your concern for her will cease to exist and you will have another little Thai story to whinge about.
  10. What about all the others? Jesus wept. Forget deflection hows about cherry picking sympathy? Do the Thais not deserve your concern? You know the Thais that had to wait in line at Sirikit while little miss vietnam got transported to a private hospital so you could whinge about how evil Bangkok hospital pattaya is.
  11. What about the 10 Thais with 80% burns that no one gives a fxxk about and ended up in agony waiting at Sirikit? How they doing?
  12. Unfortunately despite much of the faux outrage and shirt tearing we all realise this is part of the reality of living in Thailand. The smarter of us prepare and try to deal with this as best we can. Others wait until too late and then decry something they knew to be true all along.
  13. Id imagine so and thats true even with 12% body fat. Your organs dont recognise a difference between fat and muscle. But by that scale every NFL, NBA, MLB, NRL etc etc player is morbidly obese. So you worry about BMI ill worry about my fitness levels ????
  14. One of very few places in the world though as I said. Hardly the point though is it?
  15. Oh back to the car park ????????????????????. More unsubstantiated nonsense. She was in a hospital and moved to another one. She was never left in a <deleted> car park. End of.
  16. Yeah plenty of flip floppery in this thread. The result would be the same basically world wide. Even if you were treated in a private hospital they would stabilise you then kick you the <deleted> out. Simple. Cruel? Yes. Unjust? Maybe. True? 100%
  17. Proof? Evidence? Of the 10 we are speaking of or just speculation? Also yet another good argument for having medical insurance. Especially in a country like Thailand.
  18. Sorry you dont understand how private hospitals operate. How about the 10 public hospitals whos job it is to ACTUALLY treat her or Sirikit you mad at any of them? Lol.
  19. Sweet. What was your point again? Liability insurance for an illegal venue? Her lack of insurance? Or private hospitals operating for free?
  20. Well said . Post of the thread. Another one with impartiality and common sense.
  21. Illegal venue operating illegally? What do you think. Free health care in the west in a private hospital? Yeah right? Read it again mate. She was at Sirikit who were willing to treat her. Her friend drove her in her car to a private hospital . Paid the deposit so her friend could be treated. She was never refused treatment and no where in the west in a private hospital do you get free health care. Absolute nonsense.
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