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Everything posted by starky

  1. Wasting your breath mate. Your one if the few showing any sense or rationality in this debate.
  2. Again not totally correct but this thread isnt about you and me and we are spamming it. Just for clarity though. She was at Sirikit who were going to treat her. Her friend didnt want to wait so asked her doctor to take her elsewhere at which point the 10 other hospitals refused to treat her. Her friend then drove her to BHP in her private car. Her friend made the concious decison to take her there. Was aware of the cost and admitted her anyway. Private hospitals arent free. Regardless your jumping around is non sensical. Its about face. Its about government. Its about the hospitals that wouldnt treat her. Its about BHP. Good luck.
  3. Yep. Nothing to do with Bangkok hospital Pattaya then. Glad we cleared that up. This is just another case of gross negligence of which they numbers are immeasurable have been forever and will continue to be. I believe the phrase, cliche even is this is Thailand. Terrible but true and not likely to change regardless of the tragedy
  4. Yeah says me which carries just as much weight as your opinion. What you think doesn't help the 15 who died. Nor the 10 other badly burnt Thais coincidentally. Wonder how they are doing?
  5. Well tbh what should have happened is her friend could have left her at Sirikit hospital with the other 10 badly burnt Thais that not one person has mentioned or seem to give a <deleted> about. Wonder how they are doing or where their pages of outrage are?
  6. Reality and life are both cruel eh? No one ever expects anything bad to happen. I just wish there was something you could do for your house, your car or most importantly your health in case of unexpected calamity.
  7. Make you mind up. So it's not about face? Trying hard to understand the uproar. It should be about the 10 hospitals that did refuse her treatment or perhaps the Vietnamese government of whom she is a citizen.
  8. No rant. Stating facts. If they upset you that's not my problem. I've been here not permanently for over 20 years I spend thousands on health insurance that I hope I never need but again the onus is on me and not a private hospitals to ensure that is in place. Have a nice day.
  9. Thailand cares about face with other Thais and people who deserve face. So maybe the Chinese overlords. Everyone else is falang.
  10. No excuse for not having insurance if you are frequently overseas the onus is on you not the hospital. Foreigners on here are perpetually lambasted for exactly the same thing hundreds of threads on it. If this was British tourist on life support after falling off motorbike instead of pretty young Vietnamese girl there would be a very different reaction. That's how news sites work.
  11. Yeah right. Thailand cares about what other countries think. ????????????????????
  12. Stick to the facts. She wasn't left to "Die in a carpark" she wasn't refused treatment. What did happen was when the bill got up over 600k baht and she could no longer afford the bill nor had the insurance to cover it she was required to move. You understand private hospitals right? She had lived here over 4 years maybe she should have considered health insurance. Why aren't you blowing up about all the public hospitals that actually did refuse to treat her? You know why? Because if she had gone to a public hospital she would more than likely already be dead. Private hospital actually saved her life what its worth.
  13. They got their deposit and they didn't refuse treatment which seems to be the salient point everyone is missing. It was when the bill went up over 600k baht and she could no longer afford to pay the bill and had no insurance that would cover it she was required to move. Exactly what would happen to anyone. She lived here for 4 years maybe she should have considered health insurance.
  14. Health insurance in public hospitals or very limited capped at a certain baht coverage. Definitely not ongoing top flight private health cover in a private hospital. Jesus what do you expect for 300 baht?
  15. So reading this it seems your damned if you do damned if you don't. Looks like they might actually enforce a law and the whingeing starts.
  16. Doesnt sound like it judging by your posts. private hospital funds operations through direct payments from patients and insurance providers, and does not receive public money. Such facilities can offer a variety of services to members of the public. The lack of reliance on government funds means that they are not required to meet specific targets set for public hospitals, which have a mandate to make care available to low-income patients and meet other requirements.
  17. You might want to look up the definition of a private hospital.
  18. I dont know 700 000 baht in a couple days seems fairly exorbitant
  19. She wasnt refused treatment stop talking nonsense she was there till she ran up a bill she coild no longer afford to pay. It was the government hospitals that refused.
  20. Yes nothing like a private hospital in Thailand. They are so cheap.
  21. No im reading your statement of surprise that the vast majority of the locally run hospitals would be woefully underequipped, not capapble or even willing to deal with a mass casualty event. And certianly wouldnt have anything near resembling the burns treatment units or any other modern equipment to deal with those sort of events. Not surprised at all.
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