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Everything posted by starky

  1. Uhm you realise your living in a developing nation? Are you not already aware of this?
  2. This forum is so predictable. They roll out a picture of a pretty girl all the white knights are up in arms blowing up at a hospital. NOT THE HOSPITALS FAULT. Not one mention of the multiple dead or any concern about how all the others with the horrible burns are doing. If the person in the bed was Barry from essex no one would give a rats and more than likely would be roasting him for not having the right insurance.
  3. No she could have taken her chances in a non private hospital. Or like every other foreigner who gets blasted on here when they set up a gofund me page she SHOULD have had private health insurance.
  4. Yeah buddy what they will do is keep you alive buddy thats it. And she us from Vietnam buddy what recipropical agreements do they have with Thailand buddy? If the Vietnamese government want to look after her great people are blaming Thais and the Thai government. You understand what reciprocal means buddy?
  5. Wrong! A grandaughter is completely different mate thats why you registered her. And unlike many countries Australia will offer emergency care i.e they wont let you die. Unfortunately for a foreign resident, and this is straight of the gov.au website When in Australia and health care assistance is required, and a person is not covered by an appropriate level of private health insurance cover, as a non-resident and non-citizen of Australia, a person will be considered a private patient and will be required to pay any costs themselves at the time of treatment.Feb 7, 2565 BE
  6. No what it shows is this 27 year old karnt with his measly attempts at compensation are pathetic. 50k for a funeral is rubbish and what of those with horrific injuries left alive? Even if an attempt was made to blame the govt they would have reams of plausible deniabilty.
  7. Most countries don't have free health care. And that's for their own citizens fewer still have free treatment for foreign nationals. If she was in the US the treatment would have been the same. Show proof of insurance or pay an upfront deposit.
  8. What you mean this Lisa from Blackpink?
  9. Shop where you are local. I live in Udon but i wouldnt travel here or to KK to take the family shopping.
  10. To answer your question if the exits were locked, YES, its a massive fxxing deal.
  11. Ive been a dog owner, breeder my whole life. I love animals. But if these animals have no owners, no carers and are left to just wander the streets it saddens me to say euthanasia would be a far better option than sterilisaton euthanase would also be the preferable option for the grubs that turn these dogs loose to roam the streets.
  12. So not to sterotype but out of a population of 70 odd million in Thailand and 100 million in the phillos, outside of food they are all the same? ????????????????
  13. Great to see a positive Thailand story. Congratulations young fella. What a result!
  14. Unfortunately you are responding to people looking for something less substantial.
  15. Plenty of broke falangs for example on this forum whingeing about the price of beer in 7/11 . I dont hang with brokes nor falangs in Thailand in general. Tbh being on this forum just about does my head. I dont go to bars or spend my days on the sauce and clearly i was talking about traditional girls not slappers looking for a pay day. Thought i had made that clear.
  16. Well im not struggling in that department lol but i dont wander the streeets with my cock out. Im 6'2" 120kg mate so fairly big by any measure. But tbh even with reasonable Thai language skills most "traditional" issan girls are very shy and reserved. Add to that the stigma that still remains in a lot of places that being seen with a falang means that you are on the game in some way means, yes some girls are very toey about speaking with you. I would also add a LOT of the girls i am speaking of want zero to do with falangs anyway and tbh if your 20 years plus older than them, dont take care of yourself have zero interest in their language, culture or traditions why the fxck would they? Not sure how long The King of Isaan has been king but my experiences dont match his. Not terrified perhaps but im sure you get what i mean. This doesnt apply obvi to girls in bar/entertaimment areas but up North in many towns girls definitely aint flocking to your pasty white butt and striking up a conversation with a random glamour in Isaan if you dont want bar girl takes time and persistance. Sort of like a real relationship even ????
  17. Generally means your not big enough. Certianly terrified of me. ????
  18. Isaan is literally the "head of the river" i mean outside of all the white half chinese university educated supermodels that most posters have on here as girlfriends, when talking about natural Thai beauty the vast majority of them would be in the NE. Down by the head with glamours.
  19. And thats probably just on this forum.
  20. I always though belts were dangerous for certain heights ie the 135 as it actually sits more across the head/neck than shoulder perhaps?
  21. You've drawn from a few sources there but I agree in principle.
  22. Your a street cowboy so ill give you the original "if wishes were horses beggars would ride, if horse turds were biscuits they'd eat till they died" Quite happy in my life mate. What i dont deal in is pipe dreams, what could have beens and bs.
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