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Posts posted by ve741

  1. Look this can go 2 ways. She is either lying to you and the hubby and wife want to try and get you to pay money Or it is legitamate. If legit then tell the hubby that you know divorces cost nothing if both parties agree to it  So therefore you are willing to give hime 5,000 USD for her freedom and a mutually agreed divorce. You then have both parties go to the local Registry office and file a paper of divorce. Maybe 600 baht at most to the Amphur. Then she is free.


    I would use a lawyer to make sure that they are legit and you are not getting screwed but that should not run you more than 15,000 baht.



    that won't accomplish anything if she's scamming.. she will simply go get a divorce for 5k then leave him after and go back to her husband.. and remarry

    • Like 1
  2. This is what you do.... 


    Tell her that you just lost your job and are flat broke..   see what her reply is........


    I will be watching this thread closely while I eat my 2 Turkey TV dinners...


    People like causing their own problems..  in fact.. I would say that 90% of a person problems throughout their lives are caused by themselves..


    you are about to cause some of your problems. But if you have to spend $600 for a few months to find out she's no good... then so be it.. 


    It's tough to deny what your heart wants...  but you need to think with your brain..

  3. Thai girls are only good for one thing.. well 2 things...  Sex and taking your money..  or getting you to marry them so you can support their entire family..


    If you want a good girl for marriage.. go to Vietnam.. Vietnamese girls make good wives..   most thai girls are money grubbing bitches.

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  4. Breaking news she just skyped me right now from work but it is hard as her mom is around.  So im trying to get an explanation



    if she skyped you from work then how the fuk  is she "being held hostage" ?


    If she can leave to go to work then clearly she does not have to go back home if she does not want to. She could simply rent a cheap apartment and have you pay her rent. 


    Why don't you ask her to do that? see what she says...


    You don't get what lengths some of these girls will go to for money.. I've heard of thai girls marrying and MOVING to another country and still sending money secretly back to their thai husbands.. and eventually leaving back to Thailand..

  5. I didn't do the contacting... she contacted me on her own.

    In regards to thai dating sites.. there was at least 10,000 girls on the one I was on.. and the majority of men on those sites are overweight perverted fossils.. so I think the pickings are quite slim for most of the thai girls who are actually looking for something of quality and not just anything with money....

  6. Now you know how she got her BA

    Funny thing being... she once told me that her past 2 foreign boyfriends (one in his low 30's) she met while she was studying at the University. Now I am wondering if one (or both) might have been a foreign Teacher. wink.png

    I don't see how a foreign Student (in his 30's ?) would choose to study at a Thai University in Northern Thailand or anywhere in Thailand for that matter?

  7. Its all about the same thing... Money - nothing else.

    not really.. many bar girls are looking for good husbands as well... western whores are not.. A Western whore is a million times worse than a thai bar girl... because they truly only do it for the money even though they have the option to do other things.

    There is nothing "wrong" with choosing to sell your body, nothing at all.

    would you bring a girl who sells her body home to meet your mom? and tell her what she does for a living?

    sure there is.. it just means that you're too worthless to do anything else.. Either because you are simply too stupid or too lazy or too greedy, or all the above, but either way... it still makes you look worthless.. like you're taking the easiest possible way out.

    I don't care what anyone says... no self respecting human being, no matter what the culture or situation, sells their body for money. And that's why a whore is worthless.. because she has no self respect.

  8. Khumpa you missed my point about the shy traditional Vietnamese chick. The OP was about sex and money. My illustration about my friend was not some bragging gig. I've had a bar gf here in bkk for two years and you would have an opinion of her. Very sad one I'm afraid. Point is the HCM girl would also have sex with me because I'm helping her and shesees that as a TAKE CARE THING. Same as tThai. Bit irrelevant but might add I have never been with a prostitute in farang land. Not that it matters just wasn't my go. This is another world. You are viewing things from a western perspective. I don't think you will ever change. And no you didn't hit a raw nerve. I don't give a flying censored about what narrow minded people think.

    Its all about the same thing... Money - nothing else.

    not really.. many bar girls are looking for good husbands as well... western whores are not.. A Western whore is a million times worse than a thai bar girl... because they truly only do it for the money even though they have the option to do other things.

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  9. why do you say impossible to earn 84,000 baht, shows you how much you know, she did not even work 30 days in March, 3,000 a day x 31, 93,000. did you read my post at all. (probably not) she is very pretty and we chat often, it is easy to work out , she spent 12 days with a yank who only shagged her once, then 5 days with another yank going to different golf courses to play golf, (she cant play to save her life) one high flyer who has a condo in Bangkok she stay with him 6 days. and the odd few days, business guys book her 3 months in advance, she has regulars, so 84,000 is quite a conservative estimate.realy, where other bar girls have no work she can choose who to go with,she not like "young men" for obviouse reasons i would think . when i met her last year ( i aint rich ok) she was going to meet a high flyer from American airlines, and go to the Marroitt for a few ,days but she rang me and asked to see me as she didnt like the guy she was with, so there ya go, good for the ego ha ha, we keep in touch i was with her christmas and again this april

    never mind I thought that came out to 25 grand... not 2,500...

  10. Women want sex as much as men do. Put the shoe on the other foot. Suppose you were in LA with a real good looking chick. She offers you $5000.00 to have sex with her. Would you do it ?

    Your answer will determine what you are for life. (NOT)

    So why the double standard ? Most women have sex and the conditions they have sex under vary from woman to woman. There is a big difference between a prostitute and a whore.

    You have a lot of maturing to do before entering into a permanent relationship.

    If women want sex as much as men do why are there 10,000,000 ladies to 10 men in the trade?

    Because women are Cheap Charlies wink.png

    Most spend money as fast as they can get it on worthless things like clothes and jewelry and shoes..

  11. i have got a "lady friend" picking me up from airport soon, must stress "not a bargirl" ha ha!! has got a new car - house in chiang mai - nice 2 bed condo in rama111, i worked out she earned 84,0000 baht this month.,(probably company car and company house) yeah as if, her sister also very well off, their mum thinks they have a "good job" in the city, well they do ??, send loads of dosh home to ma ma, so she aint complaining too much me thinks.

    Are you saying a bar girl earned 84,000 Baht in a month? that's impossible..

  12. If you had not yet started a serious relationship with that Thai girl,

    And she got an offer of a good sum of money for sex,

    And she accepted,

    She is a very normal Thai girl.

    The perception of what sex is in Thailand is not the same as what we are used to.

    Christian countries judge people as good or bad, based on whether they will go to hell or heaven. Creates lots of inhibitions regarding sex.

    Thailand as a Buddhist country is very much different..

    If you like that girl, take her before your friend does.

    I would surmise it would be very difficult to find a girl with a mind set that you would be accustomed to and expect here...

    A good girl here is not the same as a good girl back home

    But good girl she might me. Take her.

    To a thai girl sex for moeny equals JOBB. You want to piss a bargirl off tell her she is a HOOKER. Trust me on this one-i inadvertently did it via twitter...............lol.

    A Hooker will also be pissed off when you call her a Hooker........so I can't see your point

    Hookers who are ashamed of what they do call themselves "Escorts" and claim to be highly educated amazingly smart girls dressed up in the finest clothes money can buy to try and conceal the real truth from themselves and everybody else......

    • Like 1
  13. Because women are Cheap Charlies wink.png

    Many women are very generous in a variety of ways. Apparently you have not realized yet that women are sexually far more valuable than men. There's an evolutionary reason why women are sexually superior to men. Unlike any other species of female animals, the human female is eager, willing, and capable of engaging in sexual intercourse without being confined to a breeding cycle. Regardless of season, ovulation, relationship status, or frequency, the human female will continually advertise her immense natural capacity and ability to sexually give and receive pleasure.

    No one man, regardless of size, or libido, can sincerely satiate a sexually liberated woman from within a monogamous relationship. By sexually liberated, I refer to women who are not indoctrinated, restrained, oppressed and repressed by the religious morals of a western patriarchal society - which would seem to be the case in Thailand, or any Buddhist nation without that imaginary sky Daddy about as probable as seeing or finding a pink unicorn floating in the heavens above..

    If not for societal restraints of western patriarchal society inhibiting a human female's natural evolutionary and instinctual sexual design, every woman, rather than just a few, would exhaust male after male, experience orgasm after orgasm, one after another, each becoming more powerful and pleasurable with no lessening of sexual desire. At the root instinctual level and evolutionary design of every modern woman's sexuality is an overabundance of sexual charms coupled with an unlimited sexual capacity that truly leaves her as the the sexual superior of any male counterpart.

    At this root level of a modern woman's astounding instinctual, evolutionary sexual abilities and capacity is an antiquated modern patriarchal society's desire to control it; to control the power it has and the human female that can wield it as the sexiest, most erotic female animal on the planet. After the Goddess days of old, the human female's incredible sexual power has been exploited and condemned, she has been beaten, hanged, tortured and burned as a demoness whore and relegated to a level of slavery and property by patriarchal societies ruled by monotheistic religions demanding a male image and role for their imaginary sky Daddy about as probable as seeing or finding a pink unicorn floating in the heavens above.

    From an evolutionary perspective, the insatiable evolutionary and instinctual sexual capacity of the human female to satiate and exhaust a multitude of males one after another, or at the same time, is biologically quite adaptive because it ensures she will become pregnant. The human female is biologically no different than many other female species in that she was designed by evolution to mate with, and receive the sperm of multiple males, and often in quick succession.

    However, the human male wants to monopolize a human female, to dominate her by controlling her natural sexuality designed by evolution so that he can be assured he is the father of the children he then provides for. This is just one of the reasons why most societies are patriarchal from men trying to dominate, possess and own women in a manner that suppresses her evolutionary, biological, anthropological, behavioral, and instinctual sexually superior design expressed in those ancient Goddess days of old prior to the sexually inferior male invention of monotheism.

    So then you would have no problems letting your wife whore herself out to 20 guys next month then come home to you like the sexual Goddess that she is?

  14. So I've been chatting with a pretty little Thai thing for about 2-3 months or so before heading over there.. College educated, has a bachelors degree, works full time for a company (not that she earns much of anything), has a new leased car, lives rent free in a company house. I was planning on spending time with her when I got there.. she's 24.. I am 31.....she seemed ok.. like a normal girl who wants a real relationship..........

    But being the careful person I am I was curious as to what her true character might be so I figured a good way to find that out would be to run a little test on her and see how she would react...

    So one glorious day I had my buddy chat her up... basically he offered her a sum of money ( a fairly large amount ) in exchange for sex.. and she accepted...

    Now .. if a Western girl would do something like this I would not even think twice about her again... But with a Thai girl... a poor girl..... should there be more leeway given with something like this? Or should this be the end of the road her?

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