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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. This is just another one of those many Thai laws which is designed so that they can pretty much get you for anything if they ever decide to enforce it. Just reading an email from a work colleague would make you guilty.

    If they made a work permit easier to get, I'm sure a lot more people would be happy do it and Thailand would get the tax. I constantly get the impression they don't actually want any foreigners to stay here once the holiday money has been spent ...

    Does anyone know of any examples where someone actually got done for this ?. I mean where someone worked purely on a computer inside their home.

  2. Thailand has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reform the outrageous laws corrupt politicians have fashioned for their own benefit. Instead of pushing for them, the press has picked apart every small thing Suthep has done or said whilst glossing over the disgraceful statements and behavior of the government and their followers.

    All I can say is that red-shirts deserve their future which is continued poverty while the uber-rich politicians carry on stealing from the tax payers. Thailands loss will be the gain for all other ASEAN countries. The country is simply too corrupt to be fixed.

  3. What a joke : how convenient for the government that the PDRC left explosives along with an ID card and list of guards all together in a backpack which they somehow forgot to take with them. This schoolboy level prank has 'Chalerm' written all over it.

    And I am amazed that government supporters have the nerve to comment on this considering how many people (including children) have been murdered by their comrades.

  4. What a bizarre situation : the massive corruption in the Army means the leaders have no need to let themselves be bought by a wannabe dictator like the politicians - and end up being the good guys because of it !.

    Thailand really is an amazing place.

    These attacks by the UDD should be the absolute top priority because they undermine the whole concept of freedom - yet the government actively condone it by refusing even to condemn it. I am personally convinced they are ordered by Chalerm acting under orders from afar.

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  5. I used to be a regular on Bangkok Post but when the protests started, many new members joined and started posting lots of pro-government comments. The strange thing was they all spoke perfect English and in the same style and only ever post the same meaningless rhetoric I also see on here. BKP then started publishing many of their comments and a lot less of the established members (mostly against what PT are doing). Since then they seem to enjoy posting negative comments against Suthep and selecting the pro-government comments to go with it - so I assume the management has been 'got at' in some way. They do not post any articles in support of the reforms and any deaths of protestors get a quick headline then disappear - whereas the killing of the red-shirt poet got several articles (including the editorial 'opinion' column) condemning it.

    The Nation is probably the best online source now.

    I found out a lot when my Thai g/f showed me what was happening through social media. It is disturbing how much serious anti-government news never makes it to the press. Like snipers on bridges with police guarding both ends.

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  6. More non-violent protests by red-shirts.

    Those who think the PDRC are doing this to themselves are watching too much red-shirt TV : only the truly dumb would believe such a thing. The only effect would be to discourage anyone joining the protests.

    What sickens me the most is that it will make a fleeting headline as grenade attack number 70-something then we will get 10 more editorial comments about how bad the PDRC are for camping outside the media offices.

    The press is a disgrace in Thailand.

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  7. Wow, recently quit Bangkok Post because of the red-invasion (or should I probably say red-leaning moderators). I see here the same mix of comments : generally reasonable and intelligent observations from people against PTP and generally illogical, semi-literate rants from pro-government supporters. Guess this must be pretty much the way the country is.

    I don't care too much about Yingluck getting the boot - but the list of other rogues and cronies who are going with her can only be good news for the future of Thailand. There may be a bump in the road for the short term - but PTP are still in power and will be worried about the army stepping in if they go too far.

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