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Everything posted by fire2rescue99

  1. Back in the day at Don Mueng, I recall being taken aback at the smoking everywhere there on my first trips to LOS. Smoking in the terminal, in the restaurants, at the baggage claim, in the taxi queue and at Customs. It was ubiquitous. Well there you go, I am dating myself.
  2. I have a lot to contribute, but then I would be shredded to pieces. I will say this is an entertaining thread. Keep it up.
  3. Tempest in a teapot. Much ado about nothing. I find their sense of fun up lifting. Note to those offended: Get a life.
  4. Thanks, I wear a Timex. Don’t really need to enhance myself. Just inquiring for my fake friends. Judge not, lest ye be judged.
  5. Thanks for the suggestions. Smokin Joe is correct.
  6. There’s a great watch shop in Pattaya on the corner of Klang and Buakhao. I have purchased several high quality ‘brand’ name watches from them over the years. They are trustworthy. Can anyone recommend a similar type watch shop in Bangkok that they know and trust ?
  7. I think it endearing. Why not wish the parties well? To each their own. Haters gonna hate.
  8. Teacher, I’ve got a boo boo! Hardy har har. This is probably the least dangerous of all the pedestrian hazards in LOS. Pedestrians beware ! Everywhere! Self effacing moment follows: Years ago in Paris, I was distracted by a feminine form across the street from me. While gawking, I walked full stride into one of those curbside pay parking stands. I knocked myself to the ground, jumped up, brushed myself off and continued on as if there was nothing to see. I was totally embarrassed and imagine it provided great amusement to anyone that may have caught a glimpse.
  9. My guess might be this is a disagreement between vendors. Indians own quite a bit on Beach Rd around Soi 13. The old Starbucks, now shuttered, became an Indian restaurant last I noticed. That was next to an entrance to an Indian run hotel and then an Indian staffed open market facing the ocean right there.
  10. The best LB tussle I saw was in front on McDonalds on Second Rd at 7AM one morning. (I was just up, not retiring FYI) They seemed to be finishing up a long night. They looked quite long in the tooth. Messed hair, mascara runny and the such. Two of them were grabbing each other and whipping around in their skimpy dresses. A third and fourth stepped in not before a high heel shoe came off and was threatening to strike. The drama lasted a couple of minutes. Suddenly a car appeared and stopped in the lane next to the taxi stand. Watching them all get in the car was almost as good as the fight. They were pushing, shoving and bitching, but all left together. And away they went.
  11. You can fool some of the people some of the time....
  12. That’s one of those multi-lingual translation megaphones that they used to sell at Panthip Plaza. Actually, his skills are quite impressive.
  13. The “many” that ride regular bikes at speeds of 30-35 km/hr are most likely expert riders. Folks getting an e-bike and motoring around at those speeds, I am guessing are not so and more likely to encounter problems at over speed.
  14. SV Bike Shop on just off Theppasit Rd. I was in there in February, but was not shopping for an e bike. They were definitely the most complete and professional shop I visited in Pattaya and Rayong. Good luck, safe travels.
  15. Final score in last night's action, Thailand Tiny Todgers 1 Mumbai Micrometers 0 I recall a royal sponsored charity elephant polo tournament in Hua Hin years ago. The good natured transgendered team called themselves the Toothless Tuskers. It was a fun event to watch along the associated goings on and after-party.
  16. The first floor in Thailand is the level above the at grade street level or ground floor. Same as Europe. Lifts in hotels are going to have a G button for the ground level. A few may have the ground floor with a L button for lobby. There are hotels that have an mezzanine level (M button) between the Ground floor and 1st floor as well.
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