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Posts posted by DennisF

  1. Quote: or to the 11 year old BOY who was raped in broad daylight a few days ago on an English street

    This has no relevance to this topic other than the fact it WAS actually REPORTED

    In this country rapes of foreigners are usually swept under the carpet so as not to affect tourism.

    It is a FACT that no woman, Thai, farang or otherwise is safe on the streets at night OR in a taxi in Thailand.

    My own little darling would NEVER, under any circumstances, contemplate getting in a taxi alone at night.

    Being Thai she is fully aware of the dangers here.

    Ask the poor girl raped going from the airport to her hotel last month in Phuket.

    Did she deserve being raped by a Thai taxi driver high on yaba?

    What happened to him?

    I know she is now destroyed for life. He's probably still driving for the mob.

    And the girl in Bangkok last week who was moved to a "nice" hotel to keep quiet after being raped by a taxi driver...

    and the girl in Phuket this week raped by a Thai man..


    • Like 2
  2. After reading various news articles and comments I have come to reconize that many of the foreigners here on TV that make comments are doing so without seeing another side of the news reports and comments that are written in Thai. I'm not really sure why that is but the Thai folks seem to know about things days before the foreigner. Example: I have read many times about the CCTV picture that captured the Thai running and only wearing shorts. One story I read said that this Thai man was wearing David's (the victim's) shorts. And that this Thai person must have mistakenly put on the victim's shorts and left his shorts there on the beach. Then written in Thai, the news said that this Thai guy's name in Mon, and the reason that he is running is because since the murders occurred around his area he was made aware of it by the police. He apparently quickly hurried to put only his shorts on and ran to the crime scene to see what happened.

    Another example: Sean, the guy that quickly attempted to get off the island and fly back to his country because he felt threatened.

    His story seemed very solid, even taking photos. Most foreigners that read about Sean believed him and then began focusing on the two Thai guys (Mon and the other guy which is a policeman).

    Written and reported in Thai provided so much more and different information about Sean. The story about the two Thai men were much different than what Sean had portrayed. The Thai news suggests that they have witnesses that not only saw Sean with Blood all over him the night of the murder but they actually helps him clean-up himself. When questioned by locals that helped Sean, he said that he had been in a motorbike accident. Another story suggested that he told someone that he was in a fight with someone.

    There has been a lot of focus on Sean. Based on what has been reported in Thai, there are many suggesting that Sean was involved in this gruesome murder.

    There is much more that was written in Thai. My only point is that if many of the TV members were aware of many of the stories that have been written in Thai, I think that many of the comments, opinions and anger would be directly somewhat differently.

    The only thing that I can suggest is that most should try to refrain from making comments where they are so sure of what took place. There has been so much about the headsman and these Thai guys. So many have gone way out there on a limb stating that they are so corrupt and that they are the guilty ones.

    I think very soon within the next couple days or so, more information that was written in Thai will start to be filtered in a way that will be better written and understood by the TV community.

    For those that believe that the two or three Thai guys working at AC's bar/club carried out the murder, and are totally guilty, and that it will all be covered up by the authorities, will have a hard pill to swallow when later they catch-up on the news that most all Thai's know about days in advance. Just understand that when you hear what evidence they have, know that it was already reported in Thai before you becomes aware of it.

    Also don't be surprised if the focus of attention turns to Sean. There is still much to be said because many fingers point to him.

    He passed the DNA tests and cleared to leave the island.

    As far as I know Sean never had a DNA test.

    The BiB did report at one time that he had been cleared by DNA not matching, sorry, cant find the link.

  3. Quote: or to the 11 year old BOY who was raped in broad daylight a few days ago on an English street

    This has no relevance to this topic other than the fact it WAS actually REPORTED

    In this country rapes of foreigners are usually swept under the carpet so as not to affect tourism.

    It is a FACT that no woman, Thai, farang or otherwise is safe on the streets at night OR in a taxi in Thailand.

    My own little darling would NEVER, under any circumstances, contemplate getting in a taxi alone at night.

    Being Thai she is fully aware of the dangers here.

    • Like 2
  4. To all travellers young and old, boycott Thailand for a while!

    If this message is put on social media maybe they'l get the message.


    Thailand is safe enough if you behave like a civilized human being, all night benders, drug taking, having sex in public, being drunk and arguing with Thais just as drunk is unnecessary risk taking and is as insulting to your own country as it is to Thailand. Thais have a short fuse,one should be aware of that. I have lived here for 9 years and have been coming here for over 25 years on a regular basis, always for months at a time and usually alone, i have never ever found myself in a dangerous situation

    Thanks for clearing that up, we were all concerned until you brought us down to earth.

    So, by your statement, the young people were not acting in a "civilised" manner and therefore it is their fault.

    I have been coming here for as long as you and have lived here longer.

    You are wrong.

    Check the statistics for murders and suicides and compare them to one of your "civilised" countries.

  5. Thai media is still concentrating on the Sean situation, spending more time on him than anyone else.

    Many of the posters, including me, feel he is holding something back but DNA apparently cleared him as a prime suspect.

    Of course in this hub of press freedom fairy stories do emerge so I remain as confused as ever.

    Patronage system in action.

  6. After reading various news articles and comments I have come to reconize that many of the foreigners here on TV that make comments are doing so without seeing another side of the news reports and comments that are written in Thai. I'm not really sure why that is but the Thai folks seem to know about things days before the foreigner. Example: I have read many times about the CCTV picture that captured the Thai running and only wearing shorts. One story I read said that this Thai man was wearing David's (the victim's) shorts. And that this Thai person must have mistakenly put on the victim's shorts and left his shorts there on the beach. Then written in Thai, the news said that this Thai guy's name in Mon, and the reason that he is running is because since the murders occurred around his area he was made aware of it by the police. He apparently quickly hurried to put only his shorts on and ran to the crime scene to see what happened.

    Another example: Sean, the guy that quickly attempted to get off the island and fly back to his country because he felt threatened.

    His story seemed very solid, even taking photos. Most foreigners that read about Sean believed him and then began focusing on the two Thai guys (Mon and the other guy which is a policeman).

    Written and reported in Thai provided so much more and different information about Sean. The story about the two Thai men were much different than what Sean had portrayed. The Thai news suggests that they have witnesses that not only saw Sean with Blood all over him the night of the murder but they actually helps him clean-up himself. When questioned by locals that helped Sean, he said that he had been in a motorbike accident. Another story suggested that he told someone that he was in a fight with someone.

    There has been a lot of focus on Sean. Based on what has been reported in Thai, there are many suggesting that Sean was involved in this gruesome murder.

    There is much more that was written in Thai. My only point is that if many of the TV members were aware of many of the stories that have been written in Thai, I think that many of the comments, opinions and anger would be directly somewhat differently.

    The only thing that I can suggest is that most should try to refrain from making comments where they are so sure of what took place. There has been so much about the headsman and these Thai guys. So many have gone way out there on a limb stating that they are so corrupt and that they are the guilty ones.

    I think very soon within the next couple days or so, more information that was written in Thai will start to be filtered in a way that will be better written and understood by the TV community.

    For those that believe that the two or three Thai guys working at AC's bar/club carried out the murder, and are totally guilty, and that it will all be covered up by the authorities, will have a hard pill to swallow when later they catch-up on the news that most all Thai's know about days in advance. Just understand that when you hear what evidence they have, know that it was already reported in Thai before you becomes aware of it.

    Also don't be surprised if the focus of attention turns to Sean. There is still much to be said because many fingers point to him.

    And naturally, as we live in a society of free speech and free media reporting there will be absolutely no bias in favour of the Thais in support of the wonderful BiB will there?

    I too have seen the Thai version and other than conjecture amplified and hearsay stated as fact, there is no difference.

    The only thing I can agree with is that Sean knows more.. I believe he is too scared to say or is making statements outside the land of hubs.

    • Like 1
  7. UK Parliamentary questions. Hannah and David's local MP's should table questions about the case asking what the FO and the Embassy are doing about it.

    Might be a start but the usual reply would be:

    The government is very concerned about this case and the relevant department is in constant touch with the local authorities,

    we will inform the house of further developments.

    Whew, that sorted that....

  8. No mention of this case internationally, nationally or on the weekly rambling last night.

    Once again it appears that the BiB have protected their paymasters and the end result will be the 'norm'.

    The only way for justice now is heavy international political pressure brought on by media attention.

    That is not going to happen because the public have very short memories and there is no more sensationalism

    for the media.

    Very sad.

    • Like 1
  9. Thanks for all the advice guys, comprehensive,will try to see what to do next!

    It is just that I do not like the toppings here, tomato base is too sweet so I like to make my own and I prefer to mix the mozarella with a strong cheddar

    at about 70/30 to get more body to the taste. I also like to make the garlic and cheese bread with a thick-ish base so I am not able to satisfy my cravings from a restaurant.

    Pizza factory is absolute garbage, imho and there are very few pizza huts, who dop make a half decent pizza.

    I am particularly interested in the pizza flour and add water so I will see if my local BigC has it.

    Thanks again and oh so far as starting any kind of business in Thailand is concerned...NO !!!! Been there, done that, lost millions, thank you BiB !

  10. It is not even a question of the locals knowing who it was, and not speaking up. The police know who it was. And they have decided not to pursue him. Plain and simple. He was in custody, and they let him go. He is untouchable, and above the law. Not even the army wants to pursue him.

    Things have gone quiet on the international and BiB front too.

    Either something is happening behind closed brown envelopes or everyone has gone home.

    I am of the opinion, as stated in my post earlier, that this is not only a local investigation gone wrong, there are bigger players protecting their

    financial interests.

    This 'headman' is a very small fish in Thailands ocean of sharks.

    • Like 1
  11. Is there anywhere that sells frozen pizza bases in Bangkok??

    Pizza with toppings already on here are.. not good!

    Never seen any in Macro, BigC Tesco or anywhere else.

    I live near Min Buri.

    Thanks in advance.

  12. I am surprised that the concentration on the 'headman' has not considered that he may only be the headman on this small island.

    The system here works in a way that means HE has a 'headman' to report to and give a cuppa or two to.

    Most of the long-termers here know that, a small island like this would have to be paying its share of the 'taxes.'

    Who to is, naturally, open to speculation but, it does appear that the contamination of evidence and investigation interference goes

    way beyond what the local BiB could be capable of.

    Just a thought.

  13. Sorry in advance if this post gets a bit convoluted, it’s only my third but, I have been a ‘visitor’ to TV for a long time.

    One of the issues I have ( and there aren’t that many!), is the petty bickering between posters on these threads trying to justify opposing opinions. The posting should concentrate on the topic, not individuals opinions. That is not to say I disagree with the posting of different opinions, just the petty sniping and tantrums we experience from so called adults.

    That aside my main concern is with the ‘detectives’ with imagination who insist on posting a step by step guide as to exactly how they think this horrible crime happened. It is obscene to speculate whilst families are suffering as they are right now.

    As a long term resident I also have my views on the local ‘mafia’ and the BiB but they aere echoed by many here, so not worth repeating.

    The moderators on here do a great job, in my opinion and I hope they monitor these types of posts with just a tad more vigour.

    In conclusion I would just say that many of us had high hopes when the good general (no capital g from me!) was ‘elected’, albeit quickly and with no votes cast, now, unfortunately, we see the man who we had such confidence in being made to look ineffectual on the World stage.

    It is clear that he is aware of this and our new hope is that he will have the investigation redone by competent people, even if it means calling in outside help.

    We will see.



    • Like 1
  14. You won't be applying for a Retirement Visa, you will be applying to have your permission to stay extended, based on retirement. I would ask Immigration if you can apply for the extension while here on your entry made with the "B" Visa, and is it necessary for the 7 day extension?

    What is the difference between permission to stay and an actual application for retirement visa?

    Would it be easier to get the extension, go to Laos and come back on a tourist visa to apply?

    Thanks for your quick reply to the original question.

    Except for an "O-A" Visa applied for, usually in one's home country, there is no Retirement Visa. You are going to apply to have your stay extended for retirement purposes. I'm not clear why you need the 7 day extension, why not just ask if you can apply for the Retirement Extension on your current entry, you have to have a Non-Immigrant Visa to receive the extension anyway, the Tourist Visa status would have to be adjusted. If you were to apply for another visa outside of the country, I would consider applying for a single entry, Non-Immigrant "O" and skip the conversion process.

    Thank you very much beechguy, I guess personal plans have to be put on hold and get 'permission to stay for retirement purposes' before 24th is the most sensible way.

    Thanks again.


  15. You won't be applying for a Retirement Visa, you will be applying to have your permission to stay extended, based on retirement. I would ask Immigration if you can apply for the extension while here on your entry made with the "B" Visa, and is it necessary for the 7 day extension?

    What is the difference between permission to stay and an actual application for retirement visa?

    Would it be easier to get the extension, go to Laos and come back on a tourist visa to apply?

    Thanks for your quick reply to the original question.

  16. Urgent please!

    My 3 month Imm B expires on 24th this month,

    Due to school incompetency ( no surprises there!), the work permit documentation

    has not even been started so I want to extend the visa for a week.

    Is that possible at Chaeng Wattana?

    I will be saying goodbye to employment and getting a retirement visa during the extension.

    Are there any issues I should be aware of on the conversion?

    EG. will I have to go to Laos and return on a tourist visa to change to a retirement one?

    Thanks in advance.


  17. Urgent please!

    My 3 month Imm B expires on 24th this month,

    Due to school incompetency ( no surprises there!), the work permit documentation

    has not even been started so I want to extend the visa for a week.

    Is that possible at Chaeng Wattana?

    I will be saying goodbye to employment and getting a retirement visa during the extension.

    Are there any issues I should be aware of on the conversion?

    EG. will I have to go to Laos and return on a tourist visa to change to a retirement one?

    Thanks in advance.


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