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Tuk Dua

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Posts posted by Tuk Dua

  1. As the law "The offense relates to Section 8 of the Playing Cards Act of 1935 which states that an individual is not allowed to possess more than 120 playing cards at any one time. At the Bridge event, considerably more than 120 playing cards were found by officers." clearly states "an individual", therefore every person in the room has the right to have up to 120 cards each i.e. two packs. So where is the crime.

  2. Having riden my own motorcycle over Patong Hill on many occassions and in most weather conditions, I can attest to its reputation as a "killer'.

    The brief description of the accident really does not indicate weather the pickup driver was tailgating, or whether the bike rider was taking chances, or if the slick surface of the road contributed (it looks like it was or had been raining).

    RIP young man.

  3. What is the justification for the extremes of import duty. None. It will only encourage more attempts to avoid the tax. Its about time the manufacturers of the "luxury" car take note of the differences in CBU and locally assembled vehicles, and gain sales by lower prices in the showrooms. Take a leaf out of Ducati's sales book !!

  4. Well done Pol. Sub. Lt. Meewichai. A similar incident occurred at Mo Chit when a policeman intervened, when he noticed a young Thai guy failing to get a taxi to take him to his destination. Ended up with the cop threatening a taxi driver with a fine if he refused the fare, and ensuring that full details were exchanged just in case the taxi driver threw out the fare round the corner.

    Need more like Pol. Sub. Lt. Meewichai.

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  5. Soil and changing the sleepers is not going to fix SRT, short term maybe but long term they need to go to standard guage and have deep ballast, the propsed scheme would keep the status quo going until the next time though, you know a quick fix, make do and mend, patch it up.

    SRT has been broken so many times if it were your own you would throw it away and get a new one, but, its a revenue stream isnt it.

    Someone with balls needs to get SRT into the modern world, going to take time but make a start please, concrete sleepers, deep ballast, standard guage, level tracks. no sharp curves, banked curves, modern signalling and track/points. Big job and a lot of inconvenience anyone up to it? Oh and lost of dosh, sorry farmers no dosh for you either while this upgrade is on the go.

    Changing gauge is a major expense which would be very hard to justify, requiring new or modified rolling stock, bridges, overpasses and many stations. Double tracking is desirable from a safety view (though the key system works well) and will increase average speeds, but again is hard to financially justify on tracks with only light usage.

    The sleeper replacement and ballast work being done currently is making the ride both smoother and faster.

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