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  1. Pedrogaz is a Russian sympathiser who listens the Kremlin propaganda like a dog listening to his master's voice
  2. Yes it's 21 baht per child. So how many children are in the school 20, 75, 250 ? I'm sure that they buy items in bulk because it's cheaper. Same as the military
  3. Really !! My children are out of school before 5pm Also see under 20's buying alcohol is common place
  4. So according to you if you do tours of duties with the armed forces from the country you reside in then your a mercenary?. So people, like myself, who have done multipul tours of duties with our own armed forces are mercenaries? Remembering many of your previous messages you're very anti west
  5. A bit like your hero then ????????
  6. I don't know of any school around here, Satuek, that have their own vehicles or drivers. We either took our own children to school or paid for them to catch transport

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