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Posts posted by Firefan

  1. Naturally theft is theft and should be pursued w. police or whatever.

    Meanwhile believe it is ok to request a 1 month deposit deposit for maid services - I paid that to my maid service company too. A couple of times I have been a few days-2 weeks late in paying the monthly dues, but since the service company had my deposit the maid service continued un-interrupted - I much prefer that.


  2. What surprises me is that it is just 3 (HUGE) meals. Pretty much every other top athlete I know of spread it out over 6-7 meals. Some even get up in the middle of the night and flush down a protein shake to ensure they stay anabolic (muscle building, as opposed to catabolic) during the long fast of sleep.

    So it also surprises me that he does not utilize protein supplements/shakes to obtain the nutrition needed. He might do that on top though!

    What we can learn; well exercise enough and you can get away with eating more..... surprise!


  3. I have been reading up on MMS and have before been taking stabilized oxygen drops and hydrogen peroxide drops on a limited basis. I felt better, but did not have any specific ailments to treat. Only thing I have now seems to be stomach/bloating related after a stomach infection. I suspect parasites/fungus/similar left over after my normal medical treatment for same.

    As mentioned the theory is that the MMS is also/similar to the oxygen approach.

    Ok - so on a more practical approach:

    1. how do we buy it here in Thailand - preferably Bangkok.

    2. or do we make it ourselves as mentioned some do? How? What should we ask for(Thai name too?) and where to buy?


  4. A friend forgot the last 90 day reporting but was overdue 8 days so would have had to expect to pay 2000 Baht fine.

    Meanwhile he left the country (without any remarks about the 90 day reporting status at the airport).

    When he returns he naturally will start on a fresh 90 day period as per the rules. He however wonder whether the PREVIOUS 90-day-non-reporting could somehow "pop up" at next reporting (requirering a fine) or whether him leaving the country for sure has started him on a fresh basis?

    Anybody knows?


  5. Buzzer and Rken; as our official TV guinea pigs kindly keep us updated with a post a day about how you feel/reactions Etc. If any other initiate the use, don't be shy to post here too.

    I am personally very open to alternative treatments - and have a glass of apple cider(2 tbsp), baking soda(1/2 tsp) and lime every morning to start of my day cleaning/alkalizing. It's cheap - and makes me feel good - so why not.

    As to MMS I am looking forward to hear more.


  6. BSJ; that .pdf file only came up after I asked Thaivisa insurance about it. Glad I can help them improve their information though! :D Might get me a discount! :o

    That said; I still don't find the wording clear: It starts of mentioning that RACING is not allowed, then something like "racing of water and snow skiing" - But what if I am not "racing" - but simply buying 10 minutes of water ski from the beach guy? Where does the banana-boat fit into this? And what if I snow ski for casual fun, not organized racing?

    Next part of sentence mentions jet-ski - so almost certain to me that it is NOT included which I find very scary - since; unlike with diving/parachute/organized racing there is NO way for me to buy a seperate insurance on the beach to protect me during my 10 minutes of fun on the water....

    Boxing is then mentioned - I do not do fights, but do sparring/training/kick & hit a bag for cardio. Is it only boxing fights or anything related to boxing?

    Skating? They mean racing or also when I rent 1 hour at Esplanade skating rink for a spin? I twist my ancle and the will refuse to pay?

    Diving/parachute/organized racing I understand. The other exclusions I would like to get more details on as mentioned. TV Insurance?

    My soccer/football/Aussie rules or whatever is then covered, but not the jetski or your spin on the ice rink?

    I know that some will argue I can just tell a "white lie" about how my boxing training injury happened as I walked into a cabinet - but that is not so easy to do if the ambulance pick you up at the beach with lungs full of water and a jetski in your mouth...

    I already have the 1.5M TVinsurance myself - just so nobody thinks I work for competition with all this nagging :D


  7. ZZZ; I use those add-on sheets of filter too - and was at first impressed about how black they turned..... later I realized that it ALSO turned black in my spare room where the aircon is never used as well as a piece I left out in the open.

    Not saying they did not work - just that they will turn black no matter what.


  8. Generally ears should "clean themselves" by trapping dirt/dust with wax and transport it out. In this hot/humid/dusty enviroment it can get overloaded.

    I just use a mild (natural) hand soap solution and the orange rubber spray thing they sell practically everywhere.

    Hydrogen peroxide (mixed with alcohol and a few drops of tea tree oil) I use if feel an infection coming up (swimmers ear).


  9. Like me your symptoms started like normal diarrea that then got treated. I was on the Fasigyn tabs taking a full 2 grams for 3 days which should cure both giardia and amebiasis. I also was on antibiotics for 4 days (forgot the name but was the one the recommended for stomach infections specifically, so not doxy or cipro).

    Based on the above I do not think we are talking something caused by our diet, stress, IBS Etc. (my diet or stress level did not change at all-except now when I am trying to cure it) I rather think we still have not managed to eradicate whatever bug (parasite/amoeba, guardia,tapeworm, bacterial/viral/fungal infection the list is LONG) that we got in the first place.

    BTW read this article where a lot of the symptoms seem to ring a bell here at least. They focus on natural cures but I mean check the symptoms against yours. http://www.mycoloncleansing.com/articles_inner.asp

    Finally; I was paging through the book called somethin like "Health in Thailand" in a Thai book store and noticed that there was a mention of various diff. stomach bugs, and while Fasygen was mentioned as the correct medicine for SOME, they also mentioned Pakomomycin (sp?) and Bactrim/Septra for treatment for some of the OTHER bugs.

    Keep us posted! Cheers!

  10. I guess one should ask for a: gastro intestinal doctor.

    I have had similar symptoms for a few months and was put on 3 days of anti-parasite medicin and antibiotics after during which things cleared up - but since treatment stopped I have had more or less the same symptoms mainly: feeling bloated, a bit of gas - especially after simple carbs and no real hunger feeling.

    Thinking it was just the "aftershock" I have been taking probiotics, yoghurt, low fat/low simple carb foods - and while it helps, I still am not 100%.

    Looks like a visit to the doc and some tests is in the book for me too, so please let me know what you find out?


  11. Great tip and what I do with my (non-diet as do not want aspartame) pepsi myself. Initially tasted a bit watery (in fact like a diet-pepsi) but now used to it and find the 100% Pepsi way too sweet.

    I also sqeeze in plenty of lime and lots of ice to reduce the overall concentration even more. The ice trick works with beers too as we see the Thais do all the time and might even be more "socially accepted" :o than pooring in soda.


    You might also try mixing the beer with soda water especially if where you go does not have lite beer available), this in essence creates a lite beer. The advantage of this approach is that it makes a smaller number of beers last longer, which is helpful for people who go out with friends and want to be abkle to continue drinking for a longer period for social reasons. If you do this, you will notice the difference only at first and then quickly become acclimated and not mind it. With a half and half mixture, 2 beers can become 4. And 2 is the max you should take.
  12. Yeah just admin costs and yearly real estate taxes on my tiny condo in Scandinavia adds up 15000 Baht a month. When I live in it that is an additional 8000 Baht in electricity/heat/water where I in Bangkok pay 4000 baht management fee, no RE taxes, and about 3000 in elec/water.


  13. Soutpeel; wauw! in my combined 5 years+ in Thailand nobody has ever (leaving out the 90 day reporting counter) shown ANY interest in the 90 day reporting.

    And there you are in the middle of nowhere getting busted..... Sorry mate!


    I've never reported and I've never had a problem. I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble for not reporting either.

    I don't know if a one-year visa is helpful in this case. I've gotten a one-year visa for the past several years.

    I have been fined THB 2000 for reporting late for the 90 days, after being caught on a construction boat in the gulf of Thailand in bad weather...so it does happen..

  14. Mmush; you drunk? :o Nope nothing false - if you don't know what we are talking about then just abstain from posting. :D

    Galong; so you left country many times with no issue I presume? I have 1 year extensions too.

    Thanya; good point. The future is however the future - I am talking now... If I cound read the future my stock trading returns would be much better :D

    Astral; dam_n that is hard! So not 90 day reporting rule but the "24 hour address"-rule (for farang staying at hotel/private home) I guess?


  15. Thanks Lop! :D

    Anybody else with some real life experience?

    I tried to search on this page for 90 day reporting "captures" to read about other situations but the TV search engine complains that some of the search words are below 5 letters.. :o

    How can I see a list of posts about that?


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