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Posts posted by eastcanje

  1. I can't understand anyone who says they get bored. Having free time is great, that's why we retire, especially in a country with good weather.

    Thousands of books to read, thousands of films to see, languages to learn, science to try and understand, hobbies, walking, swimming. None of that costs one satang. There are not enough hours in the day.


    I have a Kindle, and can be entertained for hours at a time by the books I have on it. In addition, Amazon has free books which can be downloaded.

    The OP's friend can also learn Yoga, or tennis...they wouldn't be free, but he can divert some of the funds he spends in the bars every day, and it will improve his health, and probably his mood!

    • Like 1
  2. Life offers many options at any age. I had my options and took one. So can anyone. But if we all did the same thing the same way that would make any city boring in my honest opinion. I feel Pattaya has such a wide variety of types and lifestyles that to generalize about its resident expats is fairly pointless.

    Instead of going to the bar for 10:00 to 2:00, and again from 5:00 to 8:00, (where I'm sure he isn't hanging out for free) he could take up an activity which would help pass the time and also meet other residents, both Farang and Thai, and improve his physical and mental health!

    As an example, there is a group (consisting of Farangs and Thai) that meet to play badminton three times each week at X-zyte (on Third Road, opposite the golf driving range, not the old night club). They are friendly and very helpful, and costs just a fraction of what he probably spends in the bar! It costs 500 Baht for a one year membership, and 80 Baht per session.

    There are other activities, all probably cheaper that his home country, he just has to look around!


    When they fly do they use the fold down tray or sit on the floor? Please...if they have a table why not use it?
    They ALL have smartphones! This is not two thousand years ago.

    because they are more comfortable on the floor. is that so difficult for you to understand?


    I agree that they are more comfortable on the floor! Even when using a chair, many Thais  either fold their legs on the seat of the chair, or under their butt!

  4. 1. Does "failed to produce" mean the same as I need to carry the passport with me all the time?

    2. Or does produce mean that I have time to get back to my home and bring the passport within a reasonable time (e.g. 48hours) to the next police station?

    3. What is the exact text of the new regulation (Internet site?)?



    Small differnces could result in big problems!

    I'm also worried about the risk of losing my passport, which would be greatly increased if I carried it every day, so, currently, I carry a (laminated) copy of the ID page of my passport, and I have photos in my smart phone of all my Thai visas. I wonder it this would satisfy a police officer/immigration officer until I get my passport from my safe? 


    In addition, if thugs knew that every foreigner had to carry original passports,it would increase their value as targets of muggings or pickpockets!

  5. i dont belive in the drug industry but i believe in justice till proven guilty years ago i was travelling to mai sai for visa when taksin was in power told police shot all drug dealers ask questions after near mae ai was stopped by a lot of police on roadi looked to see of road running through rice paddys 3 boys not armed but were shot is that justified

    I would hope that most people would believe that someone is innocent until proven guilty, and while the police shooting unarmed persons is certainly not right, unfortunately, this is by no means confined to Thailand.

    In the U.S., it happens quite often, especially in some jurisdictions. I was in the U.K. late last year, and there were protests over the police shooting someone who was unarmed. In other parts of the world, it is endemic!

  6. Some good suggestions by the OP, but I think the financial outlay would be significant. In "rich, developed" western countries, governments are cutting back on what most people consider basic necessities (art and music classes, pensions, welfare payments, etc.), so I think the authorities in CR might have some difficulties in funding these improvements.

    Perhaps the local Chamber of Commerce can be asked for input.

  7. I must say that from a retribution perspective I am thinking that the 8,000THB could cover a lot of my sins over the last 10 years in Thailand!!

    On the other hand I don't want the guy thinking that this piece of "good luck" warrants his poor choices in life and then he just carries on being irresponsible.

    To be fair I had thought of giving him money in an anonymous way long before this happened becuase its clear they are desperate for money and he is actually a 'salt of the earth" type of guy and always cheerful and friendly despite his lot in life.

    In your place, I would go ahead and give it to him, whether anonymously, or not. You'll feel good about it, and obviously, you have compassion on this family.

  8. Dude...for your own protection, you need to put a stop to this immediately. This situation is putting you in danger.

    Yes I agree I am not comfortable with this and am working on getting her back into her own bedroom.

    Any suggestions?

    Offer to buy her an I-pad if she don't already have one....I AM being serious BTW.....tell her if she sleeps in her own room, you will buy her one so she will not be lonely in her own room....biggrin.png

    I like the "I-Pad" incentive to get her to sleep in her own room. Remember Michael Jackson sleeping in the same bed with minors, (let's not debate whether it was innocent or not) and the results? Like you, Aussie Steve, I would definitely be very uncomfortable with this situation!

  9. Since when has it been a crime to kill the enemy?

    Fighter pilots run a tally of kills on their cockpit.

    Good shot I say.

    I agree. While I'm not saying our troops should become barbarians (like our opponents certainly are), we (in the west) send our troops into harm's way and expect them to maintain Sunday school manners! Remember, we're fighting against predators who have a history of killing and maiming innocent, defenseless, unarmed civilians!

    • Like 1
  10. I don't know whether he WAS a Thief. Who put him in that position ... ?

    Can you Flaunt laws, act criminally, end up in Prison and then complain when others

    of that persuasion (your cell mates, mate) chance to beat you to death .. ?

    Just who is to blame here .. ? Probably the Moped owner who allowed his Moped

    to be stolen ... eh .. ?

    No Tears for people who willingly cross the line, then encounter - OMG, consequences .. !

    Feel for the family a bit, though ... this meathead is causing problems even 8 months after his death.

    Like I said before, do you know that he was guilty? I assume you are not Thai...and hope that a Thai person who takes a dislike to you does not report you to the BIB for some trumped up charge! You may find that being "different" weighs against!

    • Like 1
  11. Moral of the story. Don't be an idiot in Thailand. Don't break the law. Don't go to jail. Don't die in prison.

    You assume that the deceased person was indeed guilty! Have you ever heard of innocent people being arrested; of innocent people being convicted?

    It might be instructive to Google "The Innocence Project" which uses DNA to get many people, wrongfully convicted, pardoned!

    I don't know whether the deceased was innocent or guilty, but I think it's wrong to rush to judgement.

    • Like 1
  12. Are you American by any chance? Why do you need people to tell you what to do? Do you not have any imagination or self ability to adapt to local situations and realities?

    Dear Abby died out long ago.

    bridge dweller methinks

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    And your envy of Americans comes bubbling forth!!

    What's the matter was your visa application rejected?

    • Like 1
  13. Don't forget to bring your wallet as you will be paying for everything. Bar or normal girls it seems to be the same with a few very rare exceptions. I went to see a girl once and she said she only wanted to be friends, she brought a friend along and when we split the bill, a few days later she asks why I did not pay for all. Be prepared for money, money and more focus on money. For Buddhists its amazing how materialistic they all seem to be and don't forget to wear a rubber for safety and also there are enough single mothers in this world.

    I'm not sure how accurate this is. I am seeing a very nice woman who insists on sometimes picking up the tab, and so far, except for a stuffed animal, has refused all gifts from me!

  14. I have been active on the Thai dating scene, mainly in Chiang Mai, and I found this article to be very valuable: https://www.thaiyak.com/13-point-checklist

    Thank you Pki - this list should be handed out to every 'single' man who enters Thailand. When I came to Thailand I learned the three most important rules: 1. Never fall in love with a bar girl. 2. Never fall in love with a bar girl. 3. Never fall in love with a bar girl. Every day hundreds of western men are breaking one of those three rules. With sad consequences. Thank you for these 13 more reasons to be careful.

    Been there, done that, and many girls are so different from western women that it's easy to do. However, experienced (Thai) expats espouse the "three-day rule" where you don't see the same girl more than three times for this very reason.

  15. Sign up on Thai Friendly. You'd be surprised at the response you get. I chose to date (I say "chose" because so many girls and women of all ages and backgrounds contacted me, although I'm old and far from handsome) a wonderful woman, who is hard working, isn't interested in my money, often insists on sharing costs when we go out, and seems very caring.

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