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Posts posted by angelsephemera

  1. If anyone has a breaker or good hammer drill they could rent me for a day I will pay happy to pay a few hundred baht. I am here for one job only and am loathe to buy power tools i have no store for.

  2. There is a small balcony outside my condo that has become absolutely disgusting, inches of shit and bird corpses, nests, even two eggs. It has to go, I have looked at the neighbours solutions and the prison style wire looks to drastic, i have seen a light netting, i wonder how it is secured in place. where can i buy such a net, it would have to sizable as my balcony aperture is 3.5m x 2.5m?

  3. hm.. plently of good deals at 12K level but at 18K not nearly so much choice.. which is one reason why I prefer to purchase at 12k btu Samsung or LG inverter etc.

  4. Thanks for the information, I suspected that a 12K unit would do, but the sales people shake their heads solemnly if you ask them. It is a small condo unit so no real excess of heat though because i have renters in mind I may have to opt for an 18K unit for their comfort.

    I made a mistake the cheapest 18K I have found is York at 21K

  5. I have a 26sq metre condo unit, 8th floor, receives no direct sunshine. What BTU would you recommended? Some websites qoute as low as 14,000 but all the shops say 24,000 or maybe 18,000.

    The cheapest option I have found was 18K at 16,900baht, or second hand units. Are second hand units to be avoided?


  6. I want interior tiles not flags - specifically real marble, limestone or travertine. There is one small yard near Maejo with sheets of natural stone but a store in CM with precut tiles would be better.

    (Homepro none)


  7. Anyone got some basic building tools they feel like lending me? Hammer and bolster, drill driver, cordless srewdriver etc...

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