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Everything posted by JustAnotherFarang

  1. its like with farmers, if you buy direct from the source its cheaper but once "big" business gets involved those prices jump astonishly high but they surely cannot stay at those prices for long if we all keep buying from the farmers instead.
  2. Thais rely on the hive mind and when it buzzes they all think they know something you dont, instilling their lack of knowledge and paranoia into anyone who cares to listen. Dismiss it and carry on
  3. much is made of veterans and upto the 2nd world war I would agree that their cause was just and honourable. But once we enter the realms of Vietnam, Iraqi and Afghanistan, my sympathies quickly evaporate because so much unwarranted sympathy is given to the imperialistic invaders and their "ptsd" and not to those that had their homeland attacked. If said "soldier" was an active combatant in Asia then why would he return to the scene of the crime and expect anything less? I have more respect for those who patrolled the streets of Belfast and made it home without ever killing innocents and theres not a single British soldier worth his salt who would lose the plot over multicoloured water pistols on a hot summers day
  4. you have no idea what you are talking about, I was a soldier
  5. I stand by what I said - no soldier would ever be triggered by plastic water pistols squirting water, the mere notion is ridiculous. A snowflake would fare better at Songkran but it knows not to visit as its going to melt.
  6. I would send you some but seeing as you are a direct competitor and we are not allowed to critique a sponsor your offer to test it rings a little hollow as a public service. Why dont you just buy it yourself and then compare their 15 baht a gram to your cheapest offering ?
  7. I think it could also be to do with whatever you were smoking before could be better albeit more expensive. I started off buying that sh!tty brickweed and them moved onto the stuff from Bangyabong which was great and then the lemon haze which was lovely - sour diesel and now the cherry whatever all recommended by Philthebook. I have bought from the same vendor several times now and Im never disappointed
  8. this is my 100g bag of cherry whatever. My 10g bag had much smaller and drier buds but still the smell was very potent.
  9. Well I can only vouch for my purchase and not yours - mine reeks the room out, a very potent smell but your assumption that if it has no smell it must be CBD is not correct. Is it better than the sour diesel? I think it is and Im certainly not a casual smoker as I smoke morning to night everyday. As I have said before, its subjective and if you didnt like it then at least you didnt waste too much money
  10. Well this is subjective because there are one or two here who say it doesnt twizzle their biscuit but it sure works well for me and my friends. Maybe it comes down to expectations but for the price its a bargain in my eyes
  11. Received my 100 g of Cherry Whatever that I ordered - I did dither as to whether to accept the purchase but after sharing the previous purchase amongst friends they all agreed that for the price it is a nice vape and a great deal. One thing that I must add is that the buds in the 100g are much larger than in the trial 10g pack which makes sense and its a welcome addition
  12. I read the posts and thought was I wrong so I decided to smoke only the "Cherry white" today. I get a great hit from it albeit it is "relaxed" and not a "giggly" hit. Yes, the buds are small but they also fit perfectly in my pipe and in my vaping device. Smoking it compared to vaping it has different affects for me. The only other thing I noticed is that it doesnt help me to sleep and I need to hit the Bangyabong stuff once or twice before bed but Im still happy with my purchase
  13. received my 10g plus 5g free and its as described, small dense buds, lovely smell and a wonderful high - Cheers PhiltheBook
  14. Its really nice, uplifting, energising, dreamy...... a great days smoke
  15. I got my order today, loose filled resealable bag of small Sour Diesel buds. Opened it up and was happily surprised by the smell and even happier just having a little bud, no bigger than the tip of my little finger. Fabulous from the get go, nice uplifting high, very moreish and so I did, 3 little buds....... and now Im flying. A great buy, I bought another 500 g for 6000 baht Cheers Philthebook
  16. a very apt quote - from The Grey
  17. Ive done that climb when I was in my late 40s and its very very hard especially when the weather is so hot. I wasnt impressed with the view to be honest and whats worse is that going down, you get wobbly legs and its just exhausting.
  18. reputable member has recommended it and for the price, its a bargain. Ive put my order in, will be back to report on the quality and bang for the buck in a day or two
  19. This is a great thread and useful too. We need to knock the bickering on the head though. Its much more enjoyable to sometimes agree to differ and let it go
  20. "a jack of all trades is a master of none" is a well known phrase...... but its not actually the entire quote. This is the entire quote "A jack of all trades is a master of none but a jack of all trades is better than a master of one" Those who have degrees in education should aspire to much more than teaching in Thailand but here the bar is very low and here they find a place to grow.
  21. Surely any man with a degree of any worth wouldnt need to prostrate himself to work within the thai teaching establishment, the pay is pitiful and the working conditions are intolerable at times. There are those who think they have blessed positions in the hierachy and can command a princely sum but the vast majority are just graduates who are looking to extend their holidays or build upon a relationship they have started here. The schools pay peanuts and they get temporary fresh faced teachers for students to fawn over....... and for parents to stump up the extra tea money that schools always want for doing what is their job. If you have a degree, why cant you do better ?
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