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Posts posted by eliotness

  1. There's a simple way to sort this : The mining, milling and extraction processes will all produce waste with different mixtures (cocktails) of heavy metals. This is called their chemical fingerprint. If the ratio of the different heavy metals from any of the effluents matches those found in the peoples blood, taking into account biochemical processes, then it is "probable" that the mine may be responsible. If it is actually proven and the pathway identified, then closing the mine for 30 days is a joke as there will be heavy metals in the environment for decades. Heavy metals are also toxic to plants, but the article doesn't mention affected crops. There needs to be an immediate evaluation of the evidence and further environmental investigation carried out by qualified, independant and experienced personnel, after all they may have to appear in court to defend their evaluation, or oops am I getting mixed up with how things are done in Thailand.

  2. Correction to my post, checked out the company on the internet, cyanide is used, gold and silver produced, so I guess there will be a mixture of other metals such as Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr etc. The most likely source to the environment is tailings dams, but no mention in the article if the pollution is surface or ground water, or possibly from the dust from the grinding mills. The company's video is very interesting as it says they had problems because Thailand's lack of proper regulation. I guess thainess strikes again and they are making the rules on the hoof. I think there is rather more to this than the gov minister mentions.

  3. I sent 2 boxes from the UK using DHL. Massive problems with one, not only did it take 7 weeks to arrive but someone had removed all the extra packing I had put in to protect the fragile items. I had to actually pick it up at the local post office. The staff there were amused at the distressed appearance of the box, which had obviously been damaged. On opening the box I found even metal objects badly bashed, all pottery smashed and wooden items broken. I don't know if the damage caused by DHL or the Post Office but as someone had removed all the protective packing I doubt double boxing would have made any difference at all.

  4. I had a very bad experience with DHL, not only did the box take 7 weeks to arrive but someone in the chain had removed the extra packaging, so not only was I hit by a huge customs bill but half the personal treasured items were either broken or bashed. DHL Thailand were totally useless, avoid them at all costs.

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