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Posts posted by TimCM

  1. Once again we see why there are no Buddhists here. They only pray for money which is the opposite of what they should be chasing as a Buddhist.

    Can we stop calling them Buddhists as they are an insult to real Buddhists in other countries

    Why cant they be like Christians , Muslims and Jews who religiously adhere to all tenants of their religion.laugh.png

    PS: what is it that make you think that they only pray for money?

    There is a difference, that is they are religions and Buddhism is not.

    I don't respect those that say they are good _______ (insert silly sky god), and then do bad things. But to be a christian, you only have to believe. To be a Buddhist, it is about how you live your life.

    So that is what you do, not how you think.

    What makes me think it is all about money, observation

  2. The OP might be better off asking in the Buddhism forum where there are people who are actually knowledgeable about Buddhism to talk to.

    Wow, what a Thai answer. I don't agree so you know nothing.

    Could you share your wisdom about what it is that you know about Buddhism that was incorrect about what the other posters have said.

    Could you name one of the Precepts that the locals follow?

    If you don't follow the precepts, then you are not a Buddhist.

    As for knowing nothing about Buddhism, I have studied spiritual beliefs for many and even lived in a Tibet monastery, so although I am not a Buddhist, I seem to be the Dali Lama in this country compared to the monks who only care about money.

    • Like 1
  3. And that ladies and gentlemen is step one completed in the end game strategy being played out, and the PTP are too stupid to even notice it.

    Threaten to boycott and disrupt under the current situation, then play ' good cop bad cop ' where Abhisit recommends a compromise and promises to do his best to negotiate between the PDRC and the EC/Opposition.... Gets the military to start the show by coming out and saying that Abhisit has a very good compromise on the table and that their talks were very agreeable and successful.... That is the primer.


    Now just complete the next few steps and it will be a good job done, and one that should not lead to a civil war.

    That is the difference between the two camps.... one side has intelligence the other side relies on brute force and intimidation.

    Now I am confused, brute force and intimidation would be the military, Abhisit and the yellows, but I have not seen any intelligence on the other side

  4. Tim CM post # 12

    His party have never worried about that at all, as long as he has the military to put them in power so they can benefit from corruption.

    If he was really concerned about Thailand, he would come out and say he wants the people to have their say, not the joke that is the Thai military

    Thaksin and his party have never worried about that at all, as long as he has the Red Shirt Terrorists to put them in power so they can benefit from corruption.

    If Thaksin Sinwatra and his clan were really concerned about Thailand, they would come out and say he wants the people to have their say, not the joke that is the puppet P.T.P. Prime Minster along with the puppet P.T.P. M.P.s and the Red Shirt Terrorist.

    I agree, they are as bad as each other. I never said otherwise, just commenting on the article. The only difference is I can see that without blind devotion to either side

  5. Unfortunate, but true. This monk perhaps does symbolize what has become of Buddhism in Thailand where the cult of personality is so widespread and conspicuous consumerism within the Sangha is not only normal bit, indeed, widespread celebrated. The temple has become a fairground and a haven for criminals on the run from the law. I am often bemused when I hear this oh too common refrain from visitors to the Kingdom....."oh Thailand is such a wonderful country, the people are so friendly, happy an gentle.....it must the religion, Bhuddism..." Actually I disagree. People's shape their religion to suit themselves. Have a look at how Theravada Buddhism is practiced in Sri Lanka and Myanmar ans you will see a different version than the ones the Thais have re-invented for themselves. The one which has all the hallmarks if greed and vanity. Is that a reflection of broader Thai society perhaps?

    I agree with your sentiments about some of the issues here but are you suggesting that Thai's should add the systemic massacre of Muslims to their culture as happens with the full support of Buddhist bah.gif leaders in both of these countries.

    Also, Buddhism is not a religion which any true Buddhist would know.

  6. Got to say, this thread has been most entertaining. Having spent many years training and competing in various styles, I can say there is no best system and the best technique is to blend as needed. I have always varied my technique based on who I was fighting (always in comp) as fighting to a weakness is best. We used to travel to fight in Thailand in the 90's in what was then called freestyle which was similar to MMA today. We were a group that used to train in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, and we used to clean up here against the Thai boxers. Did mixed against the foreigners who had backgrounds in other sports. As we were wearing grappling gloves, most of the Thai's could not take a punch and were useless when put on the ground. I studied BJJ for 2 years but was no where near a black belt. The guys that were would win fights in under 30 seconds. I think that is cause MT is specialized to be all about the speed of kicks and they lacked core strength, not just technique.

    As for those who say KF is all about technique and no sparing, you should live in China and see how they really train to compete, it is just as brutal as MT. And the conditioning is a level above.

    Do not take this to be anti MT as my point is any martial art by itself is in the same boat. Look at Buakaw, awesome MT fighter but when he went to HK to train, got his ass served by non professionals in stand up, let alone on the floor. It takes a different body to wrestle that would be too slow for a specialized form.

  7. Chalerm once again showing how he is a complete child.

    How dare he accuse the last grenades attack on the PDRC without evidence..... This guy has a lot of shortcomings in the pipeline and the time will come when he finds himself on the run from his pursuers.

    Does he think Thalsin is having a ball in exile or what?

    He is going the same way and so is Surapong and YL.

    The whole anti-PTP/Shinawatra movement is based on accusations without evidence.

    The whole Suthep Campaign is based on reforms before elections. 180 days and we still have not heard any details about any reforms. If I was Suthep I would be using that TV company at my disposal to sell my reforms to the nation. Could it be he has no reforms and his interests are not the Thai public. Night after night there he is painting Thaksin as the anti christ and spewing rhetoric instead of winning the hearts of the people. How does anybody buy into this baloney.

    Yes they do. I was walking by one of their earlier marches and I took time to ask the marchers why they were protesting, all I got in reply was Thaksin was bad and his whole family should be kicked out of the country. Not one mention of reform from these so called educated Thai's. And they call the red's buffalo's?

    • Like 1
  8. would anyone be scared of a thai special forces person ?


    pussys .

    better to have a contingent of angry ladyboys to arrest them ,thats mean

    Have you met any of them? I have. They are in good shape, properly trained and don't screw around.

    Also they tend to shoot first and sort out the mess later. As such, one should not dismiss them. These are not the self proclaimed special forces veterans we so often here about amongst the farang community. Nor are these the moonlighting military personnel, working for the PDRC. Many of Thailand's special forces have obtained experience in the south and on the border with Myanmar.

    So you are saying they don't surrender after a few hours then spend years telling the population they have never lost a war rolleyes.gif

  9. Wow, the final push again. What is this, number 5 or 6.

    After all of this time, has anyone heard of a single reform apart from vengeance against those who oppose the mighty Pol Pot Suthep. Its true that Buffalo are easily led.

    Surely there is some group that can form a decent opposition to this joke of a government.

    Thanks for sharing your hateful rant.

    Suteb is finding it hard to topple the regime as he is using peaceful means and the courts are working slowly. In most countries they would run in with guns blazing, drag out the PT toads and publicly execute them in the town square. PT and Hitler Thaksin are lucky that Suteb decided on the peaceful route. There are reasons he has chose to take this approach which I understand and support. I am glad we don't have the same level of mayhem and chaos as it happening in the Ukraine for instance.

    The reform ideas have been well laid out and discussed, just you were too busy watching the red propaganda and hatefully ranting to hear any of it I guess....

    Yes, unfortunately the red buffalos have been very easily led by the Dubai fugitive and his quorum of corrupt crackpot cronies.

    I do however agree with your final line : Surely there is some group that can form a decent opposition to this joke of a government - Keep dreaming, it may happen one day.

    If the courts were working as you say, wouldn't Suthep be in jail for murder instead of saying he is too busy to turn up for his trial.

    These reforms you talk of, would they just be Suthep taking over complete control of the country, assigning his own people to power so they can steal instead of Thaksin's side. The suspension of the right of Thai citizens so he can line his pockets is not reform, it is a dictatorship. Look to Myanmar to see what good citizen do when they are not accountable and see Thailand's future, complete with sanctions. Then that uneducated thug will really learn how valuable those foreigners which he hates are to his little country.

    If you bothered to learn to read, you would also note I have no love for PT and would like Thai people to have a real political choice. I suppose you must be a local and as such are incapable of not doing what you are told.

    • Like 1
  10. These idiots continue to claim a majority of Thais hate the Shin family, yet they block elections which would show the massive support they have from the people..

    The only way forward is an election, let the world know what the Thai people think

    Well on all the elections the Shin family spent billions in vote buying. Who knows how it would be without vote buying.

    When you look at the red protesters, they couldn't get any numbers lately. I guess a lot of the usual voter base are rice farmer who didn't get paid.

    So did the Democrats when they gave key money making departments to the Bumjumthai party to try and buy Issan.

    A point ignored by those by those with vested interests. Both sides are as bad as each other but most Thai's and expat's with a political siding, choose to ignore their own sides failings.

  11. This whole issue goes well beyond election reform and into reform of the country as a whole. By this I mean the thinking of the people who need to be educated (not just qualified) as to their long term interests. The author says PT should just step down without continuing to the real wish, that her political party should be given power. Wouldn't this also go against the wishes of millions of Thai citizens, or do they not matter as they don't grovel to the elites.

    How would giving power to the yellows (can't say Dem's as no interest in democratic values) fix the issues she raises? When in power via coup, they were corrupt as was Thai society, so should they also be in jail? If you want real reform, then state what these reforms are and let the people decide.

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