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Posts posted by JohnnyJazz

  1. We live in a similar place. Over the years we have developed good relation with the gardeners. When we want something done around our house we asked them directly and when the job is finished we gave them a 200 Bahts tip for their help.

    We also maintain good relation with the guards at the entrance of the village.

    Whenever we need something everybody is happy to help.

    Now you need to ask yourself a question : what is the most important to you, to be right or to have good relation with your neighbours ?

  2. For a fair next month I need 400 promotional cotton bags similar to the picture below. The quantity is too small for our Chinese factory but I was thinking maybe I can have printed in one of these shops that seem to be in every major shopping mall in Thailand and then carry them in my suitcase when I go to the fair.

    Has anybody ever used the services of such company and can recommend it to us ?

    Thanks in advance


    PS : I'm probably in the wrong section of the forum so I would appreciate it if a Mod can redirect me to the right section. Tks in advance. JJ

  3. Team Kodi maintains an officially neutral stance on what users do with their own software. Kodi is open source software, and as long as the GPL is followed, you are welcome to do with it as you like. So while we don’t love this use of Kodi, as long as you know what illegal and potentially dangerous things you are getting yourself into and accept the fact that the Team will not be providing you with any support, then you are welcome to do what you like.

    You have been warned !

    PS : I don't work with or represent KODI. I just feel that the promotion of product ("builds") that will ultimately damage this great software is not ok. After that, as they said, it's up to you.

  4. The problem is this: There have been a wave of sellers who decided to make a quick buck modifying Kodi, installing broken piracy add-ons, advertising that Kodi let’s you watch free movies and TV, and then vanishing when the user buys the box and finds out that the add-on they were sold on was a crummy, constantly breaking mess. These sellers are dragging users into the world of piracy without their knowledge and at the same time convincing new users that Kodi is a buggy mess, because they never differentiate Kodi from 3rd party add-ons. Every day a new user shows up on the Kodi forum, totally unaware that the free movies they’re watching have been pirated and surprised to discover that Kodi itself isn’t providing those movies.

    Over the past few years it’s become clear that many users have been watching pirated content using unofficial and unsupported add-ons that frequently break, and they are installing add-on repositories whose trustworthiness is questionable, leaving themselves open to numerous security exploits. Lately there’s even been a move to install “builds,” which intentionally break Kodi and, much like viruses, are almost impossible to uninstall, but have the benefit of adding LOTS of untrustworthy repos full of add-ons that don’t work.


  5. Found the solution. We need to "share" the other volumes. One would have thought that it would have been done automatically but no. The problem with this NAS is the lack of proper documentation, I had to go through all the menu to finally find the solution.

    Beside that I'm quite happy with WD. It's cheap, works ok and the local support and after sales service are good.

  6. After a crash of my 16 TB NAS WDmyCloudex4 (that was promptly replaced by WD, great service there !), I decided that RAID was a waste of space and did a JBOD formatting.

    I have 4 x 4TB disks. The first volume is now full. When i check the dashboard it says that 11.8 TB are still available but when I try to copy a file, the reply is the disk is full.

    I'm currently updating the back up before going any further. But in the meantime I checked about everywhere how to access the other volumes and can't find any satisfactory answer.

    Will I be lucky and a TV member who has already solved this problem is currently reading this thread and will come with the obvious solution I'm looking for ?

    At this point all suggestions are welcome



  7. We of course all support the efforts of the army to bring back harmony and morality into Thailand society but unfortunately it doesn't help that its action appear to be some time one sided.

    When it comes to highly divisive monk figure, it is Phra Buddha Issara that jumps to mind. Still he remains free to lead action that further create division in the Thai society. In my opinion the Army should either prosecute both side equally or stay clear of religious affairs.

  8. OK now the real problem is clearer.

    Your real issue is not finding things to do/places to go, but asserting your right to do them. While i was going to add volunteer work - lots of worthwhile opportunities there - and also looking into a possible teaching post - these will not necessarily solve the problem.

    Thanks a lot Sheryl. We're not really closer to the solution but the fact that you were able to understand what I'm talking about give me some hope.

    Thanks again

    Talking with other people, I realize I'm not the only one in the same situation. For years we have avoided serious arguments by "escaping" to the office. With retirement this solution is gone. Time to face the music hit-the-fan.gif

  9. Chaeng Wattana will not do a certificate of residence unless you are doing 90 day reports to them.

    The problem is I never stay long enough to do the 90 days reporting. So beside Chaeng Wattana, is there any other place I can do it ?

    It seems odd your embassy would not do one. They should of at least let you do and affidavit or statement of your address.

    French embassy. Rude and incompetent doesn't even start to describe them.

  10. Thanks for the "advises" to get drunk, patronize bar girls or waste my life in casinos. Been there, done that and lost interest long ago.

    Get yourself a nice little sailing yacht and simply take off with it. There's always something to "tinker" with a boat and that will keep you busy ! ! ! Just saying . . .


    That could be a good idea. I'm not a good sailor, I used to sail a 470 when I was a student but it was a (very) long time ago, but I met a guy a while ago who told me a good way to learn is to join people who sail boats from place to places on behalf of other people who don't have time to do it. He told me for insurance purpose there is a minimum number of people who should be on board even if they are not very useful. So you can join a crew just to make the extra number. You won't get paid but you will learn a lot. Good idea, thanks.


  11. There are three things required to have a happy long lasting relationship, 1 is for you to have a life outside the relationship where you have your friends and interests, 2 is for her to have same you, friend and other interests, 3 to have your time together to share some things you have in common.

    If any one of these is missing it will put strain on the relationship. You or her will smother the other and drive them away.

    Agree with that. That's why I'm looking for a life outside of the house.

    So as we have been a bit side tracked, I repeat what I'm looking for.

    20 years experience as a company manager in both Hong Kong and China, I'm looking to help a local structure. Available part time / full time. Salary based on what people can afford, not a real requirement. PM if interested or have leads.

    Thanks in advance

    You have a work permit?

    No, but a multi entry one year visa. I believe it wouldn't be very difficult to get a work permit if I really need it.

  12. Join a local foundation and assist at schools. They will even be able to get you a work permit as you'll need one even for volunteering.

    Good idea. How to do that ? Where to find them ?

    Bangkok is a huge city that has so much to see and do. Start exploring it.

    I've been in Asia for more than 25 years. I'm unfortunately passed the "exploring" stage.

  13. There are three things required to have a happy long lasting relationship, 1 is for you to have a life outside the relationship where you have your friends and interests, 2 is for her to have same you, friend and other interests, 3 to have your time together to share some things you have in common.

    If any one of these is missing it will put strain on the relationship. You or her will smother the other and drive them away.

    Agree with that. That's why I'm looking for a life outside of the house.

    So as we have been a bit side tracked, I repeat what I'm looking for.

    20 years experience as a company manager in both Hong Kong and China, I'm looking to help a local structure. Available part time / full time. Salary based on what people can afford, not a real requirement. PM if interested or have leads.

    Thanks in advance

  14. Not sure where you live but why not rent a small condo in some other town and spend time there. When I lived in the village I knew a few guys who had two places, one in village and one in Pattaya. They spent most of their time in Pattaya but then went to the village on holidays and some weekends to see the wife. The wives I don't think really liked it at first but got use to it. Many reasons to not stay in the village full time so not too hard to make the case.

    We are living in Bangkok downtown, very nice house in a very nice area. So moving to Nakhon Nowhere is not something that appeals too much to me ...

    If you are living in BKK tell her you are tired of the city and the pollution and get a place near a beach to spend some time.

    Actually it would be true, I d love to move to the beach for a while. But so would she. So she would move with me and we would be back to square one wacko.png

  15. A bit of explaining is due why I need a "job" instead doing of one of the numerous activities you all very kindly suggested.

    When I joined the gym here I hired a private trainer. Two reasons for that. The first was I haven't been in a gym for more than 25 years and I didn't know where to start. The second was a way to force me to go to the gym on a regular basis as I had appointment with my trainer and couldn't get lazy and postponed to the next day, and the next, and the next .... That led to endless argument with my wife who thought that driving her to visit her mother or shopping to the mall was more important that my appointment at the gym. And this is true for every other activity that I had leading again to endless and more and more heated arguments.

    Having an "official" job or similar activity would get me out of this endless cycle of arguments. Or so I hope.

    The other option is mentioned in my previous post.

  16. It's time to start working on you now. Go to gym, pool, running, what ever will get you into shape. Find a local lake or park and go sit relax and read a book. Get some guys together for a night out. Take a road trip and visit someplace every few weeks with a few of the boys. I do all of the above plus go out for a few beers from time to time and it keeps me away and not board.

    Did that already. Joined a gym when I moved to Thailand and lost 15 Kg. I run every other day, 20 to 25 Km / week on average

    Read a book by the lake I could do that if the weather was a bit cooler but that wouldn't solve my problem.

    No, I really need an activity that take me out of the house 9 to 5 at least 3 to 4 days a week.

    In the plans is even going back to Hong Kong working as a consultant but there are a number of things that I would miss here so I want to give Bangkok at least a last chance.

    To tell you how serious the situation is, I'm afraid that if I don't find a solution, our relation may end up in divorce. After all these years together It's something I would rather avoid ...

  17. Sorry , but i do not have your problem ,so i cant help ,my wife and i love each others company , i kid you not .

    Yeah it always starts out that way. Total love and respect, some keep it going for 10 years or more... But things change over time, no big surprise, that's life

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

    Actually we've been married for bit longer than that ...

    I believe to keep the relation healthy we need to keep some private breathing space.

    It's not a problem of keeping busy, it's really, literally, getting out of the house.

  18. OP do you live in a city?

    If yes i cannot help you.

    If you live in a village easy, grow veg/ keep chickens/ rear fish, many things to keep you busy.

    Another suggestion is do things together with your wife ( sorry i lost the plot ).

    get yourself a loving dog,

    Did it. I have a lovely 3 month old GR puppy, probably one of the thing that keeping me sane

  19. OP do you live in a city?

    If yes i cannot help you.

    If you live in a village easy, grow veg/ keep chickens/ rear fish, many things to keep you busy.

    Another suggestion is do things together with your wife ( sorry i lost the plot ).

    What? No hobbies? No bucket list to pursue?

    I believe there is a misunderstanding. I'm busy no problem. I just need to get out of the house.

    Just a suggestion. It may not get ou out of the house but have you considered online at something like Coursera. This gives you something to keep your mind active and gives you goals to achieve.

    I did. I joined the CISCO Networking Academy and follow an online training leading to a CCNA certification. Not that I'm interesting by the certification at a professional level but as you say as a way to keep the mind active and develop my knowledge in a field that interest me.

  20. I used to live near the Khao Yai park. It's a very boring place. There is nothing to see.

    The only good thing about this area is the weather and the best way to enjoy it is to stay in one of the numerous guest houses that are located around the country park, to rent a bicycle and explore the rural areas and countryside OUTSIDE of the country park. And it's free of charge !

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