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Posts posted by Fairynuff

  1. Why should foreigners in Thailand - mostly farang with 2-3x purchasing power of local population be allowed to pay the same price as Thais?

    The locals are likely spending 1/3rd of a day's wages to bring their family to the park, and as a farang who can easily afford the higher entrance fee, why would you expect to pay the same price as them?

    If everyone paid the same price, Thais and foreigners alike, the prices would inevitably increase faster than the local consumer could afford.

    Oh yes, how silly of me, I completely forgot that there are no rich Thai people. All the big cars and big houses are foreign owned. All the huge companies in Thailand are owned by foreigners.i should remind myself of that when I spend time with my Thai friends who have the kind of money I'll only ever have in my dreams

  2. There are two categories of posters here. Those who can't/won't accept discrimination and overcharging and see it as wrong. Then there are those who choose to ignore those facts and see it as purely about the few baht.

    For my part the money is totally irrelevant whether it's 2 baht or 2,000 baht,no difference. It's about right and wrong, no more no less. Discrimination is always wrong whatever the context and wherever it happens.

    Sure, life is black and white. Everything is right or wrong, people are all good or all bad, stupid or clever, nothing in-between.

    There are lots of different categories of posters on here.

    Open your eyes Fairy. 'Nuff said.

    My eyes are wide open and yet I still can't see how your response is any way relevant to my post. I'm sure you know what you mean but all I see is an attempt to snipe at me. Whatever....

  3. There are two categories of posters here. Those who can't/won't accept discrimination and overcharging and see it as wrong. Then there are those who choose to ignore those facts and see it as purely about the few baht.

    For my part the money is totally irrelevant whether it's 2 baht or 2,000 baht,no difference. It's about right and wrong, no more no less. Discrimination is always wrong whatever the context and wherever it happens.

  4. The speculators are out in force as usual. Nobody on this forum knows you or her but everyone has an opinion and advice. Statistically, and I speak not from personal experience (thank goodness) "it's all about that baht...'bout that baht...'bout that baht" (yes that is a song). Reading this forum regularly has shown me that a majority of the marital issues are based on finance and solved only by finance.

    If I was a believer I'd thank Him every day that I came here WITH my partner,not to look for one.

  5. I do not believe in this statistic.

    In Thailand the rate is around 100 per 24 hours.

    As long they do not enforce the traffic law, or take away driving licenses, nothin is going to change.

    Let them die. Its their own fault.

    Even if they have a driving license (IF) do you honestly think they'd stop driving!!

    Has anyone ever seen a driving school in this country? Ever seen a car with L plates? Me neither.

  6. Are you sure to really want a cheap loser car ? BMW are so cheap and maintenance is free 5 years !

    Yes the maintenance is "free" and all you have to do pay the 300% tax on the car. I test drove a 320 recently thinking about changing my Accord. The 320 was nice but I preffered my Accord and the current price was less than half the 320. I don't need the " kudos" of being able to say I've got more money than sense. I think the losers are the once that don't mind being fleeced.

  7. "The detainees, consisting mostly of females suspected of engaging in prostitution, were taken to Pattaya Police Station and fined 100 Baht each before being released to presumably continue with whatever they were doing prior to their arrest."

    Outstanding show of force and law enforcement!

    Yeah, released. So they have to get back to Pattaya at their own expense after paying the fine, having lost a day of work. I don't think society benefits from this kind of thing. My opinion has been for many years that a good prostitute contributes as much value to society as a good plumber.

    I'd prefer a plumber to sort out my plumbing thank you!

  8. Talking to a Thai friend who lived in the UK for over 20 years about driving. One of the things she said was that Thais don't use their indicators when changing lanes because they don't want you to know what they're doing so they can't block you. Sounds incredible to a "normal" driver but if you observe you'll see it's true

  9. Yes this topic is done to death and until the practise stops, it always will be. The argument is simple, it's MORALLY wrong to discriminate. It is NEVER about the money which maybe as little as a few baht. Those who say they don't care, in my opinion have no self respect. I will never knowingly allow myself to be overcharged, not one baht, not a thousand baht. It isn't a discount for Thai people, it's an overcharge to non Thai people on a grand scale.

    It's not about rich foreigners and poor Thais, most of my Thai friends have considerably more money than me yet would never pay more than me for a park or attraction.

    It's very simple really, there is no moral or economic justification for overcharging. You ARE being cheated and ripped off and you're happy with that then the n my opinion you're a fool.

    This argument is even simpler than you are suggesting, if you think the price is too high, don't pay it. If you are worried over 10 baht, you are indeed a worried man, life is too short to get upset over such trivial matters.
    Like I said, a fool just doesn't get it. It's never about the 10 baht. Duh!!
    Because someone sees things different to you, you insult them by calling them fools! Some people might say you are a miserly skinflint with no feelings for his fellow man.

    And that person would have no idea of who I am. I say again, if you think it's ok to be ripped off, then yes, you ARE a fool. And again, try to grasp the simple concept that it's never about the money...just try...it's really not difficult!

    Do you really know how patronising and condesending you are, you are using the words "ripped off" not me, and no I don't think I am being ripped off. You must really have a sad and pathetic life if you worry about somebody 'ripping you off' to the sum of 10 baht. Some people would say you need to get a life and stop insulting people who share different views to you. Duh.

    It seems that you are happy to be overcharged based on your race or nationality. Fine, go for it. You also think I'm insulting you, fine but you've insulted me far more. That bothers me not a bit. My life is great. This is my last response to you for 2 reasons, you will never get it and you want the last word...fine...have it!

  10. Yes this topic is done to death and until the practise stops, it always will be. The argument is simple, it's MORALLY wrong to discriminate. It is NEVER about the money which maybe as little as a few baht. Those who say they don't care, in my opinion have no self respect. I will never knowingly allow myself to be overcharged, not one baht, not a thousand baht. It isn't a discount for Thai people, it's an overcharge to non Thai people on a grand scale.

    It's not about rich foreigners and poor Thais, most of my Thai friends have considerably more money than me yet would never pay more than me for a park or attraction.

    It's very simple really, there is no moral or economic justification for overcharging. You ARE being cheated and ripped off and you're happy with that then the n my opinion you're a fool.

    This argument is even simpler than you are suggesting, if you think the price is too high, don't pay it. If you are worried over 10 baht, you are indeed a worried man, life is too short to get upset over such trivial matters.
    Like I said, a fool just doesn't get it. It's never about the 10 baht. Duh!!
    Because someone sees things different to you, you insult them by calling them fools! Some people might say you are a miserly skinflint with no feelings for his fellow man.

    And that person would have no idea of who I am. I say again, if you think it's ok to be ripped off, then yes, you ARE a fool. And again, try to grasp the simple concept that it's never about the money...just try...it's really not difficult!

  11. Yes this topic is done to death and until the practise stops, it always will be. The argument is simple, it's MORALLY wrong to discriminate. It is NEVER about the money which maybe as little as a few baht. Those who say they don't care, in my opinion have no self respect. I will never knowingly allow myself to be overcharged, not one baht, not a thousand baht. It isn't a discount for Thai people, it's an overcharge to non Thai people on a grand scale.

    It's not about rich foreigners and poor Thais, most of my Thai friends have considerably more money than me yet would never pay more than me for a park or attraction.

    It's very simple really, there is no moral or economic justification for overcharging. You ARE being cheated and ripped off and you're happy with that then the n my opinion you're a fool.

  12. Hi,

    All good feedback, thanx, keep it coming.

    You are right, I should have said wannabe hi-so, her ex was in oil and gas and gave her evetything until she left him, guess that was not even enough either.

    Can't say I have had her on fixed income but everything has been by bank transfer, no cash in hand, so can prove have been supporting my wife.

    Yes it has been more than a year paying off these debts, box was too small to go into a 4-yr sob story, but came to a head last night when I challenged her on spending 10,000 in less than 4 days, been arguing all day and she has taken the kids and not come home tonight.

    Most friends have advised getting a divorce, just trying to figure out where I stand on custody and that I can just take care of my son and forget about her.



    Peter, I have no relevant experience in a situation like yours but I believe a woman like you seeme to be married to, totally focused on money, would most likely readily abandon her son when she realized kids cost money. Really wish you luck

  13. Publicity seeker! Having 5,000 "friends' tells us that!!

    He does look farang and if he didn't (unknown) show his ID card to prove otherwise the attendant had every right to charge him the going rate.

    I've visited many parks in this country and if I show my Thai drivers licence I get in for the Thai price!

    And whats the problem with dual pricing anyway. Western tourists can afford to pay more. Would the foreigner still visit if Thais were made to pay the same? It's 200 baht, take it or leave it.

    If you have to ask about dual pricing then you probably qualify for a re-education camp somewhere (Obviously not in Thailand). Do you consider that a lot of the Thais that visit these national Parks etc are not better off financially. than farang Tourists (The filthy rich elite from Bangkok driving their luxury cars Vs The recently retired Farang Pensioner on a vacation..as an example. My point is that all Thais,.....rich or poor are charged the same price....therefore the dual pricing system is purely Racist and not about who can afford the prices.

    It is not racist. No definition of racism can be applied in this case.

    It's the business of tourism.

    Elvira it's true isn't it.. you really really don't get it

    • Like 1
  14. $5. Thats the difference. Hardly worth a tweet, never mind any serious press.

    If the venue is worth the entrance fee, I go in. If its not, I dont. Thats the extent of my rights.

    To those who insist that everyone pay the same price, be careful what you wish for.

    If everyone had to pay the white guy price, there wouldnt be hordes of locals paying a small fee, and covering a lot of the overhead. The place may go broke, or they may have to curtail services.

    If everyone paid the discounted locals price, theyd have the hordes, but probably not the revenue to stay open and provide reasonable services and maintenance.

    Its about revenue required for overhead absorption and its a very common business practice throughout the hospitality industry. Thats why there are corporate rates at hotels and you can pay anywhere from $50 to $500 for the same seat on the same flight on the same airplane.

    So, while I have the right to decide for myself, I dont have the right to decide for everyone.

    And if I ever get fed up with the racism, Ill hop on a plane and head home instead of whining about the silly little brown people who happen to own the place, and decide how they want to run their country. Why anyone stays in a hotel where they hate the practices of the owner and the staff, Ill never understand. Why anyone stays in a country where they hate the local customs, ditto.

    Oh they use $ here now, that's a good idea. Ugh

  15. I have no problem with Thais paying far less to get into public attractions. Tourists should pay more, considering our average income is 10 times the average Thai. Thais should not pay anything to enter Wats, etc that are sacred to Buddhists, whereas tourists who are just there to gawk and snap selfies should pay. It is not racism, it is just logical.

    It happens all over the world. Local residents of Southern California can get drastically reduced season passes to Disneyland not offered even to Northern Californians. Students from out of state or other countries pay much higher tuition at US universities, because local residents pay taxes to support the institutions, and they are there for the greater good of the US. Thais who have higher incomes pay taxes to fund national parks etc and Buddhists support their local and regional temples, wats, etc with donations of whatever they can afford, so they should not be expected to pay additionally to worship.

    I am so sick of Thai Visa old farts complaining about such inequities, those who complain the most deserve to pay the most, to pay for your bad karma (no I don't believe in karma spiritually, but sociologically it works). We relatively rich bastards should be happy to spend more than Thais to live in the country.

    Get over it!!!

    Clearly more money than sense

  16. Publicity seeker! Having 5,000 "friends' tells us that!!

    He does look farang and if he didn't (unknown) show his ID card to prove otherwise the attendant had every right to charge him the going rate.

    I've visited many parks in this country and if I show my Thai drivers licence I get in for the Thai price!

    And whats the problem with dual pricing anyway. Western tourists can afford to pay more. Would the foreigner still visit if Thais were made to pay the same? It's 200 baht, take it or leave it.

    When was the last time you used you driving licence?

    The charge to most if not all national is 40 for a Thai national and 400 baht if not.

    Are you really so daft to accept a 10 fold increase? Well you already stated you use your licence, so you are not! Slightly hypocritical!

    Khao Yai Park and most now won't accept the driving licence, although some of the smaller ones still do if you ask politely in Thai.

    The point about the driving licence was that even a foreigner that shows a form of Thai issued ID pays the Thai price. So if this Thai had shown his Thai ID he would probably have been treated the same.

    Thais rarely leave home without ID. A western looking Thai visiting a place known to charge more for foreigners is either setting himself up for a story or should accept that with no proof of his nationality and looking like he does means he might be charged the higher price. My guess is the former!

    I would only pay 400 baht if I thought If I felt the place I was visiting was worth it. The fact that Thais pay less doesn't bother me.

    I have more self respect than to ever think it's worth paying a rip off price just cos I'm white

  17. Publicity seeker! Having 5,000 "friends' tells us that!!

    He does look farang and if he didn't (unknown) show his ID card to prove otherwise the attendant had every right to charge him the going rate.

    I've visited many parks in this country and if I show my Thai drivers licence I get in for the Thai price!

    And whats the problem with dual pricing anyway. Western tourists can afford to pay more. Would the foreigner still visit if Thais were made to pay the same? It's 200 baht, take it or leave it.

    Rich Thai who g to Paris can also afford a 10-folded price, let's do the same to them!

    Ok as long as you're prepared to let the poor Thai visiting Paris have a discount!

    Dual pricing happens in many countries. In the UK adults pay more than OAP's and kids to enter many places. And sometimes locals get discounts.

    If only you knew what you were talking about

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