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Posts posted by nikster

  1. you're all ning nongs

    this is misdirection

    it is about control of the internet and freedom of speech

    you seem to be running off like chickens without heads as soon as a debatable subject comes up

    its not about rape of images of sexual nature

    its about controlling ALL content

    get it right then from this perspective look at what it will be like ni a few years time


    Phew, at least some people get it. Spot on. In Taksin's mind, the internet is like TV, only bigger. TV is already under control, thankyouverymuch. Print, we are working on even though we don't believe it's a mass medium. The internet hasn't yet caught on with the masses, but Taksin thinks ahead - and has a son(?) who runs an internet provider I think. Better get the control mechanisms in place before that thing gets out of hand.

    Blocking unwanted content is not hard to do technically, and the internet isn't nearly as decentralized as people believe. There is one line out of Thailand (one giant proxy behind it) and on that single point of access the government through CAT can do whatever they ###### well please.

    A porn crackdown is as good as any of the other weekly crackdowns, but it makes a perfect little excuse to get some serious censorship going. I believe that the entire reason Thailand has a crappy connectivity to the rest of the world is that the government wants to keep control and therefore they protect the CAT international line monopoly. Too bad it's to the detriment of the Thai economy. Oh, well.

  2. Porn isn't the only issue here. The real threat is the other offensive material they censor when a "clampdown" entitles them to hire load more "professional" net watchers who spend all day passing judgement on what is "appropriate".

    Having worked in newsrooms before, I can assure you that the keyboard crunchers know instinctively what to censor without any accountable person having to spell it out.

    Absolutely. Next, it's bbc news because they post some "government critical" news. News that could "cause alarm" or are "verifiably false". Taksin is already using these terms.

    Look at the newspapers in this country, they are already under the control of the almighty government, scared shitless of billion-baht lawsuits and corrupt courts and police.

    Once the news is truly censored things go to hel_l FAST.

    I couldn't care less about Pr0n and in any case I know ways to access any site I want even from within Thailand. Its not about that though - when the broad masses are cut off from real news, that's when trouble starts.

  3. I have to wonder if the Thai government will approve of some of the sexual content and/or innuendo in so many of the western ads. I mean, Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, Victoria Secret, Tampax, etc. Not to mention the many ads for non sex related items that use gratuitous sexual images to get our attention. (Those last are the ones I'd miss most!)  :o


    Come on, U.S. TV is _at least_ as prudish as Thai TV. No difference there.

    Unless you are talking about German TV where there's porn running all night on free TV courtesy of sexhotlines... and where seeing the odd boob any time during the day is not unusual... :D

  4. But I wonder if some of the punks have the impression that ANY farang must have something worth stealing?

    Wear dreadlocks, fisherman's pants, flip flops and an indian-looking shirt and no one will bother to rob you. Worst that can happen is that they try to sell u some dope :o

    Seriously, don't know about Pattaya but Thailand is one of the safest countries I have been in. Definitely safer than walking through LA or any other american city at night...

  5. Maybe he was just gay, or shy, or even girls just don't fancy him because he is a gamer nerd? Sounds like the parents are looking for something they can blame the boy's failure with the opposite sex on rather than their own failure as parents. Seriously, all of the kids I see in the internet cafes don't seem to mind a bit of social interaction. So much so in fact, the noise they generate seems to be of epic proportions.

    I think this is an interesting point: Internet cafes are pretty social places. Much better than sitting at home and locking yourself in the basement.

    I agree with many others here that parents must parent the kids - the Government can't and where it tries, it will fail spectacularly.

    Are games really so bad? A lot of kids - young kids, mind you - in other countries are fighting with drug addiction or sniffing glue.

    Also, the "healthy" alternatives like watching TV(?!) I don't consider particularly helpful for development either.

    If the government wanted to do something profound, they would see who's playing at 3am, and have a little chat with the children's parents instead of fining the cafe owner. Educate the parents on what's going on - though it will probably fall on deaf ears. The parents are the root of the problem and any solution must start there.

    As it is the government decides to "crackdown". In Thailand the meaning is as follows: A temporary effort to suppress an activity which has the following effects:

    1) The government can sell itself as "having done something" about whichever problem people give top ranks in opinion polls. I think this is the main reason these things happen. Media - 99% government controlled - can write that there is a crackdown and people feel like the gov takes care of things. Re-election, there we go.

    2) The government makes some $ for police via fines and bribes.

    3) The long term effect is absolutely zero. In three month's time everybody has forgotten about the crackdown, and a couple of years down the road it can be revived and used again.

    The Rule of the Media is not nearly as stupid as people think.

  6. Pick up your laptop immediately and take it to Toshiba service center - even if its out of warranty. They will be happy to help you and you will be guaranteed a fair price. The simple reason is that Toshiba will want you to be happy with the laptop.

    I found customer support here very friendly. Just keep smiling and insisting they fix the problem in the friendliest manner possible and they will do all they can.

    I can't think of any part on the mainboard that would cost 6500 Baht. If the mainboard is broken (which happens, but rarely) then they need to replace the whole thing which will cost way more than 6500. 10,000 minimum, probably more.

    Chances you are getting ripped off are very high.

  7. BANGKOK: -- PM’s Office Minister Newin Chidchobb has come up with a new idea to solve the capital’s traffic problem: having government offices, hotels and shopping malls give free-of-charge parking space for taxis to pick up customers.

    That has got to be the stupidest idea they have had in quite some time.




    Why do you think it is stupid ? Surely any idea to assist in solving a problem is worth

    considering ? What suggestions do you have ?

    It will have a very limited effect. The number of Taxis is determined by demand. There will be as many taxis as there is demand. Therefore, the Taxis will be filled most of the time. A parked Taxi does not make money, so let's assume the Taxis are parket 10% of the time - an ideal case. Then there are 6000 cars less on the street because of the measure.

    Its certainly worth considering, but its also worth considering who's lobbying for it and why it was brought up. There may be value to it in terms of traffic reduction, but how much remains to be seen. On the other hand, there is most certainly a lot of value from the point of view of Taxi operators. They get all this investment for free! Wow! Unfortunately, the public doesn't benefit from that.

    Build more and better subways. It's the only way out.

  8. Hi!

    This is an agreement that Australia has with many countries - the only difference is that they usually don't require college degrees from these young travelers.

    It's really great because it allows young people to travel Australia for a year and up their finances by taking on jobs every now and then. I met lots of english and scandinavians taking advantage of this when I was there.

    That Thailand grants Australians the same is a requirement but I don't see how it would make much sense. If you are young and want to travel Thailand for a year it's always better financially to go back home and work there for a while, then come back. But hey - I imagine some might want to work here just for the experience.

    This is not a visa intended for people who want to move to Australia / Thailand seriously and take up a job there, and the regulations make it so that it will not provide any benefit for that purpose.

    It's nice. But not the thing to do if you wanted to work in Australia or Thailand :o


  9. Full moon party ban opposed

    ... The full moon party doesn't just benefit certain people; it brings revenue to the province and the whole country,'' ...

    --Bangkok Post 2005-08-24

    Don't know about the whole country, mainly brings money into the portal Samui, and IMHO probably is the singular appreciable revenue stream for Phangan,


    The question is not "why should we NOT ban it?". The question is: Why should it be banned?

    Does it harm anyone? A real debate about this would simply be about environment (from what I have seen the cleanup squad is extremely effective) and the people who live there. Since the party has been going on for 20 years it's hard to imagine anyone living there could be opposed - they would have long moved out...

    I think this is just some bullshit about young people having too much fun, and the ones who don't want to participate wanting to spoil it.

    Personally, I have only been once and could not care less - I don't particularly enjoy hordes upon hordes of wasted english teenagers. There are better places to pick up girls, too. But why forbid it? Let them have fun, jesus!

    Live and let live.

    BTW yeah, illegal drugs are still illegal and all the usual laws apply even duing the full moon party. No reason to ban the party.

  10. The Fortuner isn't exactly a converted pickup.


    Well sure, but then, almost all larger SUVs are based on a Pickup platform. Nothing wrong with that :o

    I have two questions for the proud owners: What mileage does the Diesel get? What's the difference in performance? Both Diesel and gasoline have pretty much the same HP which usually means the Diesel will have better torque and feel stronger.

    I am going to do lots of mountain driving so I want to know which one will be better.

    Also, how does the automatic cope with mountainous terrain? I have not driven any automatic that would feel "right" on a mountain, but then, I have not tested any newer automatics. The auto I have tends to be in the wrong gear and the only option you have is the kick-down - which is also wrong. Somebody also said manual is preferable when offroading: Why?

    This is the reason I am thinking of getting the manual. I want to have leather too though and was told that's only on autos. I want to buy this next year - does that mean I have to queue up right now? I am in the north, in Chiang Mai...

    Any advice would be highly appreciated!

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