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Posts posted by chav

  1. Normally you would be more specific by telling them to "check" or change (bri-en)

    'Check brake' or 'Brien brake'

    'Check na-man' or 'brien na-man' (oil)

    'Check si-klong-agard' and 'brien' if needed (air filter)

    'Brien yang' change tires.

    But you could just say 'do-at saphrb rot noi lat brien arai seah' (Inspect vehicle and change anything that is broken)

  2. Hi Ross,

    I am currently discussing this concept with a couple of collegues. Actually a very feasable proposal for restorations / repairs and conversions. (the later which is our current business). Operated in an EPZ (Export processing zone) no need for any bonds.

    Current topic of discussion is where to get the vehicles and who are target the customers; if you are able to help with that side we should talk.


  3. If you are really determined to get out here permanantly then the best place to start is here.

    Why come on holiday when you can come over to find a job.

    Find any job to start with, if after that you still want to follow your dream you have a foundation to start, from then you can do as Brain said "get in their face".

    Telephones don't evan work as a good way of comunicating here, by the time you have finished with the 1st 500 "heelow's" your 300 baht phone card is empty. The only chance of getting anywhere with CV's is if it lands on a Ferrangs desk.

    Thai companies like to use recruitment agencies, have you registered with any ?

    Don't frighten potential employers off by talking salarys, let them know what you can do and let them see your smille before numbers a really talked about.

    Be realistic about what you can earn on your first mission.

    Out here nobody likes a show off, big head or dictator. Be friendly and curtious and you will be amazed at what doors can open.

    If after all your efforts you still can't get anywhere either go alone and become an independant consultant to all those lovely contacts you made that won't give you a job. or forget it and piss everything up the wall with a dodgy bar beer purchase.

    Either way best off luck, hope your friend is worth it.


  4. Thanks Boo / elfe,

    I would think that the garlic trick works because it alters the breath odour, apparently Ticks are attracted to the carbon dioxide in breath (also vibrations). Anyhow I will give it a go. The level of odour is probably outside our sensing range so it does not effect us.

    I have tried a lot of different powders, shampoos, sprays and spot products; nothing has been 100% successful. I don't like the sound of edible powders.

    At the same time as posting my question to you a researched a few websites, they basically said that to control them properly you had to control the surrounding environment, that meant cutting grass, keeping leaves and eliminating hiding places - followed by chemical attack !

    I will let you know how they get on.

    chav & "the boys"

  5. Hi elfe,

    Sorry but a reply from another guy. Refering back to your opening post I am desperate to learn how to get rid of ticks. I have 2 x 2.5 year old rotties boys and the poor sods have got a permanent itch. I have tried all sorts of sprays, powders and spot cures but the buggers just keep coming back.

    Thanks if you can help Rocky and Sampson

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