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Posts posted by Emilp

  1. Personally, seeing as your not the father, I don't think its appropriate for you to sleep in the same bed, irrespective of any Thai "norms"

    although not Thai related, when I worked in the US, I had an American GF, who had a niece who used to come and stay with us weekends, and a similar story the niece didn't want to sleep on her own and wanted to sleep in the bed with her Aunt, right from the offset, I felt uncomfortable with this arrangement even though the GF and Niece who was 12, said it was ok and the GF would sleep in the middle, in the end I used to sleep in the spare bed room, and the GF would sneak away to the spare room once the niece was asleep in the main bedroom to play hide the Sausage and then go back and sleep next to the niece..

    You should tell your GF to separate her daughter's bedroom. Explain to her that it is not good to have children in adult room. You don't know when she wakes up or you can do as Soutpeel suggestion.

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