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  1. Must be a dodgy vape supplier in the area. I haven't heard of this happening globally.
  2. I'd throw him in prison for a few months, then deport and ban.
  3. That's a studio with just one bed, so was he sleeping beside the body, and didn't think it was strange she slept for 3 days? Lying or his head's away with it.
  4. She was muling it from Malaysia, not Thailand.
  5. Are they trying to phase out the term "ladyboy"? Most of them like that term, you know.
  6. As soon as we heard the story, we all knew the vultures would see to it that the maid got nothing.
  7. I assume the witness told the police that he had seen the perpetrator around the area before. He was allowed to roam free because the crime wasn't committed yet.
  8. Sexual assault is part of Egyptian culture? In that case, if he did this in Europe, officials would apologize for the cultural insensitivity caused in arresting him, and let him go free.
  9. Great idea, send rent through the roof, then have a crisis where ordinary working people can't afford rent. But who cares, the economy will be bigger.
  10. I wonder how he managed to do that? And fearing for his safety?
  11. What's the world coming to when you can't even take a gun onto an airplane.
  12. I haven't tried it, but when I saw the 'Pay like a local' QR payment feature in the Wise app, I looked into it. You can use it in some other SEA countries, but not yet Thailand. I'm sure Wise are asking to be allowed access to that feature of PromptPay, but not yet granted.

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