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Posts posted by bananafish

  1. 7 hours ago, swm59nj said:

    The vaccines prevent you from getting seriously sick.  Not really prevent you from getting it.  And keep in mind.  The Moderna boosters in Thailand.  They are generation one type.  Not the newest that protects against Omicron and the latest variants.  
    The number of hospitalizations and serious illness are way down.  Due to the vaccines.  
    And the question is.  Are people who say “ Oh they had symptoms and it was nothing “.  Did they get tested and actually have Covid?   Or did they have the flu or viral infection?   Thinking they had Covid? 
    And I find the people that are not vaccinated or downplay the vaccine .  If they test positive and have serious symptoms or are hospitalized.  They whine about how they should have gotten vaccinated.  

    And my brother, who got the vax, developed heart problems, and was forced to retire at 50, now whines about how he shouldn't have got the vax. 

  2. 13 hours ago, sambum said:

    It's taken you 3 days to come up with that pearl of wisdom - OK you've been away for the weekend!


    Just to recap:- "2 men on a motorbike at 1am carrying beers. I'd place my bets that they were drinking." 


    My post was made to point out that your post was merely an assumption which was utterly pointless. You assumed that because they were in possession of drink at 1 am in the morning they had been drinking/were drunk, and were therefore the ones to blame for the accident. We now know that this was not the case,(CCTV) so if anybody's post was pointless, it was yours!

    You talk more garbage than was onboard the truck. From the video I watched, it looks like the bike came from behind the truck, and tried to overtake it on the right, as it was turning right. So I would hardly say the rider is blameless, his driving seems wreckless, and my guess is that was because he was drinking. 

  3. 3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Nothing will ever be normal again. Not here. Tourism will never be the same. Gangsters are running the nation, dressed up as officers, pretending to care. 


    But, I went for a nice motorbike ride yesterday, and felt very grateful to be here. Compared to my broken down nation of America, Thailand's problems are manageable, and life is quite good for most of us. 

    Gangsters run just about every nation. Some are just more sophisticated than others in their gangsterism. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, 2long said:

    Not sure why they're referring to the transgender as a 'he' and 'him.' So many other news outlets refer to them as 'she' & 'her'. This victim certainly looked 'far enough transed' to be worthy of the female pronouns... at least if so many others seem to deserve it.

    They say "transgender man", which technically, is a biological woman who lives as a man. 

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    • Haha 1
  5. 6 hours ago, HaoleBoy said:

    "It is an opportunity for people and the state to earn income from marijuana and hemp," said Anutin Charnvirakul


    This is not marijuana as the rest of the world knows, but only hemp at 0.2% THC.  This is a joke and has not medical or other potential with this very weak strain of THC.

    In California the THC of recreational "weed" is 20% - 33% THC.  I'm not sure what level of THC the medical grade is in the various US states that allow "medical marijuana".

    From what I've read, the 0.2% limit only applies to cannabis oil. 


    There is no THC limit placed on weed that people will use recreationally. 


    Still an odd law, I don't know the logic of it, but it won't affect 99% of those interested in recreational weed. 

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