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Posts posted by thaichiro

  1. 2 hours ago, SABloke said:

    Next time Thailand's in a war, I'll send this guy to the frontline with a pellet gun. It's all about belief, right?


    Difficult to respond to this. Let me just quickly hammer a nail into my head. *tap* *tap* *tap*. Ok, I'm sufficiently dumb enough to respond:


    "Some people" - well, even the guy who sold it thought the price was high BECAUSE THEY WERE FAKE! And the officials who used them were probably too scared to tell the higher ups that they didn't work. And the higher ups? Well, the current Minister of Something (who gives a shit anymore) famously came out and stated that the devices did in fact work even though the seller admitted they were fake. ?

    The only belief that counts at the NACC is the belief that a bulky brown envelop lies at the end of a ridiculous statement that this “ official” made.

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  2. The FDA and Health Ministry are jokes and have generally have done a very poor job policing the shelves of all the crap being sold here. Even when you file a complaint, if there is no money or “push” behind an investigation, none occurs. They are lazy and basically indifferent. So here in the Land of Scams, caveat emptor because big brother won’t be there to help.

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