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Posts posted by Globalist

  1. Although I have't inspected their quality in detail, I used to own the stock of the group company. They have a quality reuptation in Singapore.

    In Thailand it looks like they develop houses and commercial buildings. If they'd do a luxury condo project at a seaside location, I'd say it could be very interesting as an investment.

  2. "revenge by a gang that was smuggling ethnic Uighurs out of China and had been damaged by a police crackdown."

    Quite some hubris diplayed by police.

    A more relevant description might be: "a potential terrorist attack directed against Thailand for deporting Uighurs"

    Regarding reward money, it does look silly and its premature. But the apparent policy of sticks and carrots may actually be necessary to improve the overall competence in the police force.

    A fundamental problem is low salaries in combination with power, which feeds corruption and fails to attract the right people.

  3. One has to assume that the IQ tests were of international standards and therefore correct.

    The practice of letting children be raised by farmer grandparents in the countryside might be good for their physical health (less pollution), but it doesn't really enable them to develop their full mental potential.

    In addition, the primary school teachers in the countryside are more likely to be of the "old school" rote-type than teachers in Bangkok. The irony is that the parents may be living and working in Bangkok where the schools could be fine, while their kids are at inferior schools in the countryside.

    Of course, the root causes of placing kids with grandparents need to be tackled. Bad university education for future teachers, and low minimum wage come to mind as two possibilities.

    Then there's the additional potential risk of iodine sufficiency due to limited salt intake in Thailand.

  4. This kind of post will only attract "sour-grapes people", i.e. those who are unable to make successful property investments and therefore tell everybody it's a bad idea.

    Then again, that may well have been the precise intention of the post.

    Does art appreciate in value? Do shares appreciate in value?

    Real investors know the answer; some do, others dont. Sound knowledge and experience makes it possible to make good investments over time. Oh, and money of course. :-P

  5. To the OP:

    The established Thai condo developers listed on the stock exchange of Thailand are generally professional and trustworthy. They have reasonable contract terms similar to those you would expect in western countries such as delay penalty provisions and post-completion warranties. Also their properties tend to maintain value reasonably well after completion. Also they tend to have staff used to dealing with foreign investors, making any pre-transfer purchase process smooth, in fact even if you don't live in Thailand.

    Besides this group, correspondingly reputed developers from other countries, e.g. as Singapore, Japan or Taiwan, or joint ventures between such entities and listed Thai developers are also fine.

    I would avoid any other type of developers.

    But as any serious property investor will tell you; location, location and location is still absolutely crucial, even if the developer is sound.

  6. I guess failed means the building didn't sell out. I think I saw new units advertised recently.

    My take on it is that the market isn't a normal supply-demand market, as developers are happy to hold empty units for years. A bit like diamonds. They'd be dirt cheap if DeBeers didn't hold lots back from the market. Property would be cheap in BKK of they sold all units at a price that they'd actually sell. This just distorts the market, but that's the way it will be unless the companies are eventually forced to sell. None of this means that prices will come down though. I think prices are still reasonable compared to many cities around the world. Even 10 million baht is only £200K. That sounds very reasonable for a major city like Bangkok.

    But I don't think the BKK property market is good for short-term investment the way some Western markets can be. Places like London have limited land, but Bangkok has enough land to build 1000s of condos every year for decades. We'll all be dead before they run out of land and that should hold prices down. I doubt prices will crash. More likely they'll move sideways for a while.

    But it's funny how people who can't afford to buy or are too frightened to buy come up with this 25% overvalued figure. This is what the say in all markets. When a London condo was £500K I heard people say it was 25% overvalued. Now the same property is £1 million they still say it's overvalued. But when London property did crash around 30% in 2008, these people still didn't buy because they claimed that they were still 25% overvalued. Some people just won't buy whatever the price. If you look hard enough you can find many properties at a 25% discount. So put in the effort and buy them. Best to buy from a distressed farang seller, as they offer the best prices.

    Buy to live in, but there are better investments than Thai property. I'm puzzled that the people on here are so fascinated by it if they think it's such bad value. Just forget about it and look for a different investment. No point continually complaining that it's over-priced.

    Don't forget that there as been a lot of QE around the world and the world is flooded with cheap money. Much of this finds its way into property. It's not property prices that are high, but money that's become more worthless. I'd rather hold property than cash. Cash can disappear very quickly with QE, and other ways that governments find to devalue it. If you had £500K in London in 2007 you could buy a condo. Today you'd have to give £1 million for the same condo, so your money has halved in value.

    Some good points made there, in particular about money-printing and the ubiquitous "sour grapes" people.

    Just one comment on " Bangkok has enough land to build 1000s of condos every year for decades. We'll all be dead before they run out of land and that should hold prices down. I doubt prices will crash. More likely they'll move sideways for a while." :

    This is in principle correct and makes location even more crucial in Bangkok. If a mid- to high-end condo is not extremely close to a BTS or MRT station, it's a risky investment by any account.

    And if a luxury- to super-luxury-condo is not in at least a "quasi-unique" location (river-view, park etc), even that will be risky.

  7. To the OP:

    If you have trust issues, I recommend NOT to buy post-first-deeds-transfer.

    If you buy pre-first-deeds-transfer AND if the developer is reputable (i.e. SET listed), then you will deal with the developer directly, which carries a virtually zero fraud risk.

  8. If I can add my 2c to this. Firstly, the Thai real estate sector is running on several distinct tracks, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. I will only talk about Bangkok as I don't know enough about some provincial markets.


    Thank you Steveromagnino, for a post about the BKK condo market really worth reading!

    Excellent and balanced insight, made my day!

  9. The point of story is Muslims are allowed to make rules regarding everyone or they try their best.

    the point [probably] is that the [numerous] muslims in that [apparently muslim] area will now eat [spend money] at that McD. money money money..

    if pork was served there they would not go there as they consider the whole place haram.

    Indeed the whole McD area would then be considered haram. Wonder what it would take for the entire surrounding red light district area to be considered haram....? :-)

  10. Unfortunately, virtually all frozen raspberries and blueberries come from China.

    Besides Hepatitis, who knows what kind of poisons can be found in them.

    Shameful that even the most high-end shops in Thailand import Chinese berries.

    I personally skip all food and drink produce from China, and wish more people would do the same to force food imports from countries with at least decent regulations.

    • Like 2
  11. I've seen such a connection from the drain area going "back" towards the bowl in siphon-type flush toilets, even by high-end foreign brands.

    See for example http://www.americanstandard.co.th/backend/product/file/download/download-1345649625.pdf

    I assumed it was somehow part of the siphon flushing system, but obviously not leaving a permanent open path from the toilet floor drain to the room. So I'm a bit sceptical to it being a design flaw.

    Nevertheless, I've never seen such a connection in a toilet bowl with a wash-down flushing system so maybe that type is safer in this respect.

    Thanks for posting this link. If this design was accurate, then all the water would leak down into this hole, leaving no water in the bowl. So given this, I decided to call up American Standard (NOT the brand that I have) and they were very helpful. They pulled up this specific pdf and told me that the hole is closed after leaving the factory, with a nice finish over it. He stated that the hole is for quality control to test for any gas leaks, and then closed afterwards. So look for any holes under the toilet before installation. Now technically I can just plug this hole, but its not worth my time, and there can be other defects, will just go buy American Standard which is easier.

    Good research, I also wondered how that hole could actually be there... :-) Obviously, if they plug it from the bowl-side, it will always be visible from the drain side.

    I had a similar sewage smell problem where the root cause was a too short wall-to-drain distance, finally solved it with a flexible rough-in toilet http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/777775-sewage-smell-in-condo-any-ideas/

  12. I've seen such a connection from the drain area going "back" towards the bowl in siphon-type flush toilets, even by high-end foreign brands.

    See for example http://www.americanstandard.co.th/backend/product/file/download/download-1345649625.pdf

    I assumed it was somehow part of the siphon flushing system, but obviously not leaving a permanent open path from the toilet floor drain to the room. So I'm a bit sceptical to it being a design flaw.

    Nevertheless, I've never seen such a connection in a toilet bowl with a wash-down flushing system so maybe that type is safer in this respect.

  13. I will give a lengthy update here... I am in a very good mood.
    Basic timeline up to now...
    Day -180: I have sex with a girl. Have a major STD issue (that ultimately goes unidentified). Take lots of tests, and lots of pills - zero answers. Symptoms slowly go away-ish over 5-6 months. (I made a lengthy thread on this forum about it)
    Day -7: Finally have sex again.
    Day 0: I notice barely-distinguishable bumps around the base of my penis. I am in a different (lesser developed) country at this time. Do some googling to look at pictures of genital warts and such... nothing seems to match - including the fact that, according to everything I am reading, the warts will show 1-3 months after contact. I was completely abistinent during that time period.
    Day 14: I am back in Bangkok. The bumps are still there, although not really changing. I return to Urologist #1 at Hospital X (where I went after testing negative for everything at the Red Cross 180+ days earlier). He verifies that the bumps are warts. He offers to perform electrocautery, or will prescribe me the acid to use on my own. He estimates the procedure may cost 4-5k baht. I was a bit unsure if a Urologist would be the best option to cauterize warts... and I had already read threads on this forum about having cryo treatments at Saint Louis for 1-2k. So I took the acid.
    Day 14-19: I use the acid. I hate it. It is definitely doing something - but it is leaving big black burn marks - and because the warts were down in my pubic hair line, the acid was all clumped up and I could not clean it off every day. Each day, I was essentially applying acid on top of the previous day(s) acid/hair/scar buildup. It was sillyness. (granted I should have shaved/trimmed down the hair before the first application, I messed up).
    Day 21: Go to a Dermatologist at Saint Loius. The dermatologist will not treat me, as the wounds from my acid treatment are still open. Dr gives me some antibiotic.
    Day 28: Return to St Louis. Do the cryotherapy. Tells me to come back in 14 days.
    Day 33: Scabs are falling off. I am not satisfied with the results.
    Day 35: I return to Saint Louis. Dr tells me to go away - come back in 1 more week. I indicate some spots that I think were not sufficiently treated. Dr says that is not clear. Come back in 1 week.
    Day 42: More cryo (in the spots that I already indicated were *not* treated yet). Dr refuses to use the cryo on a spot on my testicle that I am requesting she treat. Tells me to return in 2 weeks if I have a problem. Hah - right.
    Day 56: I return to Hospital X. The testicle spot is still there, and there are others near it. Both original bump areas have small/reforming warts still present. I now have something developing on a finger (jokes about touching myself are relevant, and warranted, here). Urologist #1 cauterizes anything and everything I desire on my testicles and base of penis. Doesn't want to cauterize my finger.
    Day 56: I go home. That night I see some very small issues that neither I or the Dr could see. I am talking tiny stuff.
    Day 59: Return to Hospital X. Urologist #1 is not there. Urologist #2 cauterizes new spots. Cauterizes my finger.
    Day 59-60: I go home. I see new spots. Again. Super tiny, and very hard to see without dramatic lighting. I put acid on it for 2 nights.
    Day 61: Screw it - return to Hospital X for the 3rd time in a week. Urologist #2 cauterizes 2 new spots. Day 59 and Day 61 involve cauterizing things that are now creeping up the skin of my shaft... This stuff is spreading by contact, imo, so I choose to just keep returning and cauterize the hell out of my penis - to prevent any more contact-spread. My penis looks like a warzone.
    So as of this moment, it is possibly the first time I am wart-free in 61 days (I won't know for sure until the wounds heal). If I could do it all again, I would just have them cauterized on the Day 1, and I suspect it all would have been over. I am extremely unimpressed with my time at Saint Louis - both with cryotherapy, in general, and with the Drs unwillingness to cooperate. 2 of my 4 visits to Saint Louis ended with me paying for the Dr to *not* treat me... and the other 2 visits were ineffective. And the cryotherapy made me feel ill for a couple days, both times. Super.
    ***Lastly***, the reason why I am in a good mood... Urologist #2 mentions, casually, during our final conversation, that I don't have 'genital warts' - that I just have 'skin warts'. What??? I asked him to verify... "Yes, this is just a common skin wart, like the skin on your arm or hand. You do not have any warts on the glans/membrane of your penis. This could come from a dirty towel, or anything." W.T.F. I did a ton of traveling during that 1-3 month period (and zero sex). I used towels given to me many times... so its entirely possible... although the location sure looks like it would come from grinding into a girl who had warts on the outside of her vagina. But again, I had no sex during this time period.
    Note: During my consultations with the Dermatologist and Urologist #1 about my timeline (no sex) + the general timeline of genital warts... neither one felt it was pertinent to inform me that I *don't* have genital warts. Both simply agreed that the timing was odd - and that it must have been from the girl 180 days earlier, as 7 days is too fast.
    If someone wants to send me crashing down to earth - and tell me that I *do*, in fact, have genital warts - please do so gently. I suppose that depends on the definition of 'genital warts'. If I have common skin warts in the pubic hair line of my genitals - this does not qualify as 'genital warts' (according to Urologist #2).
    As of a couple days ago... I am taking 1mg L-Lysine, and 1mg Cod Liver Oil. I have been taking 1mg Vitamine C for 45 days, or so. If anyone has other advice, please share. I have zero interest in having another 'outbreak'.
    edit: I don't smoke, rarely drink, eat very well, and am physically active.

    Entirely consistent with an earlier comment I made to your OP:

    In hot climates, MCV is actually at least as likely to be the cause as HPV.

    Both types of warts are harmless though, and treatment (if needed), is the same.

  14. For those interested in toilet bowl installation in condos, here's the conclusion:

    On the second attempt, the root cause was found. The wall-to-drain pipe distance was 27 cm rather than the 30 cm that almost all toilet bowls are designed for.

    That made it virtually impossible to get a good seal at the floor drain.

    After buying and installing a toilet bowl with an adjustable rough-in distance, problem was solved, smell gone!

    In a situation like this, and if not wanting to change the toilet, you can buy off-set flanges that will correct the problem.

    attachicon.gifoff-set flange.jpg


    Yes, that's definitely an alternative solution I also considered.

    But I got the impression that it would lead to a higher risk of blockage and more difficulty in clearing blockage, so I chose the flexible rough-in toilet solution instead.

  15. For those interested in toilet bowl installation in condos, here's the conclusion:

    On the second attempt, the root cause was found. The wall-to-drain pipe distance was 27 cm rather than the 30 cm that almost all toilet bowls are designed for.

    That made it virtually impossible to get a good seal at the floor drain.

    After buying and installing a toilet bowl with an adjustable rough-in distance, problem was solved, smell gone!

  16. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    "Good enough" condo location in Thailand currently costs 150kTHB/m2 or more, both in Pattaya and Bangkok.

    With 4 - 5 MTHB you'll get at most 27-33 m2, i.e. most likely a studio or small 1BR.

    I know nothing about Bangkok and I dont want to know, but this is certainly not the case in Pattaya.

    Yes it is.

    "Good enough" in Pattaya means on the beach. Literally on the beach.

    The OP was asking about investment, not about throwing money away.

    Can't find that small units in Pattaya beachfront developments today, so Bangkok is a better bet with limited money.

    I have a 145sqm prime beachfront condo. High floor, direct beach view in Jomtien.

    It'll be snowing in Pattaya before that sells for 150K Baht per meter or 21,750,000 baht.

    I will sell it for that price if you PM me, I'll even throw in the chanote titled, privately owned parking space for free.

    If you own a condo literally on the beach, i.e. the condo development's land either includes OR directly borders a proper beach without any road or similar in-between, then I congratulate you to owning a good asset!

    That's one of the types of asset I'd recommend the OP to invest in, perhaps he should contact you then! :-)

  17. "Good enough" condo location in Thailand currently costs 150kTHB/m2 or more, both in Pattaya and Bangkok.

    With 4 - 5 MTHB you'll get at most 27-33 m2, i.e. most likely a studio or small 1BR.

    I know nothing about Bangkok and I dont want to know, but this is certainly not the case in Pattaya.

    Yes it is.

    "Good enough" in Pattaya means on the beach. Literally on the beach.

    The OP was asking about investment, not about throwing money away.

    Can't find that small units in Pattaya beachfront developments today, so Bangkok is a better bet with limited money.

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