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Everything posted by RickyJB

  1. Im not sure the police are the ones that should be doing the background checks in Phuket, as they are the biggest criminals in phuket. The amount of shoosh money going into their pockets is unreal. From checkpoints, to collecting protection money from bars, donations from bar girls, the list goes on . 11 years in phuket, ive seen so much
  2. That can also be said for the hundreds of africans parading down sukhumvit selling drugs and selling sex, who gives out visas to these people? I used to love coming to Bangkok but not any more.
  3. Correct. There is also an Aussie woman that goes in MBK approaches people saying she left her purse in a taxi etc etc and asks for money. Gives some kind of sob story, but i saw here there for the 1st time at least 3 or 4 years ago
  4. if youre stupid enough to walk about in pattaya with something so valuable, knowing the scum that hang about the night life, no sympathy, trying to be flash. serves you right
  5. spot the democrat ,i bet youre in thailand for the ''young'' ladies?
  6. The thais are getting fed up with Indians, according to some thais i spoke to
  7. If they looked hard enough they'd find arabs with well underage young boys and girls.
  8. Hundreds of africans along sukhumvit road every evening til late, openly selling drugs and prostitution, fed up every night these wasters being allowed to get in your face. Who is getting backhanded to allow this ?
  9. possibly they found out who the tuk tuk drivers work for, probably a very influential person with money and power on the island
  10. i thought the Vile were Aston villa fans ???? boing boing
  11. totally agree, i was on a Finn Air flight and a family of 3 sat next to me, every one of them seriously overweight, the 12 year old boy was bigger than me, not one of them could get the tray down for their meal on and the fat guy next to me, was basically hanging over me. im having to lean over the aisle passage. needs to be weight, size restrictions
  12. Serves him right, give him hard labour or even a real job, that would probably kill these "work shy " streamers, proffesional bloggers etc.
  13. Knowing backpackers, the cheap option usually the norm when booking accomodation, possibly poor standards, dangerous, unsafe. Worth paying someone to check it out and put a lawsuit against the hotel?
  14. ive been there, these pumped up bouncers are just gagging to get started on someone. scares off customers when you hire idiots like that ..ive also seen them not so brave when a group fights back, and know how to fight.. easy to beat up 1 man that isnt a fighter
  15. After songkran i always came down with flu like syndroms, long before covid, swallowing loads of dirty water doesnt help. But their agenda, narrative is "everything is covid"
  16. Ive not experienced an earthquake in phuket since 2012 when we had to run for the hills after a tsunami warning in the afternoon, but allowed to go down after 8pm after the water went well out but only came back slowly. I was meant to fly out that evening but the airport was closed. Until late at night.. the earthquake came from sumatra but we could feel everything shake, exciting but worrying seeing everybody flee to the hills.
  17. What size of envelope big enough to contain that amount of money? Sure it wasnt a sleeping bag?
  18. another swiss man up to no good ???? to add to the jailed swiss man selling drugs from his restaurant in phuket not far from Patong, and the swiss man in kamala that got caught selling drugs in his bar but paid a nice big bribe to get off with it, and kept his bar open.. disgraceful ????
  19. i totally agree, ive ridden motorcycles for 35 years, consider myself a good driver, but driving in Thailand is puting yourself at risk. too many other people on the road that should be nowhere near a truck, car bike whatever. i had an accident about 10 years ago , ended up a quick visit to hospital to be checked over, blood tests, it was all my fault, police told me , if i not here it not happen.. i was wearing a helmet, but it came off after the impact and i bumped my head on the ground knocking me out.. apart from a few scrapes, and concussion i was lucky.. 50, 000 baht i had to pay though.. driver of pick up wanted 30 thousand for damages, but when i couldnt pay on the spot, the police were involved which went up to 50 thousand.. i couldnt remember much of what happened due to concussion, but i know i wasnt drunk, even though they tried to tell me i was, pay up the fine or go to jail.. 3 months later a girl approached me in a bar and said she saw the accident, said i stopped to let the truck pass but he stopped, flashed to let me go,, when i drove on he ploughed into me.. when i went to pay the fine the next morning the driver was in the cop shop laughing and joking with the police, i later found out this guy had done this before, a scam, and the police involved.. ,, the same police a couple of years later tried to scam me for drink driving , said i was over the limit.. i didnt drink at the time.. impossible to be over the limit..they pulled over a few others at same checkpoint and everyone had same reading on the same metre.. scum.. nowadays i dont drive in Thailand, not worth it..
  20. The bouncers will be hired again at other connected businesses and pay back the 50 thousand baht.
  21. Maybe the guy deserved a slap? I know thai bouncers most of the time are gagging to beat someone, but a lot of times these smug looking prats, like him are trying to show off, be the big man in front of the ladies ?? ????
  22. From what ive seen over the years, seems to be a lot of gobby and arrogant sods come over from Oz. Think theyre a tough guy and play the hard man, get in your face after a skinful (not all, as i have many good aussie friends)but these lot should stay at home. As for the Thai, im surprised he never came back tooled up or mobbed up
  23. How stupid are these people. The chinese being tested going into italy 50% riddled with covid.. now their going to let this spread again over their greed . Not a brain cell between them
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