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Posts posted by Canuckluck

  1. We've resigned to having show proof of a vaccine document for entry,am leary about the reliability of current tests for covid will not accept paying for hospital stay or hotel stay if i feel fine which btw goes without saying i wouldn't travel in the first place if i wasn't.So that leaves this silly sand-box idea..very few people would be ok with that imo.  Signed your average everyday sun seeker.

  2.  I get that pessimism persists by many posters on here.Can't blame 'em after what's transpired the past 20 months.I prefer though to take an optimistic view ,glass half full as it were.There is a light at the end of the tunnel,it won't be long till Thailand opens up,when it does (and it will bank on it) my wife and I look forward to returning to the LoS with one small caveat...no quarantine,freedom to go where and when we choose.Cheers


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