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Posts posted by hobobo

  1. Being bored one day, I undertook a mini survey of motorists turning left from a minor road onto a major one (close to Soi Thepprasit and Sukhumvit in South Pattaya). Out of 100 motorists (92 motorbikes and 8 cars) observed over 12 minutes, only 6 cars and 7 motorbikes slowed down and looked right to ensure it was safe to proceed onto the Sukhumvit Rd. Until this figure becomes 100%, people will die, guilty as well as innocent ones.

    P.S.: One of the offending motorbikes was a policeman without a helmet! Amen

  2. My mate and his g/f lived together happily for over 2 and a half years. She hardly ever asked for anything, but he loved to buy her this, pay for that... for her and her family. We thought he was way too generous when we found out the cost of "this and that", but he always said when your love is special, it is above money. Last month she told him they must marry immediately as her daughter got a grant for her Masters at a UK university, and she want to be there with her daughter. He pointed out that he no longer had any assets in the UK, they lived on his pension (better than the Government one, but not by much), and that he couldn't afford to rent a house in the UK for 14 months, pay for the living expenses for 3 of them (the grant was tuition only), etc - he estimated it would cost £30K in one go! Fast forward: she moves out the next day, and tells him that her ex English boyfriend from 3 years back agreed to marry her for the famous "marriage of convenience". So much for love. Amen...

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