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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. It is the worst. These young females are dating males simply for a salary and farangs are taking advantage of broke young girls. They wouldn't do it in their own country because they wouldn't get away with it. If they were to get away with it, Thailand wouldn't be known by the majority of males as "The best place in the world".

    Then it pisses me off when they use the excuse (which is my personal favourite) "It's the culture in Thailand". No it isn't the <deleted> culture. The girls are mostly put in the prostitution industry by their own parents becuse they are so hard up for cash and sometimes it's the only way a Thai girl can live. And if i even was their culture it isn't yours so why do it, because you know it isn't right.

    Ohhh I know. It's because you carn't get laid back home so you pay to over here. Then even some of the falangs comment on how the women back at home are "no good" or "unattractive" and all the rest of the one liners you throw at us. But that isn't true at all. Your just bald, ugly, old or fat and would never have a chance in your wildest dreams with another woman back home.

    But some falangs just do it simply for the sex. Yeah, the sex. Some admit it, some don't. I see hundreds of men populating the streets running around like boys in a sweet shop and they don't stop and think about what prats they look like. It amuses me but the more Ii think about it, it sickens me. But then again most males get ripped off by their wife/girlfriends and put everything in their name and stuff which I guess is good on them.

  2. Another thing that also annoys me is being woken up at six in the morning to hear a Thai screaming his head off and calling it singing in celebration of Buddha. I don't care if someone has turned 20 and turned to the Buddha religion. All I care about at that hour is sleeping and getting the guy some bloody singing lessons instead of damaging my ear drums and a thousand other peoples including Buddha himself.

  3. It's not only the sizes that annoy me but the comment I get from Thai women saying I'm fat. I'm a size 12 and I don't think for a second it is fat. I just wish Thai women would keep opinions to themselves sometimes.

    I was once in a restraunt with a friend and the Thai woman offered me the diet menu I felt so upset and embarrased. I've never been called fat until now.

    It's not only that but I don't like the styles of the clothing over here. I myself love Topshop style clothing but I don't find any here just really girly kiddish young girls stuff. I've noticed teens over here act a lot more immature than the teens like me back home in England :o

  4. My Dad has some homes with what your looking for. They are very nice and 10 mins away from all the noise in the central of Pattaya. Soi siam Country Club road they are down. And they are western too, my Dad planned all of them. A small area in which English people live, other nationalities are also welcome. They are called Park View Villas.

    You won't be disapointed :o

  5. Cockroaches.

    Thai people not understanding you regardless of speaking in Thai, English or any other language under the sun.

    The smells.

    Farang males dating young prostitutes.

    Knowing that almost every Thai that talks to you, smiles or says hello is thinking about your wallet.

  6. Seen as I've only been living in Chonburi for a few months I wondered what was the best way to make friends? So maybe, just maybe, if I post a thread on here some of you people may be able to be a friend to me :o

    *quirky, individuals wanted

  7. Hello there.

    I remember my Dad telling me not to bring my english T.V to Thailand becuase it wouldn't work apparently. But if your T.V was working for one week whilst you was in Pattaya then I'm sure that isn't the reason.

    I'd suggest finding somewhere in Pattaya to get it fixed. I live in Pattaya alos and I know Pattaya isn't short of shops to fix things.

    Try I.T City, I couldn't tell you an address or street name becuase I am not familiar with the roads just yet. I've only lived here a few months unlike my Dad who has lived here a few years.

    But I'm sure you'll find it.

    Ice Maiden

  8. Hi. What type of CD did you use when saving? Because I've had a similar senario a few weeks ago. I used an audio CD instead of one for saving data on.

    Other than that this seems very strange. From my previous knowledge I know you get a number of options when saving files on XP. I've been using Windows for the whole of my computer life but today I'm breaking up with Windows for Linux.

    Ice Maiden

  9. Giving blood is a very respectable thing to do. And you don't lose large amounts of blood. It's less than a pint. And at the end of the day, who cares? Your saving lives.

  10. Hi.

    I was wondering if anyone knew if there was a place to donate blood in Pattaya? Being the good samaritian I am :o

    Ooooh and that was another thing I'm a Christian but the only Church I see around here is a Catholic one.

    A small problem, I'm not a Catholic (sowwie to anyone that is). So does anybody know of a non-Catholic Church in Pattaya?

  11. I live in the central of Pattaya so internet useage lacks. Sometimes if I'm lucky I get a connection lasting approx 5 mins. It's a downer actually because I was hoping to play online with my brick errr I mean N-GAGE.

    The joys of living in a busy Pattaya.

  12. Hi

    Hmm I haven't posted on here before...I'll take a whack at it...

    I'm a newbie (as you've all probably guessed) and I was just saying a big, fat hello to everyone.

    Pretty boring thread, I know but it seemed good at the time....honest. :o

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