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Doc Blake

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Posts posted by Doc Blake

  1. This 10.3 billion is funding for Thai rats who rat out other Thais for payment. None of that money will be spent to track, prosecute and convict Thai Mr. Big drug dealers, backers, and bankers.

    Not all but a vast amount of police must have knowledge of who is in on the act, so are these people too powerful to NAB ???

    Work on prevention, better than cure.

    What will happen you keep getting the horses back, but the gate is still open, so were spending money on someone to collect the horses. The gate IS the problem.

    Far too much money to be made by keeping the gate open, going under, around and over the gate. Prevention has never worked and never will work. Where there are customers who want to buy, there will be producers and sellers willing to sell them as much as they want. You can walk out your door right now and with the money buy what ever you want, simple supply and demand.

    So all of the years of wasted budget money, filled prisons, street addicts, dead bodies and ruined lives add up to one big unworkable mess. Three countries have legalized and many are planning to follow and they have found the problem much easier to handle!

    • Like 2
  2. You can always tell when the USA Nanny governments brain washing has succeeded because everyone is a chorus of brain washed small talk, especially true on ThaiVisa comments, barf!!! Ya, you have all got gun violence in America figured out, nodding your heads at the same time, Pavlov would be proud! What a bunch of Nanny, butt kissing sheep, BAAAAA, you make me sick, go get yourselves sheared!!!




    That post offers a rare glimpse into the actual inner-workings of the pro-NRA mind.

    I assure you--as someone who has lived and worked amongst these folks for over half a century and heard every insane argument they have ever spouted--this is as close as you ever want to get to what goes on in their heads.

    The terrifying aspect of this is that it is people like him that have guns, lots of guns and big guns. Haha, and they think they are the same ones.

    No, the terrifying aspect is that you actually believe that this is your thinking and not your brain-washers thoughts?

  3. You can always tell when the USA Nanny governments brain washing has succeeded because everyone is a chorus of brain washed small talk, especially true on ThaiVisa comments, barf!!! Ya, you have all got gun violence in America figured out, nodding your heads at the same time, Pavlov would be proud! What a bunch of Nanny, butt kissing sheep, BAAAAA, you make me sick, go get yourselves sheared!!!




    That post offers a rare glimpse into the actual inner-workings of the pro-NRA mind.

    I assure you--as someone who has lived and worked amongst these folks for over half a century and heard every insane argument they have ever spouted--this is as close as you ever want to get to what goes on in their heads.

    I assure you that your post offers a rare glimpse of what comes out of a brainwashed face when exposed.....a great, big denialw00t.gifbaaaaaa!


    I grew up at a time when there was none of this insanity and there were guns everywhere. I went to school starting in the early 50's and when I was in high school almost everyone I knew had their own gun at home. But there were no shootings at schools or mass shooting anywhere in the USA during that time, except "ONE!"

    That was Charles Witman in 1966 University of Texas, he killed 16 and wounded 32, first were his mother and wife who he stabbed before he went to the school. Witman, like almost all school or mass shooters was on psych drugs, his were Dexedrine which is similar to meth. "Dexedrine was one of the very first psychiatric, mass-marketed drugs."

    Side Effects:

    irritability, aggression, depression, mood swings, hallucinations, confusion, psychosis, schizophrenia, and delusional thinking

    Witman's Suicide Note:

    "The suicide note made it clear that Whitman had no idea why he felt compelled to do something that he acknowledged was irrational."


    "When the Witman shooting happened it was inexplicable and evoked a bewildered response. Americans were mystified, and newspaper accounts of the incident were read by hushed groups. The media ran with the story for weeks. The event was beyond rational analysis. The society that we were back in the sixties just could not think and deal with such an unprecedented act of senseless violence."

    Ref: The Texas Tower Massacre | Psychiatric News



    School shootings started gaining momentum in the 70's, and they have steadily gotten worse. The guns are the same, it is the people who are changing, and it is a chemical change and a big part of it is psych drugs. Guns are no different than tools, and they are nothing until someone picks one up. It is about the someone who picks them up, it is not about the gun.


    Lets say you took all the guns out of the hands of mass killers? What will you have, a person who still wants to kill mass numbers of people and they will find a way...... Remember, Columbine was planned as a bombing, the boys designed bombs and planned on killing 450 people, not just shooting 13. They brought along the guns to mop-up any survivors!

    The boys designed and tested butane gas, bottle bombs and set one off on the other side of the city to destract the police. At the school they set those bombs to go off when the school cafateria was packed, that would have been 450 students and teachers!


    Imagine if the boys did not have guns, they took the bombs to school and they did not go off. So they took the bombs back home, fixed them, took them back to the school and killed 450 people, Columbine was actually very lucky!


    Anxiety, Agitation, Panic Attacks, Insomnia, Irritability, Hostility, Impulsivity, Severe Restlessness, Hypomania (Abnormal Excitement), and Mania (Psychosis Feelings of Grandeur and Overproduction of Ideas)

    DYLAN KLEBOLD (medical records are sealed) a report exists of a friend of Klebold who witnessed Klebold taking Paxil and Zoloft and urged him to come off of them.


    made the top 10 list of violence-inducing prescription drugs in a report from the Institute for Safe Medication Practices, this was based on data from the FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System


    (54 dead,105 wounded)

    • Dekalb, Illinois – February 14, 2008: 27-year-old Steven Kazmierczak shot and killed five people and wounded 16 others before killing himself in a Northern Illinois University auditorium. According to his girlfriend, he had recently been taking Prozac, Xanax and Ambien. Toxicology results showed that he still had trace amount of Xanax in his system.
    • Omaha, Nebraska – December 5, 2007: 19-year-old Robert Hawkins killed eight people and wounded five before committing suicide in an Omaha mall. Hawkins’ friend told CNN that the gunman was on antidepressants, and autopsy results confirmed he was under the influence of the “anti-anxiety” drug Valium.
    • Jokela, Finland – November 7, 2007: 18-year-old Finnish gunman Pekka-Eric Auvinen had been taking antidepressants before he killed eight people and wounded a dozen more at Jokela High School in southern Finland, then committed suicide.
    • Cleveland, Ohio – October 10, 2007: 14-year-old Asa Coon stormed through his school with a gun in each hand, shooting and wounding four before taking his own life. Court records show Coon had been placed on the antidepressant Trazodone.
    • Blacksburg, Virginia – April 16, 2007: 23-year-old Seung Hui Cho shot to death 32 students and faculty of Virginia Tech, wounding 17 more, and then killing himself. He had received prior mental health treatment, however his mental health records remained sealed.
    • Red Lake, Minnesota – March 2005: 16-year-old Jeff Weise, on Prozac, shot and killed his grandparents, then went to his school on the Red Lake Indian Reservation where he shot dead 7 students and a teacher, and wounded 7 before killing himself.
    • Greenbush, New York – February 2004: 16-year-old Jon Romano strolled into his high school in east Greenbush and opened fire with a shotgun. Special education teacher Michael Bennett was hit in the leg. Romano had been taking “medication for depression”.
    • El Cajon, California – March 22, 2001: 18-year-old Jason Hoffman, on the antidepressants Celexa and Effexor, opened fire on his classmates, wounding three students and two teachers at Granite Hills High School.
    • Williamsport, Pennsylvania – March 7, 2001: 14-year-old Elizabeth Bush was taking the antidepressant Prozac when she shot at fellow students, wounding one.
    • Conyers, Georgia – May 20, 1999: 15-year-old T.J. Solomon was being treated with antidepressants when he opened fire on and wounded six of his classmates.
    • Columbine, Colorado – April 20, 1999: 18-year-old Eric Harris and his accomplice, Dylan Klebold, killed 12 students and a teacher and wounded 26 others before killing themselves. Harris was on the antidepressant Luvox. Klebold’s medical records remain sealed.
    • Notus, Idaho – April 16, 1999: 15-year-old Shawn Cooper fired two shotgun rounds in his school, narrowly missing students. He was taking a prescribed SSRI antidepressant and Ritalin.
    • Springfield, Oregon – May 21, 1998: 15-year-old Kip Kinkel murdered his parents and then proceeded to school where he opened fire on students in the cafeteria, killing two and wounding 22. Kinkel had been taking the antidepressant Prozac.

      How can the medical records be sealed when that person was involved in an irrational act of killing numerous people?


      The Real Lesson of Columbine: Psychiatric Drugs Induce ...

    • Like 1
  4. You can always tell when the USA Nanny governments brain washing has succeeded because everyone is a chorus of brain washed small talk, especially true on ThaiVisa comments, barf!!! Ya, you have all got gun violence in America figured out, nodding your heads at the same time, Pavlov would be proud! What a bunch of Nanny, butt kissing sheep, BAAAAA, you make me sick, go get yourselves sheared!!!

    • Like 1
  5. Wonder what they think they gain from targeting (student) nurses and teachers, how can that possibly help anyones cause ? Whatever they may think their cause is.

    Two more senseless deaths of young ladies who would, had they lived, have done good for society.

    Not senseless to them. Anyone who is not a Muslim is an infidel. They make merit for killing infidels.

    If they should die during such acts, then they attain martyrdom and immediate access to heaven and the 27 virgins. Some version of AlQ'ran mentions 70 virgins.

    I always wondered about that virgin promise, and so I am curious, which virgins?

  6. ^^

    Thanks for quoting me and demonstrating the word "irrelevancy".

    You are so welcome, and thank you for allowing me the opportunity to use the words "irrelevancy and draconian," because today they mean so much more than the average fluff being used! I also love the word "ironic" because there is so much of it going around these days, especially in what was the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Hopefully the people who still know what that means, take back the Land and "FIRE" the company that is running it!

  7. If one is going to break Thai laws - no matter how draconian, or irrelevant, they might be in your eyes - then surely the secret is not to get caught. She was. No amount of speculation or second guessing of circumstances changes that. It is no excuse in law anywhere to say that others were doing it and seemingly were free of consequences.

    Yup, your a real deep thinker?

    If one can visualize, young and dumb going in one end of the system. And after a nice heavy dose of draconian irrelevancy out pops another freak to help stop the war on drugs. Ha, the way things are going by the time she gets out, most of the world will have legalized and so will Thailand, what a sick stupid joke! Only one with a bureaucratic nanny mind set could actually think that this war on drugs would go anywhere?

    Works out great for the pharmaceutical drug companies and the MD's tho, they can hook up as many as they want. And even the judges are stupid enough to order that the prisoner be kept on their drugs for their mental health. Go figure, opiates and speed ordered to be given to a prisoner by a judge!


    I order that the prisoner, crazy.gif be kept on one's prescribed opiats and speed for the rest of their natural life, "oh thank you your mighty irrelevant honor, judge type, draconian person, life in prison and free drugslock.gif!"


    biggrin.pnggiggle.gif wai.gif cheesy.gif
  8. Why should this little girl get punished for something that will happen in the station or prison anyway?drunk.gif

    -Among 1,865 drug user in the treatment cohort, Among male Injectable Drug Users Thailand prisoners who had ever been jailed (N = 272),

    -15.8% had used drugs in prison.


    ---Study: Drug use, Increasing Incarceration Rates, and Prison-Associated HIV risks in Thailand, PubMed, US National Library of MedicineNational Institutes of Health

    Plus, exactly who was going to get hurt if the boy friend had gotten his drugs and she went home?

    -The boy friend? He is he hardly a victim, he gets his brains blitzed anyway, big deal!crazy.gif

    Plus, if she had brought along enough money she could have walked out of the visiting area with as much drugs as she wanted, and this is true of any police station or prison in the world!


    I have worked in a lot of police stations and never witnessed or known of what you say.

    Well you were on the wrong side of the badge Chooka?

  9. Why should this little girl get punished for something that will happen in the station or prison anyway?drunk.gif

    -Among 1,865 drug user in the treatment cohort, Among male Injectable Drug Users Thailand prisoners who had ever been jailed (N = 272),

    -15.8% had used drugs in prison.


    ---Study: Drug use, Increasing Incarceration Rates, and Prison-Associated HIV risks in Thailand, PubMed, US National Library of MedicineNational Institutes of Health

    Plus, exactly who was going to get hurt if the boy friend had gotten his drugs and she went home?

    -The boy friend? He is he hardly a victim, he gets his brains blitzed anyway, big deal!crazy.gif

    Plus, if she had brought along enough money she could have walked out of the visiting area with as much drugs as she wanted, and this is true of any police station or prison in the world!


    What a bunch of malarky.

    Exactly what Nixon said when he started the War on Drugs over 40 years ago! And you can still step outside your door today and buy malarkey anywhere, if you have the money? Because it is a business Clutch, that has customers, and where you have customers you will have sellers.

    It is one of the oldest laws of humanity, Supply and Demand!!! You do not have to like the product, like prostitution, but someone does and they will pay big time!

    Now doctors have learned to get on the train, they sell opiate pain killers and speed psych drugs and mixes. The average Joe addict in the USA today outnumbers the street addicts 3 to 1!

  10. Why should this little girl get punished for something that will happen in the station or prison anyway?drunk.gif
    -Among 1,865 drug user in the treatment cohort, Among male Injectable Drug Users Thailand prisoners who had ever been jailed (N = 272),
    -15.8% had used drugs in prison.

    ---Study: Drug use, Increasing Incarceration Rates, and Prison-Associated HIV risks in Thailand, PubMed, US National Library of MedicineNational Institutes of Health

    Plus, exactly who was going to get hurt if the boy friend had gotten his drugs and she went home?
    -The boy friend? He is he hardly a victim, he gets his brains blitzed anyway, big deal!crazy.gif

    Plus, if she had brought along enough money she could have walked out of the visiting area with as much drugs as she wanted, and this is true of any police station or prison in the world!


  11. @ DocBlake. You appear to have a bit of a downer on the pharmaceutical industry.

    It is pure conjecture that the flu symptoms were a result of vaccination, unless you can provide evidence?

    Quite likely they picked up a flu type bug in Rio.

    Your conjecture a bug may be right, but could be food, and there is always the possibility of a vaccination and side effects considering the numbers of people involved.

    The CDC itself warns: Mild Side Effect Problems with Flu Vaccination

    soreness, redness, or swelling where the shot was given

    hoarseness; sore, red or itchy eyes; cough






    Ref: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, website

    As far as your question, my downer on the pharmaceutical industry? Yes, they have everything on their side, they do their own studies to get FDA approval, the law regarding the reporting of side effects is not enforced, they cannot be sued by the families of those hurt (so there is no incentive to be careful), they have never had to do long term studies that prove their vaccines actually work, and now I believe babies get 26 vaccinations and most of those have to be repeated, the rate of autism was 1 in 10,000 about 30 years ago, now it is 1 in 68 (my money says this belongs on their door step)

  12. Only a boob or a vaccinated slug would not consider the probability that the team had been given a vaccination prior to going to the games, hahaha! Why do I say vaccinated slug, well look at some of the ingredients that they catch once a year! Better to catch the flu and down a couple of shots of whiskey in a hot toddy, with an aspirin then take a chance on this garbage!

    2-Phenoxyethanol, anti-bacterial agent considered toxic, side effects, behavioral disorders … vomiting … diarrhea … visual disturbances … convulsions … rapid heart rate … central nervous system disorders … depression … kidney, liver and blood disorders … and reproductive defects.

    Aluminum as aluminum hydroxy phosphate sulfate and aluminum hydroxide, an “adjuvant” to stimulate your immune system response to the vaccine. A particularly dangerous neurotoxin – causes brain damage, Alzheimer’s, dementia, convulsions, coma.

    Ammonium Sulfate commonly added to pesticides, spected of causing gastrointestinal, liver, nervous system and respiratory system toxicity.

    Beta-Propiolactone a hazardous chemical It caused lymphomas and hepatomas after being injected into lab mice, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified beta-propiolactone as a possible human carcinogen.

    Formaldehyde a preservative to stabilize the vaccine. flammable, strong-smelling chemical used to embalm – and preserve – dead bodies. weakens the immune system and causes neurological damage, genetic damage, circulatory shock, respiratory insufficiency, and acute renal (kidney) failure. a human carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) by IARC and is ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds on at least eight federal regulatory lists.

    Formalin helps preserve the vaccine. It’s a mixture of formaldehyde, methanol and water. It’s mostly used to preserve tissue samples in health care laboratories and presents the same danger to your health as formaldehyde does.

    Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) excites and poisons your cells and tissues. It’s used as a stabilizer in vaccines, found in processed foods. causes retinal degeneration, behavior disorders, learning disabilities, reproductive disorders, obesity, brain lesons, Allergic reactions to MSG can be severe.

    MRC-5 Cellular Protein is human diploid cells taken from aborted human fetuses. They’re used as a culture to grow the virus.

    Neomycin is an antibiotic, a neurotoxin and an ototoxin (affect hearing and balance), can cause respiratory paralysis, kidney damage and kidney failure. Plus, it retards your vitamin B6 absorption, sometimes leading to mental retardation and epilepsy. Some allergic reactions to neomycin can be life threatening.

    Octoxinol-9, a vaginal spermicide.

    Phenol, used in the production of drugs, weed killers and synthetic resins, inhibites your immune system from properly dealing with the pathogens that are entering your body through the vaccine.

    It’s considered to be toxic to your cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, nervous, reproductive and respiratory systems … your liver … your kidneys … and your skin. Used by the Nazis as a means of extermination during the World War II – to kill those who were mentally ill, had incurable tuberculosis and were permanently incapable of work.

    Polymyxin B is an antibiotic with side effects – neurotoxicity and acute renal tubular necrosis (the most common cause of kidney failure).

    Polysorbate 80 (Tween-80) a stabilizer in the vaccine, The December 2005 issue of Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, polysorbate 80 can affect your immune system and cause severe anaphylactic shock, which can kill. It also causes cancer in animals.

    Streptomycin is an antibiotic. Its main side effect is ototoxicity – the loss of hearing.

    Thimerosal Mercury,used as a preservative contains 49.6% mercury by weight, implicated in many health conditions, cardiovascular disease, autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and many nervous system conditions, second in toxicity to radioactive Uranium, a powerful neurotoxin


    -5 Reasons Why I’ll Never Get a Flu Shot, Daisy Luther, Contributor Activist Post, January 12, 2013

    -Ingredients of Vaccines - Fact Sheet, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, website


    Think you need to see a psychiatrist mate. smile.png

    Anyway, Germany won 1 nil. Cured.


    Ha, a quote from the over medicated, over vaccinated, over stuffed and in need of resuscitation at the resthome mate? The subject was, did they have the flu or what? I say they got a flu shot, and that was the problem! If anyone needs a psychiatrist mate, it is y-o-u! neus.gif

  13. Only a boob or a vaccinated slug would not consider the probability that the team had been given a vaccination prior to going to the games, hahaha! Why do I say vaccinated slug, well look at some of the ingredients that they catch once a year! Better to catch the flu and down a couple of shots of whiskey in a hot toddy, with an aspirin then take a chance on this garbage!

    2-Phenoxyethanol, anti-bacterial agent considered toxic, side effects, behavioral disorders … vomiting … diarrhea … visual disturbances … convulsions … rapid heart rate … central nervous system disorders … depression … kidney, liver and blood disorders … and reproductive defects.

    Aluminum as aluminum hydroxy phosphate sulfate and aluminum hydroxide, an “adjuvant” to stimulate your immune system response to the vaccine. A particularly dangerous neurotoxin – causes brain damage, Alzheimer’s, dementia, convulsions, coma.

    Ammonium Sulfate commonly added to pesticides, spected of causing gastrointestinal, liver, nervous system and respiratory system toxicity.

    Beta-Propiolactone a hazardous chemical It caused lymphomas and hepatomas after being injected into lab mice, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified beta-propiolactone as a possible human carcinogen.

    Formaldehyde a preservative to stabilize the vaccine. flammable, strong-smelling chemical used to embalm – and preserve – dead bodies. weakens the immune system and causes neurological damage, genetic damage, circulatory shock, respiratory insufficiency, and acute renal (kidney) failure. a human carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) by IARC and is ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds on at least eight federal regulatory lists.

    Formalin helps preserve the vaccine. It’s a mixture of formaldehyde, methanol and water. It’s mostly used to preserve tissue samples in health care laboratories and presents the same danger to your health as formaldehyde does.

    Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) excites and poisons your cells and tissues. It’s used as a stabilizer in vaccines, found in processed foods. causes retinal degeneration, behavior disorders, learning disabilities, reproductive disorders, obesity, brain lesons, Allergic reactions to MSG can be severe.

    MRC-5 Cellular Protein is human diploid cells taken from aborted human fetuses. They’re used as a culture to grow the virus.

    Neomycin is an antibiotic, a neurotoxin and an ototoxin (affect hearing and balance), can cause respiratory paralysis, kidney damage and kidney failure. Plus, it retards your vitamin B6 absorption, sometimes leading to mental retardation and epilepsy. Some allergic reactions to neomycin can be life threatening.

    Octoxinol-9, a vaginal spermicide.

    Phenol, used in the production of drugs, weed killers and synthetic resins, inhibites your immune system from properly dealing with the pathogens that are entering your body through the vaccine.
    It’s considered to be toxic to your cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, nervous, reproductive and respiratory systems … your liver … your kidneys … and your skin. Used by the Nazis as a means of extermination during the World War II – to kill those who were mentally ill, had incurable tuberculosis and were permanently incapable of work.

    Polymyxin B is an antibiotic with side effects – neurotoxicity and acute renal tubular necrosis (the most common cause of kidney failure).

    Polysorbate 80 (Tween-80) a stabilizer in the vaccine, The December 2005 issue of Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, polysorbate 80 can affect your immune system and cause severe anaphylactic shock, which can kill. It also causes cancer in animals.

    Streptomycin is an antibiotic. Its main side effect is ototoxicity – the loss of hearing.

    Thimerosal Mercury,used as a preservative contains 49.6% mercury by weight, implicated in many health conditions, cardiovascular disease, autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and many nervous system conditions, second in toxicity to radioactive Uranium, a powerful neurotoxin

    -5 Reasons Why I’ll Never Get a Flu Shot, Daisy Luther, Contributor Activist Post, January 12, 2013
    -Ingredients of Vaccines - Fact Sheet, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, website

  14. My money says some fool thought it would be a great idea to vaccinate everyone on the team for the Flu. Ha, an excellent way to get sick, weaken your immunity and so catch the flu is to get vaccinated for it.

    From Referenced Article:

    "Vaccines usually do not impart long-term immunity because they don't create the kind of memory that occurs when you go through the process of a natural immune response. Natural exposure does not necessarily lead to symptoms of infection – it is possible for your immune system to respond and for you to obtain natural immunity without actually getting sick, if your immune system is functioning well. In fact, vaccines do NOT strengthen the healthy functioning of your immune system, but actually weaken it. Here are just some of the ways vaccines can impair and alter your immune response:

    Some components in vaccines are neurotoxic and may depress your immune response or cause brain and immune dysfunction, particularly heavy metals such as mercury preservatives (thimerosal) and aluminum adjuvants

    The lab altered vaccine viruses themselves may also affect your immune response in a negative way

    Vaccines may alter your t-cell function and lead you to become chronically ill

    Vaccines can trigger allergies or autoimmune disorders. Vaccines introduce large foreign protein molecules into your body. Your body can respond to these foreign particles in a way that causes an allergic reaction or triggers autoimmunty, especially in persons genetically or biologically vulnerable to allergy and autoimmunity

    Getting a flu shot can affect your cardiovascular system because vaccination stimulates an acute inflammatory response in your body, which also could become chronic. One 2007 study published in the Annals of Medicine10 concluded that:


    "Abnormalities in arterial function and LDL oxidation may persist for at least two weeks after a slight inflammatory reaction induced by influenza vaccination. These could explain in part the earlier reported increase in cardiovascular risk during the first weeks after an acute inflammatory disorder."

    Happy Healthy Trails

    Doc Blake cowboy.gif

    Reference Article:

    Flu Vaccine Increases Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu Illness

    articles Mercola dot com flu-shot-increases-flu-illness

    I Googled Dr Mercola and on Wiki he is considered a quack. Do you have any pier reviewed published research?


    Dr. Joseph Mercola, M.D. is called a lot of things by people who do not agree with him, but that does not make them true!

    References, if you would have taken a moment to read the article I referenced you would have seen them, but I will help you out, seeing you are in such a rush, do you have a deadline hahaha!

  15. My money says some fool thought it would be a great idea to vaccinate everyone on the team for the Flu. Ha, an excellent way to get sick, weaken your immunity and so catch the flu is to get vaccinated for it.

    From Referenced Article:

    "Vaccines usually do not impart long-term immunity because they don't create the kind of memory that occurs when you go through the process of a natural immune response. Natural exposure does not necessarily lead to symptoms of infection – it is possible for your immune system to respond and for you to obtain natural immunity without actually getting sick, if your immune system is functioning well. In fact, vaccines do NOT strengthen the healthy functioning of your immune system, but actually weaken it. Here are just some of the ways vaccines can impair and alter your immune response:

    Some components in vaccines are neurotoxic and may depress your immune response or cause brain and immune dysfunction, particularly heavy metals such as mercury preservatives (thimerosal) and aluminum adjuvants
    The lab altered vaccine viruses themselves may also affect your immune response in a negative way
    Vaccines may alter your t-cell function and lead you to become chronically ill
    Vaccines can trigger allergies or autoimmune disorders. Vaccines introduce large foreign protein molecules into your body. Your body can respond to these foreign particles in a way that causes an allergic reaction or triggers autoimmunty, especially in persons genetically or biologically vulnerable to allergy and autoimmunity

    Getting a flu shot can affect your cardiovascular system because vaccination stimulates an acute inflammatory response in your body, which also could become chronic. One 2007 study published in the Annals of Medicine10 concluded that:

    "Abnormalities in arterial function and LDL oxidation may persist for at least two weeks after a slight inflammatory reaction induced by influenza vaccination. These could explain in part the earlier reported increase in cardiovascular risk during the first weeks after an acute inflammatory disorder."

    Happy Healthy Trails

    Doc Blake cowboy.gif

    Reference Article:
    Flu Vaccine Increases Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu Illness
    articles Mercola dot com flu-shot-increases-flu-illness
  16. Possibilities?
    -Hmmm, it is the third time he bit someone, gee it may be a addiction he has no control overlicklips.gifpoor guy.

    -I thought that this kind of behavior was settled in kindergarden, the Commission could send him back there for a little teacher disciplinepassifier.gif!

    -And he did say, ""I deeply regret what occurred," what a prince! post-4641-1156694083.gif

    -The Commission might put one of those Hannibal crazy.gif masks on him before allowing him on the field again, yes that is the answer?

    -This could change the whole game by changing the name of his position from Striker to Bitervampire.gif?

  17. Here are much better examples of countries decriminalizing all drugs! With references that make things much easier!

    ---Ten Years After Decriminalization, Drug Abuse Down by ...
    www.forbes.com/.../ten-years-after-decriminalization-drug-abuse-in Spain

    Forbes by Erik Kain - Jul 5, 2011 -

    ---Evaluating Drug Decriminalization in Portugal 12 Years Later
    www.spiegel.de › English SiteEuropePortugal

    Mar 27, 2013 - Portugal paved a new path when it decided to decriminalize drugs of all kinds.

    It was the early 1970’s, a time when the medical establishment had not yet considered any relationship between diet and behavioral health, and Schauss questioned why that was so. He had recently come across research showing that Vitamin C interfered with methadone treatment. By testing several hypotheses, he would discover that mega-doses of sodium ascorbate, one of several forms of Vitamin C, mediated opiate receptor sites which allowed addicts to withdraw from heroin without the normal side effects. -


    Video regarding addicts cured With L-Sodium Ascorbate

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