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Doc Blake

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Posts posted by Doc Blake

  1. Holland made all drugs legal and provides needles for junkies. When the law was first passed, drug use spiked...then kids saw addicts passed out in needle park in the rain and heavy drug use declined significantly.

    International drug policy is a failure in two ways. It funds organized crime and creates worldwide bribes to oficials in every country. It also places drug addicts in jail with murderers and professional criminals, making prisons a vast and networked university for lawlessness.

    Over half of USA detainees are there from drug convictions.

    Now that's an entitlement with false pretenses to the moral high ground. The US has more people in prison than every other country except one...North Korea.

    Facts suck.

    Holland did NOT make all drugs legal. Hard drugs NEVER were legalised in Holland NOR were amfetamines or xtc-like stuff. There NEVER ever was a sudden big increase in hard drugs users in Holland either.

    There was and still is a programm where incurable hard drugs addicts were/are given free methadon which they can only use under supervision of a doctor or of certain especially trained nurses. In the first months the project attracted several dozens of non-Dutch harddrugs addicts. They were not allowed into the project and were repatriated. Some of the patients in the project participate(d) in educational programms. They visit schools and talk about their lives to the schoolkids.

    The addicts in the project get a whole set of treatments to make them function to some extents in society with much less criminal behaviour. Nowadays the group of harddrugs addicts in Holland isn't much growing. That means the average age of them is going up. Over 50 years old now! Certain hard drugs that do well in f.i. the UK did not get a market in Holland. Authorities have a very restrictive policy in that.

    About twenty years ago the methadon project was copied more or less in cities like London and New York (!). The reasons were simple: Much less increase of the number of harddrugs addicts in Holland compared to all other western countries. And much less crimes by the harddrugs addicts to provide in their needs.

    Far as I know holland wil be perhaps unique in the fact that it can close down a few prisons because the number of detainees is going down. That is mainly because the drugs-related crimes are less, where effectiveness of police is improving.

    Soft drugs were legalised to some extent. After years of satisfying policy with that there is new development. The Dutch weed improved big time in quality. The THC in it is too much nowadays. That can lead to brain damage and structural problems with the cortex. Therefor now a new model is discussed. Either forbid soft drugs again or make it a government controlled operation. Production is simple and quality can be controlled. Criminalising soft drugs use again is not a real option. No country in the world succeeded in making that work.


    Here are much better examples of countries decriminalizing all drugs! With references that make things much easier!

    ---Ten Years After Decriminalization, Drug Abuse Down by ...

    www.forbes.com/.../ten-years-after-decriminalization-drug-abuse-in Spain

    Forbes by Erik Kain - Jul 5, 2011 -

    ---Evaluating Drug Decriminalization in Portugal 12 Years Later

    www.spiegel.de › English SiteEuropePortugal

    Mar 27, 2013 - Portugal paved a new path when it decided to decriminalize drugs of all kinds.


    It was the early 1970’s, a time when the medical establishment had not yet considered any relationship between diet and behavioral health, and Schauss questioned why that was so. He had recently come across research showing that Vitamin C interfered with methadone treatment. By testing several hypotheses, he would discover that mega-doses of sodium ascorbate, one of several forms of Vitamin C, mediated opiate receptor sites which allowed addicts to withdraw from heroin without the normal side effects. -



    Video regarding addicts cured With L-Sodium Ascorbate



    This is what comes from depending on a government to control our behavior.
    We end up with a Nanny, and an open invitation to interfere directly in our personal lives.
    Unless we ask directly for help, they have no right to force it on us, killing and jailing innocent people in the process.
    ***Sixty thousand Mexican men, women and children have died since 2006 trying to stop drugs from getting to addicts in USA, INSANITY!
    Each individual has the right to happiness even if we harm ourselves, that is our business, not some Nanny government!
    -If we threaten to harm someone else, like driving under the influence that is governments business to protect citizens!

    I'll bet that most commenter's here who think we need a Nanny to control the public's behavior, are those alcoholic hypocrites we always hear from?crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif Yup burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif Do as I say not as I do, and they don't even get the connection!
    • Like 1
  3. Calling for a reduction of prison terms for drugs??

    Arguing that the harsh policy has failed to curb dealing?????

    And you think lower sentences will do this?

    Do these people not see the damges done by Yaba and ice.

    HIgh sentences don't make it better, but neither wil lower ones. At least they feel the pain of their mistakes unlike Holland where sentences are ridiculously low

    What is the exuse as a buddhist to try to and make a profit by ruining others or at least aiding them to ruin themselves.

    A drop in the bucket are the number of people in prison compared to those who are manufacturing, dealing and using! Yet the number in prison are way too many and the punishment does not fit a victimless crime. It is illegally, LEGAL NOW, just like all Prohibitions before, you will not stop this business, never, ever! Anyone, any age can find all the drugs they want to use today, all they need are the bucks. But I guess it makes you feel good to have your interfering nose stuck up their behind?crazy.gif

    There are customers, street addicts, students, business people, wives and they will get what they want damaged by the drugs or not, they will get it. Your Nannie thinking and the governments are not going to interfere with this business other then drive the price higher, bring in more dealers, kill more innocent people, and put more in prison, and all in all, make the situation worse.


    To do what? They don't give a dam about how much you care about the damage being done? There are plenty of them, that if you were standing there between them and anything they want, trying to stop the damage they are doing. Would happily drive their car right over the top of you to get their drugs, booze, gamble, eat too much, smoke their brains out, prostitutes, use MD drugs, and on and on. Maybe being an interfering nanny, and wanting to stick your nose where it does not belong is also an addiction, I am sorry, good luck with that?wai.gif

  4. Pneumonia is very complex and actually vaccination protection is limited because pneumonia can come via bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites even from inhaling a irritating particle.

    The best protection against pneumonia and any infectious disease is the immune system of the person. Because your body is like a garden, if you take care of it it will bring you flowers and food. If you don't take care of it all you will have is viral, bacterial and chronic weeds!

    You can lower your risk of infection by staying healthy, eating a traditional Thai diet with lots of raw vegetables, fruit and brown rice...(not refined white). And avoiding Western junk food and soda pop, staying active, getting enough rest, controlling your weight, and taking vitamin C.
    ---And if someone catches the disease or any infectious disease take very large doses of vitamin C until the persons body is just short of having diarrhea.
    *Why, because infectious diseases kill your cells, and to replace cells takes large amounts of C. And humans cannot create C, so as the disease progresses the cells cannot be replaced. The immunity goes down further, leading to more cell death and lower C, which can lead to death of the infected person.

    Keeping an infected persons vitamin C levels at normal is a very inexpensive, safe way to save their life from any infectious disease!

    Doc Blake

  5. War on drugs does not work. Its just expensive. The people busted will be replaced. The drugs will be replaced. Demand for drugs stay the same.

    Harm reduction is where it's at.

    We have zero control of "harm reduction" until we control the source, quality, and who is selling it, and establish laws to control it! Right now anyone, any age just needs the bucks and it is available. Legalization with law enforcement control, rehabilitation and education is not the perfect answer but it is a far better than what we have.

    Since about 2006, over 60,000 Mexican men, women and children have given up their lives to stop drugs from reaching addicts in the USA??? How many have died here in Asia as part of the same waste of lives and time?

    Doc Blake

    Drug liberalization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Wikipedia, Spain and Italy have since followed Portugal's example. .....Most of South America has gone to partial or full legalization and Canada has legalized Marijuana. In the late 2000s advocacy for drug legalization has increased in the United States.

    Do you advocate legalizing methamphetamine???? Intercepting eight million yaba (methamphetamine) pills is hardly "a waste of time."

    So what if someone uses those drugs, since they are going to use them anyway? That bust did not turn off the tap, it just adjusted the price of the drugs up a fraction, big deal!

    The more you see the price of drugs go up the more you are going to see average people who see those big dollar signs go into the business. And truth be known, most of the busted are competing with some dealer who probably turned them over.

    I personally don't give a dam if someone wants to get high or drunk, why should you? That is their business, as long as they don't break any other laws, like driving under the influence, leave them alone!

    What are you afraid of, if you see one staggering down the street call a policeman!

    A government playing Miss Nanny by interfering with the personal decisions of adults is wasting manpower and dollars, putting their nose where it does not belong.

    And the cost to keep a user or seller in prison is more then it costs to put a couple of kids through college. When they finish the user goes back to using, while the two graduates benefit their country.

    Plus the government benefits by collecting more taxes, keeping a lot less people in prison, and wasting money on the enforcement of an unproductive law. That as I said, "has no victim," but creates victims by this stupidity.

    • Like 2
  6. War on drugs does not work. Its just expensive. The people busted will be replaced. The drugs will be replaced. Demand for drugs stay the same.

    Harm reduction is where it's at.

    We have zero control of "harm reduction" until we control the source, quality, and who is selling it, and establish laws to control it! Right now anyone, any age just needs the bucks and it is available. Legalization with law enforcement control, rehabilitation and education is not the perfect answer but it is a far better than what we have.

    Since about 2006, over 60,000 Mexican men, women and children have given up their lives to stop drugs from reaching addicts in the USA??? How many have died here in Asia as part of the same waste of lives and time?

    Doc Blake

    Drug liberalization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Wikipedia, Spain and Italy have since followed Portugal's example. .....Most of South America has gone to partial or full legalization and Canada has legalized Marijuana. In the late 2000s advocacy for drug legalization has increased in the United States.

    • Like 1
  7. Wrong people to steal from for starters, "members of a famous news agency in Beijing!" Next, a drug addict for a bus driver, sounds excitingshock1.gif, on those mountain roads post-4641-1156694083.gif !

    Wonder how long this has been going on, and how much this addict has skimmed off of who knows how many?
    This is the perfect micro example of the collateral damage from the world wide "lost war on drugs"violin.gif

    Happy Healthy Trails
    Doc Blake


    Time to grow-up and handle victimless drug use the same way we do alcohol and should medical addictive drugs! Say, ever wonder how many prescribed addicts and their pusher MD's are reading Thai Visa?

  8. Victimless crimes, the same old BS. Gambling and gamblers will always gamble, legal or not, same with drugs. Better to legalize it, lay down the basic control laws and of course licenses, the taxes to be collected etc. It will bring the tourists back to Thailand big time.

    Same with drugs, the more the law tries to stamp it out the bigger the fire gets, LEGALIZE DRUGS!

    Doc Blake

  9. Eating and drinking hot and cold food and drink out of plastic bags, a totally insane, poisonous idea that should be against the law.

    Replacing traditional vegetable filled Thai foods with American and European garbage, out of fast food stores and restaurants.

    Totally staying out of the sun to the point of cold weather clothing in the hot sun, wearing hoods and full head covers even when working in the hot sun (that sunlight gives you complete cancer preventing vitamin D, free of charge). With the lame idea (created by ads to sell you creams to turn you white) that you are not pretty unless you are white, BS!

    Cooking on Teflon pots and pans (a teflon surface is worthless and poisonous) using metal cooking tools that scrape the teflon into the food (nuts).

    Wasting money and health on soda pop, because the ads like coke and pepsi look cool! Those ads look cool because that is where they spend their money the soda might as well be sugar and water for all the good it does you.

    Think that vaccinations are healthy for children? America vaccinates their children more then any country in the industrialized world. Yet America's death rate among children 5 years and under is the highest among all industrialized nations.

    Happy Healthy Trails

    Doc Blake xcowboy.gif.pagespeed.ic.OqunRvp1aP.png

    World Bank statistics, death rate among children 5 years and under

  10. Ha, this poisoning and pollution are an investment in the future of medicine in Asia, just like the USA.

    The USA Polluted enough to have autoimmune diseases go from 65 to over 150 plus, Obesity epidemic, Autism epidemic, Diabetes epidemic, 90% of the population on medication for incurable diseases, cancer rates for men 1 in 3 and women 1 in 2, FDA created superbugs like MRSA from overdosing farm animals on antibiotics and on and on, BS!!!

    The business and government people behind this have committed crimes against humanity including murder. They need to be tried and spend the rest of their lives in chains, cleaning up the pollution and pulling up GMO's. What ever fortunes they made needs to be pulled from their accounts and out of their property. And then, a cleaning and a pulling and a pulling and a cleaning until they are in their graves!!!

    Until they fear what can happen to them if they play the game by cheating and killing, they will continue down the same path, cheating and killing.

    Happy Healthy Trails
    Doc Blake biggrin.png

  11. I am a little confused by the article, could be because I have not been reading many national Thailand news articles?

    It says he used a fake gun to rob the bank. Two guns on the table, I would say the one on the right looks like it could be the one he used, no clip pulled. But the other handgun appears real with slide back and clip pulled and what looks like a round in the clip, his back-up real weapon, (a photo of it is on the board)? Or a real weapon from an officer to demonstrate how real his fake looked?

    If it is his real back-up weapon, it would have saved him time in prison to have sold it to buy his lady a gold neck-less. Not 300 thousand worth, but something fairly nice to show he cares while he looks for work.

    Of course people committing crimes tend not to think too deeply about things like, robbing a bank in a town where you are known, what could possibly go wrong?

    One more point, I am assuming he is cuffed in the front. It is remote, but some guys looking at big time prison can get desperate. Go for the gun and clip, as they dive under the table, could turn a press release into an, "OH S--T," fire-fight!!!

    Doc Blake

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