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Posts posted by Jasper4one

  1. Hi:


    I will be going to extend my care visa in 3 weeks and I know I need to show 12 months of deposits from the states showing the required amount of 40,000 with the transfer code FTT ( Bangkok Bank ). But they want a letter also from the bank. What does the letter need to state or show. I don't know what the letter needs to say. I would appreciate the help about this. Thank Jasper

  2. Hi:


    I find myself in a dilemma so here it goes. I'm on a Non O visa and for the past 3 years have been doing the Retirement extensions using the income letters from the U.S. Embassy. However this time I wanted to do the 65,000 Income method ( NO MORE LETTERS ) but I have 2 accounts with Bangkok Bank. One is in my name and the other set up in my son's name whose 7 years old. I get 2 payments every month from SSC. I went to immigration to ask about my next Retirement extension and they said NO. They said I could do a Take Care Visa and I need to show 40,000 for 12 months and of course other documents. 


    The situation is I'm not married to the mother as of now but, planning to marry right after the New year. I don't have the child certificate from the court because we knew we would marry at some point. My name's on the BC and can provide Thai ID Card for him. Will they extend my visa for a year without this?  If not, when I marry the mother will that automatically make me the legitimate father or do I need to still go to the court?  Getting married is it rather quick and easy process once the documents have been processed. Can you marry and get the MC quickly?  Or  can someone suggest me what are my options? such as going to apply for a new Non O and can it be used for marriage and or reapply for an extension based in child support and get the certificate from the court. Please also tell me how long is the process with the court and the cost of doing this. No issues with the mom and child as we are a very close and loving family.


    Please whoever replies to me can you answer all above so I can figure out what to do. My current Non O will expire on Jan.25.2020 so I have roughly 7 weeks to sort this out because I want to remain here with my family. Thank you so very much for Good advice. Jasper



  3. Sorry to repeat this again but no one has replied me with all the answers I need. PLEASE UBONJOE can you reply to me as I know your the man with the correct answers I need. I gotten 2 replies which don't help me or should I say one was CRITICAL of me and the other said it's not my income it's my son's. He's only 6 years old and the money comes to me because he's a dependent I can claim from S.S.  Please I only want replies  no comments about anything else. Thank you


     I'm going to try the 65,000 Income method. My First question is they want to see all 12 months deposit from the bank. I get 2 payments from social security one is for me and I also get a payment for my son. Both combine is more than the 65,000 requirement. The first payment is in my name but the other one is in my son's name whose only 6 years old. So, basically there will be 2 bank statements. Will immigration accept this as income? Every month both payments come to me. It's income but will they understand or they will refuse me?


    I know they want to see the FTT code from the states to Thailand so, what other document do they want from Bangkok Bank is it a letter confirming I do have the accounts with them or is it something else? The last question is do I have to go the branch where I opened the account to get the 12 months statement showing the transfers from the states to Thailand? Please clarify for me.  Thank you very much Jasper




  4. Hi, I like to say thank you in advance for your spot on replies. I'm going to try the 65,000 Income method. My First question is they want to see all 12 months deposit from the bank. I get 2 payments from social security one is for me and I also get a payment for my son. Both combine is more than the 65,000 requirement. The first payment is in my name but the other one is in my son's name whose only 6 years old. So, basically there will be 2 bank statements. Will immigration accept this as income? Every month both payments come to me. It's income but will they understand or they will refuse me?


    I know they want to see the FTT code from the states to Thailand so, what other document do they want from Bangkok Bank is it a letter confirming I do have the accounts with them or is it something else? The last question is do I have to go the branch where I opened the account to get the 12 months statement showing the transfers from the states to Thailand? Please clarify for me.

  5. Hi, I like to say thank you in advance for your spot on replies. I'm going to try the 65,000 Income method. My question is they want to see all 12 months deposit from the bank. I get 2 payments from social security one is for me and I also get a payment for my son. Both combine is more than the 65,000 requirement. The first payment is in my name but the other one is in my son's name whose only 6 years old. So, basically there will be 2 bank statements. Will immigration accept this? Every month both payments come to me. It's income but will they understand or they will refuse me?


    I know they want to see the FTT code from the states to Thailand so, what other document do they want from Bangkok Bank is it a letter confirming I do have the accounts with then or is it something. The last question is do I have to go the branch where I opened the account to get the 12 months statement showing the transfers from the states to Thailand? Please clarify for me.

  6. Hi this is a follow up and I want to apologize for being stupid. Back in 2016 I went to a Thai Consulate in SAVANNAKHET and got a Non O. After that I have been going to Immigration to apply for an extension of stay based on retirement every year since then.

    So just to confirm the announcement today about the Health Ins.


    QUESTION 1. Do I need to purchase in order to extend my stay again this Jan 2020?


    QUESTION 2. I'm planning to marry next year and my wife to be is an employee of the Thai Gov't and has Health Ins. She told me it will cover me so will this be acceptable should the rules change again. Again please answer both and sorry for being dumb in this matter. Best Regards   Jasper

  7. Hi: Good day to all. I am thinking about teaching and I know you need a Non-B in order to teach. I am planning to go to Sanannakhet to apply for my Non-B do I need to produce a Police Clearance for them??? I have heard that sometimes they don't ask but most of the time they want it. Appreciate your kind replies and thank you    Jasper

  8. Hi


    I hope this is the right place to ask. Thank you in Advance for your replies. I wish to get married to the mother of my son and I do not know what is the process or steps needed in order to complete this process. I am an American man who has been in Thailand for 12 years already. Please tell me step by step what and where I must go in BKK. I have heard that I need to go to the U.S. Embassy first to have a document certified or something like that. Then what else and where I need to go and what other documents do I need to supply. Again please be detailed and thank you so much for your help in this matter. Have a great day. Jasper

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  9. Please accept my apology as I know this is not the right place to ask this question.   I need to renew my Thai D.L.  but now they have this App for mobile to show your license and I don't want that. I prefer to carry the plastic one so can I still get that or I don't have a choice now?  Can I request only the physical card to carry in my wallet?  Appreciate any help. Jasper

  10. Hi I just heard that the U.S. Embassy will stop offering the income letters 1st Jan. 2019. My retirement extension is due in Mid Jan. 2019 and I was there yesterday for my 90 check in and asked them any changes to renew retirement and they told me same as last year. I use the income method and I confirmed twice. This was in Mae Sot so I am going to the Outreach in Udon in November can I still get the Income letter from them???  Thanks in advance for your replies. Jasper

  11. Hi and thank you in advance for the honest replies. As everyone knows the British Embassy has announced no more income letters are being offered to their Nationals. I heard and read today that the British Embassy said the American Embassy will soon follow. However, I'm an American and need to renew my retirement visa in early Jan. of 2019 is there any news about the U.S. Embassy stopping this as well? I use the income method of 65.000 Baht and have been using the letter the past 2 years when applying for my visa.  My last question if they are still offering the letter from the EMBASSY I have in the past taken it straight to immigration and they have accepted it with no questions but I have heard some folks had to get that letter certified with MFA.  Do I need to do or same as before just give that only to immigration?  Thank you for your help with this matter.  Jasper

  12. Hi:


    Good day to all so, here's my questions my retirement visa will expire on 25th Jan 2018. I know I need to get my income ( AFFIDAVIT ) letter from the U.S. Embassy. I'm going to the Outreach Program in Khonkaen on 8th November. I do not live in Khonkaen but it's closer to me than BKK. What is the validation period of the letter they will accept to renew my Visa? Also is it okay if I wait like 15 to 20 days before I renew it? I do not know the required number of days before it's too late to renew the visa. I'm asking because I will be on a trip to Malaysia in December and will return on or about 11th January. I like to say thank you for your help in replying to my questions.   Thanks a Lot   Jasper

  13. Hello Everyone just a quick ?. I have a Non-O visa now and its for Thai child support. I got it in Nov and it will expire in Jan. I wanted to apply for my retirement but, not have enough time to get all of my things together. So, can I apply again for a Non O again. I showed them the birth certificate. House bank and mother's Id card. Will it be okay and if they ask why again simply the truth is want to file for retirement and more documents are needed. Thanks a Bunch Jasper

  14. Hi 


    Everyone I have an O visa that I got in Laos in Nov of this year. Its for 3 months and I got it for having a Thai child. ( support )

    My questions are can I extend it at the local IMM ofc and if so how many days would I get and what do I need to show in terms of Documents?

    Since I have the O and provided all documents in Laos do I just complete the one form and copies from the passport?

    Appreciate your kind support to help me be prepared when I go.  Thank you   Jasper

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