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Posts posted by Jasper4one

  1. Hi and Good Morning to all. I like to ask that currenly I'm on an O visa which I got in Laos.

    It's for support of a Thai child and it is for 3 months. Can I extend that here in Khonkaen for 60 days or not?

    I will apply for a retirement visa but not have everything ready to do that now.  I need more time to prepare and what documents do I need to give them.

    Thank you in advance for your help and replies.  Jasper

  2. Hi  Ubonjoe  thank you for your reply but as I said currently my son doesn't stay with us here in KK but in another Province with my gf's mom. That house book does show all of our names on it. They told me 3 weeks ago no need to see the child just a HB that shows the names. So, the ? is will they accept this even though we're not all together here in KK?  Thanks again 

  3. Good Day to all. I like to ask a question about getting a 60 day extension based on being a father of a Thai child.

    Currently on  T.R. and already did the 30 day thing. I have a birth Certificate which shows my name as the father. i went to Khon Kaen Imm 3 weeks ago and tried to get the 60 days but they said they wanted to see the house book that shows my son's name and it should match with the birth certificate. At that time I didn't have that so I got the 30 day extension based on my T.R.


    My question is my son lives in another province with my girlfriend's Mom  ( for now ) until I sort out some other things and then we all will be together sure. The house book does show my name, gf's and my son's name. Weill they accept this though I currently live in KK with the gf because she's studying here and will finish by the end of the year. As I said at the end of the year then we plan to marry and live together. I think it should be ok. I need the 60 days because then I get my state pension and will apply for a retirement visa since I'm 62 now.  Appreciate your kind replies. Thank you 

  4. Hi


    My boy stays with his grandmother (Temp) in another province and I'm staying in Khonkaen. I cannot go to KK and just show the birth certificate. They want to see my son with me?  I need to show something that I'm living in KK?  I have been going there for the past 6 years doing 90 reports and extensions. If I go to Laos I show the house book of where my son is but I'm not staying with him now. This will all change when I apply for my SS.  Do I have a problem here??? What are my options?  Thanks

  5. Good day to all


    Okay here's my situtation I'm currently on a T.R. and I'm waiting to apply for my SS benefits soon. ( SEPT ) Then once that's approved I will apply for a retirement visa. Now, I do not want to bother to get another T.R.  Can I apply for a 60 day extension (FATHER OF A THAI SON) at the local immigration office or can I go to LAOS and apply for a NON-O Visa?


    If I go to the local office here besides showing the orginal birth certificate that does show my name as the father what else do they need to see if anything?

    If I go to Laos what do they want to see to apply for a NON-Visa for father of a Thai child?


    Please advise me in both situations so I can make the best choice in terms of the time I need to apply for my ss.  Thanks a million. Jasper



  6. Hello and Good Day to All.


    I have a Good friend from S. Korea who's currently on a T.R Visa.  It's about to expire very soon. Can she do a border run to Laos and apply at the Thai Consulate and apply for a T.R.?  All she needs is her valid passport and of course fill out the form and provide 2 photos.  Is that right, am I missing anything? The T.R. will be for 60 days but can be extended for another 30 if needed.  Please confirm if this is indeed possible.  Thank you

  7. Good day to all. I like to know what is the process to completely close out my WP? NON B AS WELL

    My WP will expire on 31st March and I do not want to renew it for another year. So, what do I need to bring from my school to give to the labor dept?

    Is there a form I need from the Labor Dept to give to my school to complete and then I give both the WP and the form to the Labor Dept.

    Do I need to go Immigration and provide them with anything? Also when I go out of Thailand/ Lao border what do I need to show them. I will go to apply for a SEV.

    Can I apply for a 7 day extension so, that I can get all my ducks in a row before I go to the border? Thank you in advance for your help as I want ensure I have a easy exit and entry back into Thailand. Jasper

  8. Hi Everyone I'm an American here in Khonkaen, Thailand and have a work permit which will expire the end of this September, 2015.

    I saw on this website maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago that folks from the UK need to provide a Police Clearance Bankground when applying for a WP.

    So, when I have to renew do i need to provide one and if yes, where can i get one? As I said I saw something about Folks who want to be Teachers from the UK here must provide one. Nothing was said about Americans. Though It would make sense for all Foreigners.

    I'm not sure if it's for a first time WP or for all WP'S now. I would appreciate any updated info. Thanks a Million James

  9. Hi Everyone

    Sorry this might be a duplicate request. I like to know what do you need to renew your license in Khonkaen. I have heard you need a Medical Certificate from a Clinic, copies of the passport ( main page and visa page) I have a non-B. Copies of the current D.L. front and back. I'm a teacher do they need copies of my school contract and work permit? Do I need to go to the police station to obtain something for the Driver's License Bureau? Do I need to show proof where I live and what document is that.....

    I kindly would appreciate your help so I'm fully prepared when I go there. Thanks a lot Jasper

  10. Hi Everyone

    I like to ask how to renew your Thai Driver's License in Khonkaen. I have heard you need to do a Medical check ( certificate ) from a clinic, copies of the passport ( main page and visa page ) front n back of the current T.D.L. and I'm a teacher do they want to see my school coontract or work permit? I'm not sure what else they need.

    Again this is in Khonkaen. I appreciate the help. Thanks a lot. Jasper

  11. Hi All

    First of all I would like to thank everyone for their replies. I read them all. After reading the replies it seems best to make it easy and just go to the U.S. Embassy and file the paperwork with them......I would then get a Certificate which makes him an U.S. citizen and it's all legal.... i will marry my now GF in the coming new year and go back to the embassy to make a passport and apply for a social security for him.

    Since he was born here he gets the same benefits as Thais but I'm an U.S. citizen so I want him to have the best of both worlds. My name is on the Birth Certificate. I believe this is the best route for him and me too.

    Once again thank you all for your advice. This is a GREAT site.... It has helped me many times in the past.

  12. Hi

    Please help me. I would like to go to the Town hall or court not sure which place to become the legal father of my son. My son is 2 years old and we are not married. In the future we will. So, for the time being what documents do I need to bring and what form or forms I must complete in order to get this done right. My GF is very okay to allow this as well. Do we need to bring our son with us when we apply? I understand too that I can use this to apply for a Non O VISA. We are planning to marry but, need to work out some details.Please tell me where to go and is it a long process as everything seems to take time here in Thailand. By the way we live in Khonkaen. Thank you for your advice and help.

  13. Just a follow up. Firstly thank you to those who answered my questions and it's very clear what I need to bring. Secondly what did I do to derserve a blasting from Cup-of-coffee? I only ask about the TCT issue. I never said anything about being in Laos or not having the correct documents.

    I just want to say this is a great place to seek help and good advice. I'm a good person and respect the laws here as so I want to do the right thing and be prepared. I REALIZED THAT NO ONE IS PERFECT and that applys to me as well. So, I will forgive him and just move on. I guess everyone has a bad day sometimes,

    Again thank you all for your help and Cup-of Coffee maybe you need to drink less. Take Care

  14. Hi

    Good day to all. Please help me to understand what I need to apply for a Non-B Visa in Laos to be a teacher. I was told a letter and contract from the school, letter from the regional school office. Copy of the passport main page. Some people say a letter from the teacher's council and others say no.

    Some folks say the letter from the teacher's council is for the work permit and to extend the visa to one year.

    My passport expires in July 2015. Will they be ok about this? School year ends in March. appreciate your excellent advice. thank you

  15. I am the father of a 21 month old boy and proud to be a father to him. I'm not married now but its in the plan for the future, I need to ask what do I need to show in order to obtain a NON O visa? I have heard a copy of the orginal birth certificate with my name on it. Copy of my GF'S ID card. We all live together in an rented apartment. Where can I get the form? Will they give me one entry of 90 days? How much is it?

    The next ? is I can go to the court and make it all legal. So what do I need to do and show at the city court in Khonaken. Should I bring my lady with me? I have heard if I have a document showing I went to the court I can get a year long visa. is this true? PLEASE TELL ME EXACTLY WHAT I NEED WITHOUT GOING TO THE COURT NOW.



  16. Hi

    Firstly I want to say thank you in advance for your help. Ok I have a 19 month old son. My girlfriend and I are not married yet. I have been here on TR'S for the past 2 years. Now with the crack down I dare not try to get another one. So, what can i show to get a NON O visa? I have not been to the court yet to make my son legal. I will do that in fact and marry but I not have the time to do it now.... We all live together in an Apartment. I need to show Birth Certificate and what else. I will not go to the Capital of Laos so I plan to go to Mukdahan and over the bridge there. How long will the Visa be good for and can I extend at all.

    Also currently on a TR and I plan to extend it for the 30days... has there been any issues with that? just curious. Thanks to all

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